Role Playing Game Verse

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

A world straight out of a Role Playing Game. Some are adaptations of either computer RPGs or tabletop RPGs. Others were created independently, inspired by these games and their cultural ancestors.

Will use some, if not most, of the Role Playing Game Terms, but how many obviously depends on the writers.

Often set in The Time of Myths or Medieval European Fantasy with any technology being Lost Technology or perhaps Schizo-Tech.

All RPG Anime fall into this category, naturally, but not all Anime set in a Role Playing Game Verse are RPG Anime. Compare RPG Mechanics Verse.

Examples of Role Playing Game Verse include:

Anime and Manga


Video Games

  • Arc the Lad - the game came before the anime, which you can clearly tell from how awful the story is.

Web Comics

Web Original

Western Animation