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{{DEFAULTSORT:Lands of Arran, The}}

Latest revision as of 20:41, 26 June 2023

Characters from The Lands of Arran include:



Blue Elf. Agent/envoy of Aamon. Appears in most books of Elfes.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Chosen One/Making a Splash: Wielder of the Blue Crystal.
  • Grand Theft Me: Possessed by Lah'saa for a while.
  • I Gave My Word: Did see the "Bring The Red Elves Back" plan through, as she promised to Lah'saa.
  • In Another Elf's Shoes: Lah'saa allowed Lanawyn to study her memories while her body was otherwise occupied. Conversely, her presence affected Lah'saa enough that she grumbled about attacks of conscience after overdoing the whole "kick the other elves for standing there and letting my people get exterminated" grudge thing. Also possibly inspired creation of Alyana as a way to bring the elvenkind together.
  • Interspecies Romance: In love with Turin.
  • Surprise Witness: A testimony straight from memories of Lah'saa, but by someone quite trustworthy. Who could see this coming?
  • Sympathy for the Devil Lanawyn was pitying and consoling Lah'saa after seeing how exactly did she get there.



Blue Elf. The King of the northern Blue Elves.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Asskicking Equals Authority: He's the hero who defeated Ulronn, the dark elf threatening his people.
  • The Good King: He gives his best effort to his kingdom, and curbs the usual elven arrogance when he needs to be diplomatic.



Dark Elf (Red Elf). An infamous Necromancer, defeated long ago. Came back for a Roaring Rampage of Revenge. Before that, an innocent and talented in magic Red Elven princess. The driving force behind her plans turns out to be the simple point: no matter what she does or how, she didn't completely abandon the ways of Red Elves… if only out of sheer defiance.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Anti-Villain: It turns out Lah’saa merely wanted to… stop and somewhat reverse the genocide of elves. Who would think?
  • Arch Nemesis: With Slovtan.
  • Body Surf
  • Chosen One: The wielder of all but one Elven Crystal. Maybe this accelerated her Sanity Slippage and/or The Corruption, but it's impossible to tell, in that given her personal history and being a Dark Elf, influences to this end would be quite superfluous.
  • Daddy's Girl
  • Driven to Villainy: She was just a kid who wanted to stay with her father. Maybe cursed from birth, maybe not, no one seems to know exactly how "you are a Dark Elf now" thing works, only what happens later.
  • Kill the Ones You Love: She was puppeted to kill her own father.
  • Magnificent Bitch: As befits a star pupil of Slurce with outstanding magical talent.
    • Lah'Saa must have come up with her god-baby project while possessing Lanawyn (and thus very busy with her old plans): that's when she would think about actually uniting the elvenkind rather than just lashing out, and discover Fall with Tenashep close to him. In process, she managed to exploit Slovtan's false prophecy — for anybody who believed in the screed about how power hungry Lah'Saa wants to rule the world from Slurce the idea that she deliberately creates someone powerful enough to keep herself in check, to be unleashed outside her control would not even make sense. So those thinking of themselves as her enemies would not suspected anything. Her hand was only seen when Tenashep made a fatal error and ghouls conspicuously stopped being hostile to her while she couldn't defend herself.
  • Prophecy Twist/Screw Destiny: Defied Slovtan's real prophecy, despite it being by all rights self-fulfilling.
  • Sealed Evil in a Can: Disturbing an old elven grave yielded some curious people only the "honor" of becoming the first pet ghouls of its occupant. Perhaps it wasn't a good idea to begin with.
  • Self-Fulfilling Prophecy/Nice Job Breaking It, Herod: If Slovtan did nothing, she would probably never know he exists. Especially because while a Dark Elf fit for their ways may juggle the curse for many centuries, the one who isn't is likely to die, go into hiding from the masters of Slurce for the rest of one's life or turn into brutish abomination, then be contained or put down by the masters of Slurce.
  • Spirit Advisor: Maybe it's just her fate? Lah'Saa had post scriptum after post scriptum to her biography, and the last one wasn't even knowingly done by herself.



Sylvan Elf/Blue Elf halfbreed. Works for the White Elves as a Stalker, that is captures rare magical creatures and moves them to a secret preserve.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Chosen One/Soul Power: Became wielder of the White Crystal, in an unusual way.
  • Dragon Rider: After he captures the white dragon, they team up.
  • The Empath
  • Grand Theft Me: Lah'saa had him on the ropes. And then tried to possess.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Killed himself when Lah'saa partially possessed him, which significantly weakened her.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Fall had a human friend, and it all was cool. Until he brought the guy to one of the islands of the White Elves. Which was a great taboo for the locals, so the guy barely escaped alive. Then Fall's former human friend went a bit Emo, and led some pirates to slaughter these White Elves. Then Fall went even more Emo and began to hate all the humans.
  • Raised by Natives: He was raised by White Elves, though a Sylvan Elf/Blue Elf hybrid "born at the foot of one of the oldest trees in the world".

The White Dragon


White Dragon. The only surviving dragon of this species known.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:



Sylvan Elf. The Queen and Seer of the Wood Elves of Duhann.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:



Sylvan Elf. Named Sybil (by the Elves) and Ora (by the Orcs). A little Elven orphan with a grudge against Eliseii whom she never have seen, because .

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Chosen One/Green Thumb/Morph Weapon: "Inherited" the Green Crystal, used it more aggressively than Eliseii and quickly became skilled at this.
  • Raised by Natives: Sybil's father ran through Orc territories and died there. Sybil was raised as "Ora", and became a bit too wild even for Wood Elves. Being a small girl next to Orcs she tried to prove herself, and of course over-compensated, which made her a very skilled and aggressive hunter.
  • You Can't Fight Fate: It turned out that not only Azewën ran from other Wood Elves due to disagreement over their Queen's prophecy about Sybil, but being raised by the Orcs made her much better prepared for her future role as a war-time Queen.
  • You Killed My Father: Ora blames Eliseii for her father's death.



Dark Elf (Blue Elf). .

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Enfant Terrible: Prone to wrath from early age. Which was either an early symptom or cause of his transformation into a Dark Elf.
  • In Love with the Mark: Mission failed, aspirant on the run.
  • Morality Pet: Dyfeline.
  • Your Soul Is Mine: Due to his competence as a killer, even the basic form of traditional Dark Elven necromancy gives him a formidable edge. Of course, it also accelerates his own corruption.



Unique being (born of elves) A strange winged child developing with unnatural speed.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Apocalypse Maiden: The seers had misgivings about her.
  • Chosen One: As the god-child linked to all Elven races.
    • It looks like Lah'Saa really had it with Elves lacking any semblance of unity… other than her people, that was already gone at this point. And/or possibly sensed Haruspex pulling strings, thus wanted someone capable of catching him. Either way, the elvenkind had two extinction grade problems and Lah'Saa took this personally, but was not in position to do much about either and would be busy with her own even if she survived, and "All Hail Faerie Queene, bitches" was a move with good chances to solve both.
  • Designer Baby: The big giveaway was Lah'Saa pulling the leash on all nearby ghouls the moment pregnant Tenashep was defenseless.
  • Extra Parent Conception: Alyana is daughter of Tenashep (White Elf) and Fall (Sylvan Elf/Blue Elf), but Fall was bound to the white dragon and Lah'saa (born Red Elf, became a Dark Elf) magically contacted him while possessing the body of Lanawyn (Blue Elf), those also sort of count. In case of the dragon, it's even visible. Thus she is "sort of" descendant of all 5 elven races (and… a dragon). Also, wielders of all Elven crystals, between Fall and Lah'saa.
  • Friend to All Living Things: When she was born and her mother took her outside, various beasts within shouting range decided to walk closer and say hello, just like that. That's the way things rolled ever after.
  • Shout-Out: "Alyana". "Alia".
  • Winged Humanoid
  • Wise Beyond Their Years/Creepy Child: Due to all these souls "hanging on" her and general godlikeness. They couldn't even give her a name, the newborn herself told them how to call her.



Unique being (formerly human) An insane mage pulling strings behind the scene. Has something against the elves. Or maybe that's only means to the end, too.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • The Chessmaster
  • Fusion Dance: He merged with several faeries. This gave him unique abilities and longevity, but clearly didn't improve his sanity.
  • The Man Behind The Man: He is a master of divination and definitely had interests running right over the Elves for some reason. It's implied that he works via twisting prophesies, but it's never clear exactly how much of this was luck or delusions plus precognition to exploit the openings. Yet the coincidences are too big to say "all of it".
    • Since we know Slovtan's real prophecy failed to even become self-fulfilling, and Lah'Saa guess of its nature is the only explanation of his behavior that makes sense, and he didn't even deny it when Lanawyn accused him. The most likely explanation of this was that Haruspex pulled his strings.
    • We know he jumped into the narrow window of opportunity the arrogant Elven elders gave him. The doom-and-gloom premonitions about Alyana facilitated this incident, so it looks like those were part of his plan too.
  • Scry vs. Scry: Grand master of this game, mad or not.
  • Weak but Skilled: Radabust before transformation.

He seeks, through any means, a source of power with which he hopes to grow his meager abilities in magic and divination.
Intelligent, manipulative… he compensates for his weaknesses with tenacity and a limitless imagination when it comes to attaining his goals.