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Super Dinosaur/Characters

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Characters from Super Dinosaur include:

Super Dinosaur


Super Dinosaur is an intelligent dinosaur who wears a harness that gives him functional arms and a lot of weapons. He hatched from an egg that Max Maximus stole from inner Earth. Maximus experimented on SD granting him exceptional intelligence and a small size (both relative to a normal T-Rex). SD became friends with the Dynamo family, especially Derek, and when the Dynamos learned about Maximus' evil plans SD sided with them against Maximus. SD acts essentially like a human child of Derek's age. The two are best friends but as the only good dinosaur SD gets lonely.

Tropes exhibited by Super Dinosaur include:

Tricerachops: You Don't scare me! you were the precursor to our kind—the early model!
Super Dinosaur: And I'm still going to beat you.

Derek Dynamo

"Follow me, SD--it's time for action!"

Derek is the son of brilliant Doctor Dexter Dynamo. He uses his smarts and an array of gadgets to fight alongside SD. Derek can be a Totally Awesome Insufferable Genius, but he is a hard worker and really cares for his friends and family. Presently he is neglecting his friendship with SD to spend time with Erin Kingston.

Tropes exhibited by Derek Dynamo include:
  • Gadgeteer Genius: Built most if not all of the gadgets he uses.
  • Improbable Age: No older than 15, but he can do battle with all kinds of villains.
  • Insufferable Genius: He's shying away away from this, but he spent the first issue talking about how awesome he and team operation are.
  • Kid Hero: Generally he plays support for SD, but he can be a hero in his own right.
  • Tricked-Out Gloves: Which contain (at least) claws for climbing, a grappling hook, and a variety of bombs.
  • Worthy Opponent: Derek is the closest to this The Exile has.

The Kingstons

Sarah and Bruce Kingston are hired to help maintain Super Dinosaur's armor. They move with their daughters Erin and Erica into the Dynamo Dome. The parents are excellent mechanics and put together some specialized armors for SD. Erin is an excitable and fun girl who takes to her new Dynamo Dome life quickly. Erica is initially angry at being taken away from her friends, but grows to appreciate her new home.

Tropes exhibited by the Kingstons include:

Max Maximus

"The outcome was always inevitable. YOU LOSE!"

Max Maximus is the former partner of Dr. Dynamo and one of the main villains of the series. He can seem Affably Evil at first glance because of how typically comic booky he is, but in issue five we see new depths to his villainy. His goal is to access Inner Earth and use the Dynore, or as he calls it: Maxinite, to create an army of dino people. And then naturally Take Over the World. Fortunately when he was incarcerated his mind was partially erased of Inner Earth, but he escaped and seeks to find a way back.

Tropes exhibited by Max Maximus include:
  • Affably Evil: Arguably subverted. At first glance Maximus is a typical comic book villain. Unsuccesfully using his cronies to fight the heroes and coming up with schemes. Not to mention he's competing with The Exile who is a bit more intimidating. However as the series goes on we're seeing a side of Maximus that sets him aside and makes him a pretty effective villain.
  • Arch Enemy
  • Bald of Evil
  • Villainous Breakdown: Breaks down when he reflects that his Dino Man force is repeatedly beaten by a child and an armed T-Rex.


"Things are not that simple child."

Max Maximus' former Dragon. She was tired of Maximus' treatment of her and the other Dino Men so she bailed and joined The Exile. 'Chops is proud of her race and simply wants freedom from oppression.

Tropes exhibited by Tricerachops include:

The Exile

"I Pity You."

A mysterious figure who is fighting for a world ruled by Dino Men. He is against the Super Dinosaur team as well as Maximus and in fact rallied some of Maximus' Dino Men to his cause including Tricerachops. The Exile wields a staff with weaponized Dynore attached. In actuality he's an alien called a Reptiloid.

Tropes exhibited by The Exileinclude:

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