Blade II

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Blade II is a 2002 action horror film directed by Guillermo del Toro. It had Wesley Snipes returning as Blade.

Tropes used in Blade II include:

You're human?
Barely; I'm a lawyer.

  • Anti-Villain: Some of the Blood Pack. Nomak is also a bordering example... while distinctly villainous, his danger to humans is more incidental than intentional, as he focuses on vampires when he can.
  • Bad Guy Bar: The House of Pain, a sadomasochistic vampire bar.
  • Bald of Evil: Damaskinos, Reinhardt, Nomak, and the Reapers. Damaskinos originally had hair during filming, but it was soon removed because it made him look like Michael Bolton according to Guillermo del Toro.
  • Barehanded Blade Block: Blade does this in the second film. Even bringing the blade toward his face afterwards whilst his opponent struggles to push it through his hands.
  • Beauty Is Never Tarnished: Nyssa dissolves gently into sparkles, instead of violently charring away to a skeleton and then dust while screaming like every other vampire exposed to sunlight does.
  • Big Bad: Nomak.
  • Blood Bath: Vampire Lord Damaskinos wades into a small but literal pool of blood. Later on, Blade is rejuvenated when he takes a nosedive into one such pool.
  • Body Horror: The transformation into a reaper is very painful (provided the victim has been bitten for long enough to properly drain them, as happens to Priest), a victim's hair falls out, their skin goes deathly pale, their jawbone dissolves, their chin separates into two pieces and sprouts fangs, and their tongue turns into a sucker. That's just what we see on the outside.
  • Brick Joke: The fate of Rush. This also happens midway through in a blink and you'll miss it encounter in the House of Pain.
  • Color Coded for Your Convenience: When Reapers are "ashed", they explode in a flash of blue light, as opposed to a regular vampire's red-orange.
  • Create Your Own Villain: Nomak and the entire Reaper sub-species was the result of the Vampire Leadership trying to genetically erase the typical vampire weaknesses. The Reapers are immune to garlic and silver and their hearts are surrounded by solid bone ("Try and get a stake through THAT!"), but are still just as vulnerable to sunlight/UV rays. What they didn't expect was the Reapers could turn humans and regular vampires into Reapers through mere sharing of sweat, let alone blood and vampire bites - hence their recruiting Blade to help them fix their own mess.
  • Dual-Wielding: Nyssa and Assad both wield a pair of swords when they infiltrate Blade's hideout. Blade responds by wielding his sword in one hand and his sword's scabbard as a parrying weapon in his offhand. Earlier in the film a pair of the mooks guarding Whistler dual wield fighting sticks or batons of some sort and Blade retaliates by dual wielding a pair of silver stakes as if they were daggers.
  • Dying as Yourself: A variation. Nyssa has been bitten by Nomak, and will become a Reaper. Blade gently carries her out into the sun, so she can die as a vampire.
  • Enemy Mine: Blade's teaming with the Bloodpack.
  • Food Chain of Evil: Reapers have knocked vampires off the top, and whilst they do attack the occasional human, vampires are currently their main source of food. The situation is lampshaded by Whistler.

Whistler: "They're just shitting bricks cause they're no longer top of the food chain."

  • Groin Attack: Blade kills one vampire by staking it in the crotch in the opening scene.
  • Intimidation Demonstration: As Nyssa approaches Blade before their duel, she whirls her blades around to display her swordsmanship. The scene can be viewed here.
  • Kryptonite-Proof Suit: The Bloodpack's Instant Awesome, Just Add Ninja outfits from the opening fight scene.
  • Lighter and Softer: Averted. Blade II plays up its campiness a bit more, but is also more of a horror film than the original.
  • Looks Like Orlok: Damaskinos and the Reapers.
  • Mix-and-Match Weapon: Reinhardt carries a pair of Beretta pistols that have huge blades extending from the grips to the end of the barrel, allowing them to be used as guns or knives. According to the weapon's designer TyRuben Ellingson the weapon was originally designed for Blade but was given to Reinhardt during production.
  • The Mole: Scud, though Blade already knew about him.
  • Mugging the Monster: In the beginning of, three vampires try to forcibly extract blood from Jared Nomak. They realized the consequences too late.
  • Non-Action Guy: Scud, in contrast to the Badass Normal Whistler.
  • The Older Immortal: Eli Damaskinos.
  • Power Walk: Blade and the Bloodpack walking into the House of Pain, with Massive Attack blaring on the soundtrack.
  • Smug Snake: Reinhardt and Scud, neither of whom are anywhere near as clever or awesome as they seem to think.
  • Sword Sparks
  • We Can Rule Together: Damaskinos tries this with Nomak. Unfortunately for him, he fails to sell it well enough.
  • Wrestler in All of Us: Blade busts out a vertical suplex in the second film. Later, Nomak hits Blade with the Savage Elbow Drop.
  • You Fail Biology Forever: Novak is a "carrier" for the Reaper condition, but carriers by definition are not affected by their carried disease/gene defect. Novak clearly has some of the traits of the other Reapers. He has their general appearance, split jaw, heart shield, and drug addict-like appetite for blood. The only difference seems to be that he has retained his intelligence.
    • That's because Novak wasn't "infected" by the Reaper virus, he was created with it inside of him. The traits he shares with other Reapers aren't symptoms, they're just part of his biology.
  • You Have No Idea Who You're Dealing With:

Blade: You obviously... do not... know who you are fucking with!