Stargate Atlantis/Recap/S04/E10 This Mortal Coil
With the stargate inoperable, probably due to McKay messing with it, everyone in Atlantis is acting a bit distant, stir crazy, or otherwise Not Themselves. A probe suddenly crashes into the city, and McKay worries that the Asuran replicators have finally found them - but Zelenka tells him it's probably nothing. Then Sheppard comes down with mad healing abilities - but Dr. Keller tells him it's probably nothing.
- Acting for Two
- Bus Crash: RepliKeller tells the team that the real Dr. Weir died some time ago. Although this turns out not to be true.
- I Say What I Say: The McKays do this, when they're not finishing each other's sentences.
- Literary Allusion Title: to Hamlet
- Recycled Script: This is pretty much the SG-1 episode "Tin Man."
- Stock Quotes: the title.
- Tomato in the Mirror
- Also for the viewer, it may only be obvious after the first viewing, but the Asuran duplicates wear the old-style Atlantis uniforms from S1-2, instead of the S4 new-style ones sported by the real team.
- What Measure Is a Non-Human?