Mortal Kombat 11/Characters

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Here are the characters that were introduced in this game. For the remaining ones, check the MK1, MK2, MK3, MK9 and MKX character sheets.

New characters


  • At Least I Admit It: Sure, she's a Manipulative Bitch and Chessmaster who has purposely orchestrated events throughout hundreds of timelines, resulting in Raiden and Liu Kang always becoming mortal enemies, and once Raiden figures this out in the current one, she doesn't even try to deny it. She claims he has discovered her plan several times, that his vow not to fall victim to such is nothing new to her. This comes back to bite her in the end; Raiden is full of surprises.
  • The Bad Guy Wins: No matter what happens, she will succeed in rewinding time and restarting reality; in the Good Ending, however, her death means the new timeline will form without her interference for the first time.
  • Bald Women: Like D'Vorah, she has zero hair on her head.
  • Big Bad: Set off the events of the game because she believes Raiden's actions ruined her work's "perfection", the old time line. And isn't above allying herself with Shao Kahn to fight against Raiden.
  • Bigger Bad: Of the entire franchise. Her constant rewinding and restarting of time means that every single ending of every game - canon or otherwise, both Arcade Ladders or Story Modes - actually happened, with most discarded as failed experiments.
  • Blue and Orange Morality: The old time line not only ends with Shao Kahn winning, the presumed unification of all realms would destroy reality as the characters know it and reform "The One". Yet, Kronika thinks there's something "perfect" around it.
  • Chessmaster: The promises she makes allow her to build an army in a frighteningly-short amount of time, her pawns never seeming to question the numerous contradictions and flaws in her overall promises; of course, she likely has no intention to keep any of them, as she could avoid doing so simply by leaving them out when she rewrites the new timeline.
  • Chekhov's Gunman: It seems she's the woman who took over Jade's body in her MK9 ending AND the one who sent Kitana visions in her MKX one.
  • Dishing Out Dirt: Or more specifically, sand. Her attacks during the boss battle seem to have a sand-theme.
  • Deal with the Devil: Her plans include making bargains with several villains - and one of the heroes, Jax - making promises in exchange for their service. To summarize:
    • The revenants of the Netherealm are promised a timeline where they avoid the curse placed upon them and Raiden is erased from existence.
    • The Black Dragon members are offered a version of Earth where they are free to pursue their criminal organization unhindered with far greater profit.
    • Shao Kahn and his followers are offered rulership of a multiverse-spanning empire free from the Elder God's stringent conditions.
    • Sektor, Noob Saibot and Frost are offered leadership of their respective clans, which would be reshaped to their personal ideals.
    • Scorpion is promised a timeline where his family and clan survive.
    • Jax is promised a life where he can still be a proud soldier and his daughter never risks her own life as one.
  • Gold and White Are Divine: She is the goddess of time and wears golden armour.
  • It's All About Me - Lack of Empathy: Pretty much her mottos. All the timelines will be rewritten to HER whim, everyone (her children included) will obey HER desires, etc. etc.
  • It Runs in The Family: She's Shinnok's mom, something that explains a lot.
  • Light Is Not Good: Her appearance suggests an angelic, celestial being that literally glows with radiance, yet is as omnicidal and destructive as any previous main antagonist.
  • Our Gods Are Greater: She is Cetrion and Shinnok's mother, and therefore, a deity.
  • Our Titans Are Different: She even refers to herself as a Titan before the Final Battle, and she certainly fits the description, being older than even the Elder Gods. In Arcade Ladder Mode, Scorpion and Sonya's endings show that she isn't the only one.
  • Pragmatic Villainy: She warns Geras not to kill the younger versions of Liu Kang and Kitana, knowing that, if they die, their future revenant selves will cease to exist, and they are needed to
  • Set Right What Once Went Wrong: She didn't like the outcome of Mortal Kombat X events, so she decides to go back in time to stop them.
  • SNK Boss: Continuing the tradition of the franchise, Kronika is ridiculously overpowered as a boss. While you only have to defeat her one round (as opposed to two out of three) she attacks with a relentless onslaught that can decimate your character quickly. First off, while X-Ray Moves could hurt the Final Bosses of the previous two games, Fatal Blows (their equivalent in this game) do literally nothing to Kronika, nor do grapples and certain specials. What's more, she summons a Kombatant to fight for her (presumably chosen at random) when she hits two-thirds and one-third of her health. This Kombatant is thankfully much weaker than he/she is in other fights, but once it's defeated, Kronika re-enters the fight with new powers to pound you with. The first time she can summon a raging dinosaur to trample you (which mercifully, she can only do once) but the second time she can call plummeting meteors from the sky, which are unblockable and do terrible damage if they connect. Her normal specials are even worse; sand projectiles that hone in on you, a shield you have to smash through, and most annoying of all, an insanely fast, unblockable laser that, should it connect, does a LOT of damage and leaves you unable to move and at her mercy for a few seconds - or rather, her lack of it, as she'll use the time to pull off all the combos she is able to.
  • Time Stands Still: Able to do this.


  • And I Must Scream:
    • In Chapter 11, Raiden makes him sink in the Sea of Blood. Since Geras can't die by drowning, Kronika can't resurrect him. Also, the sea is bottomless, so his chances of escaping are basically zero. Of course, with Liu Kang replacing Kronika and reshaping the universe's timeline, what happens to him may as well be a Riddle for the Ages.
    • In his tower ending, Geras reveals he has gotten tired of being resurrected again and again by Kronika, and turned on her in the hope he could create a perfect timeline and rest.
  • Alternate Company Equivalent: He's a black man with time powers who is implied to have the capacity to reincarnate. Hello, Zasalamel.
  • Badass Baritone: As deep-voiced as he's badass.
  • Co-Dragons: He and Cetrion are this to Kronika.
  • Dishing Out Dirt: Manipulates sand to fight.
  • Icy Blue Eyes: Offering a stunning contrast with his dark skin.
  • Punch Clock Villain: Geras holds no malevolence towards our heroes and is simply doing what Kronika commands because she commands the hourglass. By the time of 1, he is revealed to have become a loyal servant to Liu Kang simply because he now holds the power over the hourglass.
  • Resurrective Immortality: Kill him, and in question of seconds he will reconstruct himself and, worse, will have learned of his mistakes.
  • Scary Black Man: A dark-skinned man on the side of Kronika.
  • Turned Against Their Masters: In Tower mode he turns against Kronika because he is sick of her reviving him again and again and again....


  • Affably Evil: Calm, more or less polite, and quite vicious in-story. i.e, in a Tower Mode talk against Liu Kang he tells her that he used to pray to the Elder Gods as a child and she replies that she always listened to said prayers.
  • Anti-Villain: She's not completely on board with Kronika's plans, but still follows her because she is her mother and her love and loyalty to her override all her doubts... to the point of slaying her fellow Elder Gods and then sacrificing herself to empower Kronika, all on Kronika's orders. The newly deified Liu Kang lampshades it via noticing how hesitant she is to actually fight him in the Story Mode.
  • Boobs of Steel: Has a large chest AND is an accomplished fighter.
  • Co-Dragons: She and Geras are this to Kronika.
  • Elemental Powers: She is Mother Nature, as an MK Fighter. 'Nuff said.
  • Evil Costume Switch: Averted but then played straight. When she goes after Jax and Jacqui to get Kronika's crown, she is still in her default costume. But when confronting Liu Kang in Chapter 12, she is wearing her "Dark Cetrion" costume.
  • Fertile Feet: She does this in her introduction.
  • Hot Goddess: A beautiful lady in green, and an Elder Goddess.
  • Pretty Butterflies: One shows up in her victory pose.


  • Because You Were Nice to Me: He loyally serves Shao Kahn because he helped him and his race.
  • Creepy Souvenir: In his Fatality, he literally takes parts of his victim's body to keep them.
  • Evil Debt Collector: He was this for Shao Kahn.
  • Fantastic Racism: He justifies his loyalty to Shao Kahn for the fact he helped in changing his race's reputation in Outworld, from despised to feared. He seems to have overlooked the fact the other races probably now despises them even more.
  • Greed: All he is seen to be interested is in into material belongings.
  • His Name Really Is "Barkeep": He's a tax collector named Kollector. Supposedly, his whole species is like this.
  • Knife Nut
  • Multi-Armed and Dangerous: SIX arms, to be exact.
  • Multiversal Conqueror: In his tower ending, after turning into the Emperor of Outworld, he decides to take over the other realms via Mortal Kombat.

Guest characters

The Terminator

  • Alternate Self: Thanks to the contradictory intros who gave several backstories, it's pretty obvious several Terminators were sent back to the MK verse from several timelines, all with the same template.
  • Anti-Villain: The main one only cares what is best for the machines, no matter what.
  • Cyborg: It's is a robot, but it contains organic parts for the sake of infiltration.
  • Skele-Bot 9000: He shows up in this form like in the films.

The Joker

  • "BANG!" Flag Gun: He has one of these in his outros.
  • Born Lucky: In a intro with Jade, he implies this is the reason behind his ability to survive.
  • Fighting Clown: He uses crowbars, wheelchairs, and mechanical boxing gloves, but is isn't any less efficient than the average fighter on this game.
  • The Fourth Wall Will Not Protect You: In his ending he directly threatens the player and "breaks" the tv screen.
  • Obviously Evil: His maniac grin, pale face and bloody red lips makes him a very obvious threat. Nightwolf's intro against him has Nightwolf outright call him a danger to all.



John Rambo

  • Badass Normal: Doesn't even use the fancy hi-tech weapons of other human characters without supernatural powers.
  • The Archer: He is usually pretty stoic and uses a longbow in combat, fitting the stereotype to a T.
  • The Unfettered: In one of his intros against Nightwolf, he states he will do everything that is possible to defeat Kronika.
  • Turned Against Their Masters: When Shang Tsung proposes servitude in one of the intros, Rambo answers he will do this if he is badly treated.