Mystery Science Theater 3000/Recap/S08/E16 Prince of Space
Film watched: Prince of Space
The Mystery Science Theater 3000 presention has examples of:
- A Day at the Bizarro: The SOL spends the episode travelling through a Negative Space Wedgie, resulting in such weirdness as Mike being retconned into a
ventriloquist puppetrobot, the characters being knocked into separate timeframes while trying to have a conversation, and the Satellite's bridge spontaneously morphing into a "sylvan glen".- The "sylvan glen" sketch is notable as being the only outdoor shot in the show's entire ten-year run.
- Brain Bleach: Mike and the 'bots don't react well to Japanese penises perfectly outlined in costumes that apparently the actors had to go commando in.
Mike: (disgusted) What gets into some civilizations?! |
- Cliff Hanger: "Welcome... to Roman Times!" "Guards, seize them!" (dramatic sting)
- Continuity Nod: "We are Ken!"
- Ending Fatigue: Mocked: After Phantom orders his minions to shoot at the Prince for the hundredth time...
Crow: Come on, the movie's over. Let's just... let's just get out of here. |
- Gretzky Has the Ball: A mild case - the crew responds to the line "It's the Commissioner!" with "Pete Rozelle?" At the time the film was released (1959), the NFL commissioner would've been Rozelle's predecessor, Bert Bell (Rozelle took over in 1960). At the time of the Mystery Science Theater 3000 episode's airing (1997), Rozelle had long since been succeeded as commissioner by Paul Tagliabue (He'd also been dead for a year).
- Oh, the Humanity!: "Oh, the inanity!" "Oh the Japanity!"
- Running Gag:
- "We like it very much!"
- Many jokes about Prince, the singer.
Mike: (as Prince) Just call me 'The Artist'! |
- Special Guest: Phantom of Krankor
- This Is Sparta: "Oh, for crying out -- EACH! OF! YOU! WILL! ENTER! A! SPACE! CAPSULE!!!"