Pokémon: Diamond and Pearl Adventure!/YMMV: Difference between revisions

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[[Category:Pokemon Diamond And Pearl Adventure]]
[[Category:Pokémon Diamond and Pearl Adventure]]

Revision as of 23:52, 13 May 2015

  • Alternate Character Interpretation: Compared to other continuities a few characters are this. Candice stands out, being The Ojou and much more stoic than her other counterparts (which are typically Genki Girl's).
    • Cyrus is also a lot more expressive and zealous in this incarnation, even though he still claims to disregard human emotions.
  • Badass Decay: Regigigas. After the huge buildup it gets, it fades to be really about as powerful as anything else Hareta has, and no one has any reaction to him having a legendary ancient guardian.
  • Base Breaker: Mitsumi. Is she an awesome character with a compelling story, or a Canon Sue with a badly executed story?
  • Complete Monster: Charon. Ordering a suicide bombing as a means of making himself known certainly qualifies him, as do his despicable experiments on pokemon and the heartless attiude he has towards it. His greed and arrogance from the games has gone to new heights as well. And he is the sole character in the series to reject The Power of Friendship as a concept, thinking only of himself.
    • Cyrus seems to qualify for the first three volumes he appears in, but a turning point occurs in the fifth volume that ends up subverting it. When Hareta refuses to hate Cyrus, even after all he's done, Cyrus develops conflicting thoughts concerning Hareta (he's even saddened at the possibility that Hareta died afterward.) Then, after his defeat, he has a Villainous BSOD over what he's done, gives information that helps set things right again, and then goes on to pull a Heel Face Turn in the remaining three volumes.
  • Crowning Moment of Awesome: Can have quite a few.
    • Hareta flinging his shoes and socks off and declaring to Mitsumi and Team Galactic that they're fighting him too.
  • Crowning Moment of Funny: Again, quite a few.
    • "We're going to make you regret that you crossed us! And that you bit me!!"
    • Hansom's notebook. The cartoony sketch of a googly-eyed Galactic grunt, the cover declaring the book to be top-secret...
    • Hareta, Jun, and Mitsumi's versions of where Cyrus could have gone.
      • Jupiter's reactions might make it even better.
    • Most of the running gags with the big-reared Galactic Grunt. Lucario nonchalontly poking the guy with the spike on his paw has to be one of the funniest moments
    • Most of the back pages of the books have a random Pokémon pointing out you're reading the book the wrong way, and Hareta translating in the form of "[Pokemon] says you're reading in the wrong direction!". Volume 5's example? An insane Cyrus glaring and growling at you. "Cyrus says you're reading in the wrong direction!"
    • Volume 6 also has Hareta tell the reader that his dad is saying you're reading it wrong, and his dad's reaction is something along the lines of "Quiet son! You're going to ruin my surprise appearance!"
    • Mitsumi and Mars going gaga over Minun in Volume 7.
    • Hareta calling Fantina 'Grandma', to her annoyance.
    • Cynthia sitting on a Galactic Grunt while Fantina's laughing her ass off over it in Volume 8.
  • Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: Oh yes again a few. Let's list.
    • Hareta fighting to stop Onix's rampage, and Piplup's subsequent revelation.
    • Jun telling Mitsumi that everyone cares about her and they don't want her to go, after her passive suicide attempt.
    • Cyrus telling Mitsumi that the final battle is only for Team Galactic, which she's no longer a part of. Effectively freeing her from her bonds to them. Although she had already been trying to do so, that he finally realised it and, after all those years, did what was truly right, makes it doubly powerful.
    • The final battle with everyone fighting together. Cyrus's smile alone makes it. Compare his relaxed expression there to his incredibly creepy genuine smile in volume 2.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: In a franchise where the only manga most people know is Special (with the occasional anime adapted one'), this series stands out due to its notability and access. Just look at the size of this page.
    • Part of this is that this series actually got released in America in recent times when manga is more popular, so people actually now knew it even existed.
  • Evil Is Sexy: Everyone in Team Galactic except Charon is incredibly hot. Even B-2 if you ignore his most prominant feature.
  • It Was His Sled: That Mitsumi is a former Galactic member. The covers even spoil it.
  • Les Yay: Cynthia's obsession with fighting Mitsumi.
  • Magnificent Bastard: Cyrus
  • Mind Game Ship: Pretty much everything Cyrus does to both Mitsumi and Hareta in volumes 4 and 5.
  • Moral Event Horizon: Charon accomplishes this before he even shows up, what with the would-be suicide bombers ready to take out a crowded stadium basically because he told them to.
    • And as always, Cyrus' plan to, with godly powers, obliterate the universe and kill everyone and everything in it before remaking it all. Unlike Charon, he actually manages to come back around from this, though.
  • Nightmare Fuel: Cyrus's goals, and several of his rants. Not so much what he says (although most of it's pretty scary itself), but the art accompanying them is TERRIFYING.