Dudley's dungeon (alternately Dudley's Dungeon) is the name of a webcomic originally created by Dion Nicolaas and launched on February 2, 2004. It is an ASCII art webcomic about the adventures of Dudley, a player character in the universe of NetHack, and his search for the Amulet of Yendor in the Dungeons of Doom. Nicolaas wrote the first year of comics, then opened up user submissions after a week's break.

The first of many to come.

The comic is made to resemble the tty version of NetHack, and is drawn completely using ASCII characters - sometimes they may contain an interesting additional feature, depending on the page. When characters speak, their lines appear in quotes below each comic panel, preceded by the symbol for that monster; there is also additional text from the NetHack game itself within the panels.

The original run of Dudley's dungeon finished on the very last day of 2008 - the original site was left up for archival's sake, and the source code was made available by the author via mail. From there, two continuations of the series appeared: The first, which retained the original name, began on January 12th, 2009. It was hosted on sadowl.com and ran until January 9th, 2013, when it was last updated. As of July 6th, 2021, the site is unavailable - fortunately, several snapshots were saved, and the most recently available one can be viewed here via the Wayback Machine.

The second continuation, created by alt.org admin Paxed, began on January 19th, 2009 and is still currently active as of July 6th, 2021. Titled Dudley's (New, Improved) Dungeon, it is also open to user submissions, and notably adds colors and a graphical editor among other features. It can be viewed here at alt.org, with the strip numbering starting at 58.

Tropes applicable to all versions of Dudley's dungeon include:
Tropes applicable to the original Dudley's dungeon include:
Tropes applicable to the first (sadowl) continuation of Dudley's dungeon include:
  • Here We Go Again: The story picks up exactly where the first run left off and adds another panel.
Tropes applicable to the second (alt.org) continuation of Dudley's dungeon include:
  1. The Chinese language has more than 4,000 "characters" compared to the standard 52 uppercase and lowercase English letters NetHack uses.