The Boys/YMMV

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  • Anvilicious: The whole "superpowers are bad" premise. This is Garth Ennis we're talking about.
  • Broken Aesop: The premise of the story is people with superpowers abusing them and criticizing superpowered beings, yet several members of the titular Cape Busters squad have superpowers themselves such as Mother's Milk and Billy himself.
  • Complete Monster: Played with regarding Homelander. Candidates for either time where when he incinerated an airplane - killing everyone on board - to save his reputation when he couldn't stop the crash, or dropping a car from above the clouds with a family in it. And that's before it's revealed he was a ruthless rapist, baby & heart eater and more. The man is basically Captain Hero Played for Drama. The subversion comes in when it's revealed that Black Noir, an evil(er) clone of Homelander, was the one who actually did the horrific things apart from the airplane incident and Homelander thinking he did these things made him go insane. And he also did this to try and ensure he'd fulfill the purpose he was made for: to kill Homelander.
    • As a result of the above, Black Noir certainly qualifies.
    • Malchemical runs off this slippery slope at full speed, with absolutely zero remorse, and is stopped just before he gets to rape little girls. It's a running theme that people with sufficient superpowers to get away with it will end up becoming as close to this trope as makes no difference.
  • Base Breaking Character: Billy Butcher is either a Deconstructed Trope of the vigilante man character, or the same kind of Escapist Character the comic rails against (with a side of Author Avatar and Creator's Pet to boot).
  • Crossing the Line Twice: Almost every issue.
  • Darkness-Induced Audience Apathy: One of Garth's darkest works, and that's saying something. It becomes hard to care for the characters when every character who's not Hughie or Annie is a jerk at best (and even they have their moments) or a homicidal sociopath at worst. And then several characters including Billy Jump off the Slippery Slope.
  • Fridge Horror: When Tek-Knight sent Laddio away to visit all the other superteams in a effort to keep himself from involuntarily raping the boy, he explicitly said to even visit the G-Men and all their spin-off teams. We never see Laddio again after that.
  • High Octane Nightmare Fuel: Issue 63: Homelander's face after he kills Queen Maeve and has Annie in his sights as a possible next target
  • Moral Event Horizon:
    • Homelander crossed this in the Believe arc, issue 46, The Muller family had just won the BELIEVE meeting prizes, a new shining car and a dinner with Homelander, the hero was kind enough to take the car and family flying to their reserved tables; that was what the family thought. What ended up happening was the "Superhero" took the Mullers for their final ride as he dropped the car, already above the clouds with the family screaming in fear, in cold blood while reveling that the BELIEVE meeting was just a farce.
    • Everything Black Noir did that got pinned on Homelander, especially the cannibalism and baby killing.
    • Billy himself when he decides the best course of action is to genocide everybody with superpowers including himself.
  • Narm: Frequently played straight in-universe.
  • Older Than They Think
    • The idea of people with superpowers being Villains with good publicity predates this comic by decades. Prime examples from popular works include Doctor Doom and Magneto.
    • The idea of Cape Busters sanctioned by the authorities fighting supers who abuse their powers has been done numerous times before, such as Stormwatch and Marshal Law.
    • Superheroes letting their power go to their heads, violently abusing it and needing to be reined in predates The Boys by at least a decade, a prime example being DC Comics Kingdom Come series (which is the Spiritual Antithesis of this series in several ways); Kingdom Come even has a Genocide Dilemma and a loose cannon villain themed around U.S patriotism (Americommando).
    • Speaking of supers/capes themed around U.S patriotism, there is a character who's that (right down to the cape evoking the U.S flag and a golden eagle armor piece) and a composite of Superman and Captain America. But it's not Homelander of the 2000's. It's Major Glory of the 1990's (though Major Glory's clearly heroic while Homelander's a villain).
    • The concept of Homelander is very similar to the "evil Superman" idea, which is far from unique to The Boys, and even DC themselves have done numerous story arcs where Superman turns evil before and after The Boys was released (such as Superman: Red Son and the Injustice series).
  • Squick
  • Wangst: Played with; many's the time that Wee Hughie's basically been told to shut the fuck up, stop moaning about things and just get over it by the other characters, and he does display a tendency to mope about and wallow in self-pity over the problems in his life. Then again, a lot of the people who are telling him this are themselves homicidal borderline-sociopaths who find it unsettlingly easy to shrug off various atrocities, so they probably aren't the best examples to follow in terms of getting in touch with your emotions.
  • Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds: In Butcher's case, Played With. He wasn't exactly a nice guy early in his life. But he gradually became a better person when he met his wife, Becky. Then she got raped by Homelander , really Black Noir. And then she died when the child crawled out of her womb. He's implied to have Death Seeker tendencies, and in issue 65 after Black Noir and Homelander are dead, he admits, with tears in his eyes, that Becky would loath what he has become.
    • Ironically enough, as of issue 65, Homelander, of all people, may count. Throughout the series, we see him cross the Moral Event Horizon multiple times. And yet it turns out that he only got to this point because of atrocities he thought he committed, believing that he was far beyond saving. In truth, Black Noir, who turns out to be his clone, committed several of these crimes (including the baby eating) to gaslight Homelander into going insane so Black Noir would get the order to kill him.