Webcomic of the Game
A subtrope of Twice-Told Tale and a subgenre of Fan Web Comics: these comics play out the plot of their chosen games, from start to finish. Some comics hold closer to the original storyline than others. Liberties may be taken - via Alternate Character Interpretation, inclusion of original characters, and embellishment (if not outright Retconning) of plot points - the essential plot and major elements remain the same.
Such comics often take the form of an Affectionate Parody.
Examples (In Alphabetical Order)
- Bob and George follows the story of the 8-bit Mega Man games...mostly.
- Many of its subcomics also use this trope, including as MS Paint Masterpieces, which also follows the plot of the 8-bit Mega Man games
- The Chosen Four for EarthBound.
- Concerned - followed the plot of Half-Life 2 as Gordon Freeman unknowingly follows in Gordon Frohman's wake. Frohman is the main character.
- Eight Bit Theater (possibly the Trope Codifier) loosely told the story of the original Final Fantasy I.
- FF6 Comic for Final Fantasy VI.
- Final Fantasy VII the Sevening for Final Fantasy VII
- Dream About Me for the Gray/Popuri thread of Harvest Moon 64
- The Last Days of Foxhound starts out telling the immediate backstory of Metal Gear Solid from the villains' perspective, but sprawls out into the rest of the series, and lampshades almost all the significant plot and gameplay elements of the games along the way. The events of Metal Gear Solid are shown in a deliberately anticlimactic single strip.
- Prequel for The Elder Scrolls series, starring a Woobie Khajiit named Kaita Managan, and Quill-Weave.
- Secret of Mana Theater for Secret Of Mana
- Super Effective for Pokémon Red and Blue - insofar as the original Pokemon games had a story and insofar as it managed to inch into it.
- Pokémon-X does the same for Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire, with Schedule Slip applying there as well.
- Nuzlocke Comics takes a lot of liberties, but the result is awesome!
- Black Adventures, for Pokémon Black and White, may not have started out this way, but it seems to be doing so now.
- Tale of the Cave for Cave Story.
More examples
- There are at least three different Webcomics following the plot of The Legend of Zelda the Wind Waker, at least two of which age-up Link and Tetra to aproximately the age of their Twilight Princess counterparts, in order to circumvent the Lighter and Softer problem. Here's one of them.
- "Of the movies" rather than "of the games", but DM of the Rings for The Lord of the Rings and Darths and Droids for Star Wars (they started with the prequels and have now reached the original trilogy).
- Those have also become their own trope, the Campaign Comic.