Stargate Atlantis/Recap/S05/E04 The Daedalus Variations
This isn't exactly our Daedalus, we're just borrowing it for a while.
A ship appears out of nowhere above Atlantis. Literally out of nowhere - there wasn't even a hyperspace window. Its automatic identification reveals it to be the Daedalus, badly damaged. Which is doubly odd, since the Daedalus weeks away from Atlantis at the moment, in the void between galaxies.
- All the Myriad Ways: Averted when Sheppard opts to save alternate Atlantis. This does seem to be Ronon's attitude though.
- Alternate Universe
- Apocalyptic Log
- Gatling Good: The Daedalus is fitted with railguns. In Space!
- Now Do It Again Backwards: Sheppard's suggestion of putting it in reverse - which is eventually what works.
- They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot: That species of Aliens in the alternate universe.