Xiaolin Showdown/Awesome

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  • At the end of Royal Rumble, Omi is getting owned by Jack and his sidekicks. He activates the Sun Chi Lantern, absorbs the chi of his friends, and sends the bad guys packing.
  • He gets these from time to time.

Omi: Raimundo, I am begining to think you are not enacting some sort of secret elaborate plan.
Raimundo: Nothing escapes you, Omi.
Omi: Not even you.

  • His Tiger Instincts are pretty awesome.

Raimundo: Tangle Web Comb!
Omi: I'm good. *combs backfires on Rai*

  • Even turned into a kitten Omi still kicks ass!

Omi: Sparrow eating hot dog!
Chase Young: (double take)...Sparrow eating hot dog?

    • Yes ladies and gentelman, Omi just made CHASE FREAKIN YOUNG do a double take!!


  • Raimundo combining the Sword of the Storm and the Eye of Dashi in "Shen Yi Bu", complete with Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liner. It's such an awesome moment that his own subconscious recognizes it as such forty-two episodes later.
    • Raimundo stylishly finishing the showdown for the Moonstone Locust from "The Demon Seed".
    • Raimundo's (justified!) Surprise Checkmate against the T-Rex from "Oil in the Family" echoes the showdown with Gigi.
      • What these three showdowns have in common is Raimundo's attitude during them. Each showdown follows a mistake or failing on Raimundo's part, and as such, they've activated the "brilliant" half of his Brilliant but Lazy-ness. Throughout all three showdowns, typically brash, cocky Raimundo becomes calm and focused on his goal, and he caps off each Badass performance with an effortless and stylish win. The fights showcase why he deserves to be a Xiaolin Dragon.
  • Raimundo's Curb Stomp Battle against Omi in "The Return of Master Monk Guan". When Rai goes all out, he goes all out.
  • In the final showdown of the series, Raimundo takes out all three of the show's major antagonists (as well as Heylin!Guan) by himself and is later promoted to Xiaolin leader.
  • Before that, we have all four monks plus Good!Chase trapped by every enemy. Rai promptly volunteers to drink the bowl of 1500-year-old Lao Mang Long Soup so that the others can escape, even reasoning his case when Kimiko instantly steals it because they don't want him turning evil. He would have gone through with it, too, if Good!Chase hadn't taken it, instead.
  • His Battle in the Center of the Mind in "Dreamstalker".Not only he is able to reject Hannibal's "The Reason You Suck" Speech,finally getting over his fear of not being good enough to be a monk,he also beat him in battle by teaming up with his inner fear.The best highlight is when he made a wind-punch strong enough to leave its shape in a mountain.

Raimundo: I am a wu dai warrior. And I am the best!.



  • Kimiko gets hers in the episode "Tangled Web", when after losing a Shen Gong Wu to Jack and having problems to control another named the Tangle Web Comb, she manages to make a comeback, fully focus on the task and use said comb to win her fight against Jack and get the SGW they were fighting for and get the one he stole at the beginnig back. For double awesome, she does this while wearing a kimono.

Kimiko: "I never met an accessory I couldn't HANDLE!"

  • Then there was that time she used the Mind Reader Conch in conjuntion with some other Wu to get the inside scoop on the groups enemies.
  • Ying-Yang Yo-Yo induced Heylin!Kimiko is pretty scary, and not to be underestimated in a fight ether.
  • When Kimiko blasts Sibini with the Eye of Dashi, combining it's power with her own fire-power in the episode "The Evil Within".
  • Although Chase and Hannibal thought she was Jack at the time, for Disguised!Kimiko to win a Xiaolin Showdown Trio against CHASE YOUNG and HANNIBAL ROY BEAN by tricking them into fighting against each other, which is what caused them both to lose the showdown, clearly pegs this as a CMOA for Kimiko and a very strong argument for Brains Over Brawn.
    • Although, her disguise almost didn't work because It is highly hinted at the end of the showdown that Chase figured out it was Kimiko who fought and not Jack
  • Raimundo sends Kimiko's PDA a virus. What does she do with it? She isolates it while calmly sitting in Jack Spicer's cage after he catches her, calmly ignoring her opponent's taunts all the way even as he leaves to steal their Wu, and then sends it to Jack's computer so that she can escape. Then she crashes a car into the robot impersonating her, right after RoboKim catches all three guys.


  • One that comes to mind is Clay defeating an Enemy Mime that was copying his every movement. So Clay punched himself in the face, causing the mime copying him to knock himself out, while all Clay got was a black eye. Dojo put it best:

Dojo: Way to take one for the team there.



  • Dojo defeating the Sapphire Dragon in "Night of The Sapphire Dragon" by downing two bottles of hot sauce and breathing a gigantic stream of FIRE certainly qualifies.
  • Dojo turning into his giant form, coiling around the monks protectively, and breathing fire at Chase freakin' Young and an army of Elite Mooks towards the end of "Saving Omi." It doesn't come to anything, but for Dojo, it's seriously rising to the occasion.

Jack Spicer

  • Even normally ineffectual villain Jack Spicer got one, when he used what everyone agreed to be the most useless Shen Gong Wu (the Changing Chopsticks) to essentially pwn the good guys and steal all of their Shen Gong Wu in a Xanatos Gambit that the good guys didn't even realize until the episode was over.
    • Defeating Katnappe with the Reversing Mirror right after he had been woken up by the commotion. Despite being one of the most relatively normal characters on the show, he sure has some mad reflexes.
    • How about the snowboarding showdown? Turns out that Spicer isn't quite so ineffectual in challenges where snow-sports are involved.
    • Not to mention Time After Time Part 1, where he, ya know, took over the whole world.
    • I'm surprised nobody mentioned the part where he punched Robo!Jack square in the face, knocking him to the ground, and then ran over him in "The Apprentice". I don't know about you guys, but I found that part really surprising, seeing that this is Jack we're talking about.
      • Not to mention his prior face-off with Robo!Jack, in which Jack beheaded his robot double using the Shard of Lightning. Granted, it's a short-lived victory, but it's unexpectedly badass for Jack.
    • And of course there's Days Past. Heylin-mode Raimundo has the Xiaolin monks cornered and mockingly offers to let them join the Heylin. When they refuse, he taunts, "Face it. I'm the only one that can save you!" A calm voice abruptly replies, "Wrong." Jack then flies in with a new aircraft, completely destroys the rock-gollums surrounding the monks, saves them, then flies off, all within nine seconds. The reasons behind him taking a level in badass? He doesn't want Wuya taking over the word, because that's his job.
  • Even Good!Jack gets one when he instantly traps the Chi-Creature in the Sphere of Yun while everyone else was paralyzed with fear.
  • The beginning of 'In The Flesh', where Jack builds his Shen Gong Wu Detectobot, showing that he no longer has to take Wuya's crap.

Jack: Face it, you old witch. You're obsolete.

  • Maybe it's because of his characterization, but when Jack isn't being the Butt Monkey these moments tend to stand out. How about when he trapped Chase Young in the Sphere of Yun and took over his fortress?


  • The freakin' theme song.
  • There's also Wuya's return to power in the season one finale; from the moment the Sun's first blotted out and the forest around her's drained of life, up to her fiery incarnation and unmasking, the broodingly apocalyptic music is perfect. And though it's no surprise now, Wuya's first appearance in a body also counts as something of a Samus Is a Girl moment: we knew that Wuya was a female ghost/witch/hag, but had no clue that she'd be the Xiaolin Showdown poster girl for Evil Is Sexy.
  • Master Monk Guan earns his in his showdown against Chase Young. Especially when he used an awesome Ki Attack to finish off the showdown, sending him flying through the spiral of mirrors, breaking each one on the way until he reaches the middle.
  • While he lost in the end, Master Fung managed to last several minutes going up against a full power Chase Young, while in a full body cast and motorized wheelchair, while using only his finger and the changing chopsticks held in his mouth.
  • For the show as a whole: the fight between Omi and Hannibal in "Wu Got The Power," in which Omi and Hannibal are converted into beings of pure energy and bend the forces of nature around them for their fight. They clash as enormous cloud-beings while dramatic lightning strikes and the elements tear at the Earth. Even the animation becomes more detailed to match the ramped-up level of destruction.
  • When Omi travels back in time to witness Dashi, Guan and Chase fighting Wuya's stone golem army. All Omi can do is watch in amazement as the episode ends.
    • In one moment, Chase rips out the stone heart from one of the generals.