Book of Judges/Characters

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"And I rose a mother in Israel".

  • Action Girl: She got her job as judge/ruler by acting when the men would not.
  • Animal Theme Naming: Her name means bee.
  • Brains and Brawn: Deborah is the brains to Barak's Brawn; Without her at his side guiding him every step of the way, he wouldn't have gone to war.
  • Iron Lady: She was nearly unstoppable in battle
  • Lady of War: Again, how she got her job.
  • The Smurfette Principle: Certainly not intentional, but she IS the only female Judge.
  • Team Mom: See the quote. She's the team mom for the entire Jewish nation.
  • Warrior Poet: Her and Barak celebrate the victory over Sisera and his army by breaking into song.



"Come and I shall show you the man you are looking for"




"If you will go with me, I also shall certainly go; but if you will not go with me, I shall not go."




"You say that you have decided to use me to rescue Israel. Well, I am putting some wool on the ground where we thresh the wheat..."



  • Better to Die Than Be Killed: Tried to get his armor bearer to stab him so no one would know he was fatally wounded by a woman who dropped a rock on him.
  • Evil Prince: Fancied himself as Israel's first king, although God says otherwise.




"From this day I shall be blameless in what I do against the Philistines: For I will do you evils.



The other Judges (Othniel, Ehud, Shamgar, Tola, Jair, Ibzan, Elon and Abdon)

  1. They are alternate transliterations and are pronounced the same