Mystery Science Theater 3000/Recap/S10/E02 The Girl in Gold Boots

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Film watched: The Girl in Gold Boots

Host Segments


Crow shows off his WWBSMND[1] bracelet. Servo gives him a hypothetical situation and asks what Crow would do. Crow's solution? Write a folk song!

Pearl does the throw to commercial.

Segment 1

More fun with WWJD-like bracelets. Down in Castle Forrester, Pearl is acting more mad than usual. Turns out she has to get board-certified with the Institute of Mad Scientists in order to take over the world legally.

Segment 2

Crow forces Mike to pour beer over his most prized possession: A personalized heirloom beer stein. Then Mike says that Crow is also most dear to him, so Crow demands the beer be poured over himself as well.

Segment 3

Crow does a go-go dance while Servo watches. Mike is disgusted at Crow taking off the gold bikini, despite the fact that Crow normally wears nothing as all.

Segment 4

Mike sings a sad song. Crow tries to attract Mike's attention to a fire that just broke out.

Segment 5.

Mike and the Bots dress as Armenian mobsters. The inspector originally tells Pearl that she failed, but he quickly changes his mind when he sees Brain Guy go-go dancing.

The Mystery Science Theater 3000 episode of this movie contains examples of:

  • Brain Bleach: Mike is inexplicably horrified by Crow stripping out of a gold bikini, which is odd since Crow is always nude. Crow points this out to him.
  • Brick Joke: In the first scene, Tom jokes that Michelle steals a toothpick from the diner to sell for travel money. Many scenes later:

Gas station attendant: "Will this be cash or charge?"
Mike: "Ah, will you accept a toothpick?"

  • Fan Disservice: "Can I pony!?"
  • Getting Crap Past the Radar: Harry telling Buz that the inmate who saw them "can't finger you without my help" is followed by Crow saying "seeing as how you're wearing a jumpsuit."
  • Insult Backfire: Crow mocks the beer scene above by "forcing" Mike to pour beer on his most cherished possession: A vintage beer stein. Then Mike points out that Crow is dear to him, so he forces Mike to pour beer on his own head.
  • Running Gag: He's only a child.
  • Weird Trade Union: Pearl spends the episode trying to convince a representative from the Mad Scientist's guild that she should be accredited as one of them. She fails miserably until Observer starts shakin' his groove thing in go-go boots.
  1. (What would Buffy St. Marie do?)