• Ice Age: Three mammals and a baby. Also, unlucky guy tries hiding his food.
    • Ice Age: The Meltdown: The mammals meet three even weirder mammals. The day is saved by the unlucky guy.
    • Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs: One of the mammals discovers fatherhood. An attempt of another to do the same leads him to need rescue. The unlucky guy meets the woman of his dreams... and leaves her behind for food.
  • Idiocracy: Blood Sports are used as punishments, and humans nearly go extinct from incompetence, famine and drought. It's a comedy.
  • Igor: A mad scientist's assistant invents something revolutionary, with the help of an immortal suicidal rabbit and a brain in a jar. His plans backfire when his invention does not turn out evil, and instead aspires to be Annie.
  • In Bruges: Mad-Eye Moody, Fleur Delacour and Lord Voldemort hang out in a small Belgian town with Colin Farrell and a midget. They all try to kill each other.
  • An Inconvenient Truth: Famously dull former politician delivers slide-show presentation with errors in it; receives two Academy Awards for his trouble.
  • Inception: 8 people fall asleep in the first class cabin of a plane.
    • Or: Man with daddy issues gets mind raped by 7 people he doesn't know, on the request of a man that he didn't know he threatened.
    • Or: A guy kills his wife and leads a group in feeding a perfectly fine guy lies. He gets over his justified guilt and succeeds. It's a good ending.
    • Or: A film where you're not sure whether anything really happens.
    • A man deals with his guilt over the death of his wife; very, very metaphorically.
  • The Incredible Hulk: A man tries to deal with his inner demon, but his girlfriend's father won't let him.
  • The Incredibles: Two former celebrities and their children fight a wannabe ex-fan.
  • Independence Day: A witty pilot and a cable repairman get into a fifty year-old used vehicle. Genocide ensues.
  • Indiana Jones: College professor kills soldiers and steals priceless cultural treasures at the request of the United States government. Smash hit.
  • Inglourious Basterds: Brutal, sadistic Jewish psychopathic war criminals versus witty, urbane German psychopathic war criminals.
    • Or, Quentin Tarantino teams up with Eli Roth, Brad Pitt, and the Jewish kid from Freaks and Geeks. Their mission is to stab history in the face. With a baseball bat.
  • Ink: A ragtag bunch of invisible, stylish, physically fit, attractive dead people try to get a young girl to wake up after she is kidnapped by an albino with a gigantic schnoz. This can only be done if her dad stops being a Jerkass.
  • Interview with the Vampire: A dysfunctional family consists of an effete Parisian socialite, an Emo former slaveowner, and an increasingly bitter "child" who kill for fun and profit. Later, two of them conflict with a theatrical group.
    • Queen of the Damned: A French violinist forms a rock band, pisses off all of his old friends, and gets kidnapped by an Egyptian nymphomaniac.
  • I Am Legend: A cure for cancer...doesn't. Vincent Price, Charlton Heston, and Will Smith have all starred in versions of this film.
  • I Robot: A detective, while investigating a death in a corporate building, learns that the company's new product line is defective.
  • The Iron Giant: A boy keeps a big tin can in his family barn. They become best buddies.
    • Or: Two children discuss the value of peace and life. Then, bigger one responds by shooting at the United States military and taking a nuclear missile to the face and being blown apart, then recovering.
    • Or: Someone else's hunting trip makes someone uneasy. In the climax they respond by taking a nuclear missile to the face.
  • Iron Man: Terrorists put an engineer in a cave with a box of spare parts. This leads the man to solve unethical business practices of his company.
    • OR: A rich guy goes to Asia to drink and flirt, gets a new suit, and leaves with a new enlightened outlook on life.
    • OR: Rich drunk with a heart condition builds flying hot-rod, races larger hot-rod.
    • Iron Man 2: Rich drunk man tries not to get killed by his hot-rod and/or knockoffs of it.
  • Iron Sky: Nazis from the dark side of the moon invade America in 2018 with space zeppelins and flying saucers. Their superweapon runs off of an iPad.
  • It's a Wonderful Life: Man attempts suicide at Christmastime, is instead temporarily transported to a messed-up version of his hometown.
  • It Happened One Night: A dotty rich girl flees her overbearing father and goes on a road trip with a drunk newspaperman. The two gripe at each other a lot. It's a romantic comedy.
  • Its a Boy Girl Thing: Geeky girl and Jerk Jock switch bodies. Hilarity Ensues.
  • It's A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World: Car accident causes national park to increase its number of visitors.
    • Or: People look for money independent of each other, causing incidents along the way.
  • I Walked with a Zombie: A nurse is summoned to a Caribbean island to attempt curing a woman of zombie-ism.