Stargate Atlantis/Recap/S01/E08 Underground
Allies? You just said these people were ready to string you up. How can you trust them?
—Dr. Weir
Teyla introduces the team to the Genii, a group of peaceful but iconoclastic Space Amish, with whom they hope to be able to trade for needed food supplies.
- Elaborate Underground Base
- Genius Bonus: Genii is the latin plural for Genius - which is certainly how they think of themselves.
- Hey, It's That Guy!: Cowen, leader of the Genii, is Miles O'Brien.
- Must Have Caffeine: McKay, apparently.
McKay: It's getting desperate. I'm almost out of coffee. |
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: A mutual example. Mistrust on both sides makes enemies of the Genii for the better part of two seasons. All because they were trying to trade C4 as "farming tools"...
- Nuclear Option
- Space Amish: subverted.
- Stock Episode Titles: 19 uses
- Straw Vulcan: When Teyla tries to rescue the cocooned humans on board the hive ship, the Genii she's with objects that this is an overly emotional response and could endanger the mission. To prove his point, he "logically" shoots the captive with an unsilenced firearm - alerting the Wraith and compromising the mission.
- Superweapon Surprise
- Unnecessarily Large Interior: The Genii underground bunkers.