Portal Breach/YMMV: Difference between revisions

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** Referring to [[The Scrappy|Meredith]] as a blob, and Meredith's trademark face of [[Tastes Like Diabetes|:<]], the various [[Crack Pairing|Crack Children]], [[The Stoner|pot brownies]], and Keaton's shedding.
* [[Memetic Sex God]] - Swindle is a pimp and Kev/Everyone is a legitimate pairing. Yes, even with the guys. Also Zurg, who seems to be crushed on by [[Catgirl|catgirls]] and power-hungry gold diggers.
* [[Nightmare Fuel]] - The most recent Halloween plot was based off of [[Silent Hill]] ([[In Name Only|not really]]), and the characters' encounters provided us with gems such as Hellboy beating [[The Emperor's New Groove (Disney)|Kuzco]] to death, Jo's [[Does This Remind You of Anything?|re-encounter with]] [[False Friend|an ex]], Kev getting [[Impaled Withwith Extreme Prejudice|stabbed]] through the chest with a sword, and [[Woman Scorned|Jana]] being forced to face a [[Dark Secret|dark]] [[Love Makes You Evil|secret]]. The finale was almost [[Cut Short]] too.
* [[The Scrappy]] - The most prominent Scrappies are:
** The [[Retcon|first two]] versions of [[Danny Phantom|Dani]], for several reasons, including being a [[Purity Sue]], being a [[White Knight]], and [[The Power of Hate|her unfounded hatred towards Zurg]], especially when [[Double Standard|compared]] to her adoration of her 'brother' [[Danny Phantom|Phantom]], even though he's done some very [[Rape Is a Special Kind of Evil|unspeakable]] things. Its no wonder she was [[Kick the Son of Aa Bitch|killed]] in such a way [See: [[Dark Secret]]] and was barely mourned. Ironically, the third Dani is more liked.
** Likewise, the second Dani's [[Makes Just Asas Much Sense in Context|daughter]] Meredith was not well liked, for being a [[Bratty Half-Pint]], a [[Cousin Oliver]], and just plainly being [[Tastes Like Diabetes|unendingly cutesy, adorable, and a plain out anklebiter.]]
** [[Danny Phantom|Valerie]] killed a passing [[What Measure Is a Non-Human?|monster]] and made the body into a house. And later, getting [[Aesop Amnesia]] when her trial specifically said that the monster she killed lead to the death of others. The intent was for Val to get rid of the monster house. [[Face Palm|She didn't.]] Even after seeing the monster's spirit. And don't get us STARTED on her [[Love Potion|relationship]] with [[Chess Piece (Fanfic)|Prince]] [[Rape Is Okay When Its Female On Male|Danny.]]
* [[Squick]]- Vlad loves Maddie, who is Danny's mom. Phantom is both. Think about that a moment.
* [[Stoic Woobie]]: He's been through a LOT of crap in his short time on the Breach, but Lawrence has survived most of it with only a minimal amount of emotional outbursts.

Latest revision as of 06:34, 9 April 2014