
Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

  • Angel Devil Shipping: Put someone who is in the Frank’s gang (angels) with someone in the Morty’s gang (devils), and you get this.
  • Awesome Ego: Victor and Morty. Frank can also count.
  • Base Breaker: Victor. Fan opinion splits between those who plainly love him, those who think he's an hilarious Unsympathetic Comedy Protagonist, and those who consider him an utter scrappy.
  • Crazy Awesome: Frank. Just... Frank.
  • Crosses the Line Twice: Always.
  • Draco in Leather Pants: Morty embodies this trope. Due to his style and hilarious behavior, some forget how much of a sociopathic kid he is.
    • Victor himself is a downplayed example. He's not evil per se, but he's still an unrepentant Jerkass Spoiled Brat. Fandom downplays his more unpleasant qualities.
  • Dude, Not Funny: The third album's story about Skin and bulimia jokes can be considered this. Either that, or an example of Crosses the Line Twice.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Frank became the comic's Breakout Character due to being this.
  • Evil Is Cool: The "Muerte Chunga" team uniforms in the fourth album. This is acknowledged In-Universe, with Momses wishing Guillotine would have made them their uniforms too. Considering his team's overly pink, strawberry uniform, it's not without reason.
    • Morty is considered this in general. As does Miss Hit.
  • Foe Yay: Any couple listed in Angel Devil Shipping, mostly Frank/Morty, Lupo/Skin and Gus/Quasim.
  • Funny Moments: The entire comic. No kidding.
  • Growing the Beard: While the first album ("El Veneno de Porcelana"/"The Porcelain Poison") was already pretty good, the second album ("The Perfeccionator") proves to be this due to the increase in quality, better storyline and amounts of characterization on the main and secondary characters.
  • Ho Yay: Lots of it.
  • It Was His Sled: Miss Hit is Henrietta's evil alter-ego. It was so painfully obvious not even the album itself tries to hide it.
    • In the fourth album, Victor betrays the Frank's Gang and joins Morty's Gang. Again, the album's cover and description spoils it.
  • Jerkass Woobie: Victor Von Piro has shades of this. He’s undeniably a spoiled jerk who treats everyone like total crap and only thinks about himself, doing such things like helping the villain to achieve his goal and betraying his own friends by joining their rival's gang. However, those things were done to come back to his former home Miedópolis, failing in both cases. Also, his life really sucks, if you think about it: He has a very embarrassing family, is a Lonely Rich Kid who has No Social Skills; and, to top it all off, he's pretty much the universe's punching bag (although he sometimes deserves it). You want to punch him in the face for being such a jerk, but also feel sorry for the guy, or at least understand him a bit better.
    • To say nothing on Miss Hit. Sure, she's a queen bitch, but being the Super-Powered Evil Side of Henrietta, is not like she choosed to be that. Her Freak-Out after discovering her true self is still Henrietta only remarks her woobie-ness.
    • Add to that list Flan Hellsing. A monster hunter, he's absolutely pathetic and, deep down, he knows it.
  • Moral Event Horizon: When we first met Morty Vivente, it's pretty clear he's a jerk. But when he hires a minimonster-eater giant spider to eat his own rivals just to ensure his victory, it shows his true sociopathic nature. He crossed it even before by making Victor clean the town's local dump, so Billy and his family would get extremely sick, preventing Billy from being used as a replacement.
  • Nightmare Fuel: There's hell of a lot in this series, along with Nausea Fuel.
  • The Scrappy: While most of the characters have some certain Love It or Hate It vibes, you'll be hard-pressed to find someone who likes Quasim, an ugly, stupid, painfully unfunny douchebag whom rarely pays for his actions. The fact his favourite victims are Gus and Lupo's little siblings only makes him even more hated. He's so unlikeable that when Miss Hit gives him a Megaton Punch twice in the second album, it comes as a glorious and awesome Take That, Scrappy! moment, finally getting some comeuppance for his actions.
    • To be fair, he's also this trope In-Universe, which makes him more of a Hate Sink. Still, he qualifies for this trope due to the moments when he's present being the weakest parts of the comic.
    • Frank's older sister Francesca is also disliked due to being an insufferable Bratty Teenage Daughter. Thankfully, she's a very minor character.
  • Toy Ship: All canon and non-canon Minimonster pairings, most of them being Ho Yay.
  • Ugly Cute: Every Minimonster is cute, but Piruja takes this trope to a whole new level.
  • Unpopular Popular Character: Victor Von Piro. Hated In-Universe, loved (or at least more liked) by the fandom.
  • The Woobie: In Mini Monsters, most characters have moments, but these are the most prominent ones:
  • What Do You Mean It's for Kids?: Seriously, with all the Toilet Humour, Black Comedy and sexual innuendo, it’s surprising that is still considered for kids.
    • Now that the ¡Dibus! magazine has closed, one wonders if it still be considered for kids...