The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes/Characters/HYDRA

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HYDRA in general

Red Skull/Johann Schmidt/ Dell Rusk


The opposite number and greatest enemy of Captain America. A super soldier created by HYDRA, he sought to attain the power of the Asgardian beings before his schemes were stopped by Captain America and his sidekick, Bucky. Unfortunately, he lived on to survive another day, while Captain America lost his closest friend and plunged into the icy arctic waters.

In the present day, he has disguised himself as the US Secretary of Defence, and manipulated Winter Soldier, General Ross and Doctor Samson to work for him.


 Voiced By: Steve Blum


Grim Reaper/Eric Williams


 Grim Reaper: "I have to say, I'm a little surprised to hear from you after all these years. Since you don't associate with... wait, what did you call me?"

Simon: "Eric..."

Grim Reaper: "Oh yes. Psychopath. Criminal scum. But don't worry Simon... I don't take it personally."


A criminal who became a HYDRA agent in order to satisfy his destructive impulses. He infiltrates The Vault in order to free Baron Strucker, but ends up being captured for his trouble. Despite his defeat, he's a deadly threat, and a skilled assassin. His arm is a cybernetic implant that transforms into a scythe. His brother is Simon Williams, who he introduced to A.I.M., resulting in his transformation into "Wonder Man."


 Voiced By: Lance Henriksen


Baron Wolfgang von Strucker


 "Soon all the world will know that not even the Avengers will stand against the power of HYDRA."


The current leader of HYDRA, after the disappearance of the Red Skull and the incarceration of Heinrich Zemo. He too was imprisoned in the Vault, and has remained there, despite a breakout attempt by the Grim Reaper. However, with The Vault and the other prisons broken wide open, Strucker is now free to rule HYDRA again. He possesses a demonic-looking, red clawed hand that allows him to drain the life out of his victims.


 Voiced By: Jim Ward


Madame Viper


 Voiced by: Vanessa Marshall