Stargate Atlantis/Recap/S04/E09 Miller's Crossing
You figure four masked men with guns broke in here to steal her secret apple dumpling recipe? Jealous neighbor maybe?
—Kaleb Miller explains at length why this is all McKay's fault.
- The Atoner: Wallace.
- Buy Them Off: McKay's imposed pennance for the events of the episode includes eating vegitarian food without complaining, reading his neice extra bedtime stories, and buying Jeannie's family a Prius. May be a subversion, since, rather than actually being insincere, he's doing all this to hide the fact he actually attempted the Redemption Equals Death route (but was preempted).
- Convenient Coma: Jeannie is placed into a medical coma while the others hurry to find a solution.
- Driven to Suicide / Heroic Sacrifice: McKay offers to feed himself to the Wraith to save Jeannie, but Sheppard makes Wallace do it instead.
- Dynamic Entry: Comically averted. McKay attempts to kick down the door, but Agent Barret preempts him by calmly opening it.
- Empty Shell: Sharon's fate after the nanites shut her down for repairs.
- Gone Horribly Right: The nanites, which work too well, repairing not only the cancer but every defect they can find, regardless of the effect on the host.
- Idiot Ball: So they figure Todd the Wraith is the only one who can save Jeannie. Fair enough - but whose bright idea is it to bring him to Earth, rather than just taking her to Atlantis?
- Offstage Waiting Room: Ronon gets briefly stuck in one.
- Redemption Equals Death: How Sheppard sells Wallace on the idea of feeding himself to a Wraith.
- We Could Have Avoided All This
- What the Hell, Hero?: McKay gives Sheppard a very mild version at the end of the episode, rendered more unusual by ending it with "thanks."