A 1980 dystopian, sci-fi, biblical-allegory rock opera film about an evil, all-powerful media mogul, the young starlet fallen under his corrupting influence and the all-Canadian baby-faced hero determined to get her back out of his evil clutches. Trying to follow the success of Saturday Night Fever and Grease, it's outlandish premise probably has more in common with Brave New World, Nineteen Eighty-Four, All That Jazz and Xanadu, with a little Godspell thrown in hastily at the last minute. It proved a major flop concurrent with the sharp decline of Disco.

Despite some rather heart-pumping music and dance numbers, the prosaic lyrics, trippy aesthetic, and off-the-wall script place it squarely in Camp territory.

You can see a trailer for it here.

Tropes used in The Apple include: