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The Tomb of Dracula/Characters

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

Count Dracula

Vlad the Impaler himself, turned into a vampire after one fateful battle in 15th century. He is Lord of Vampires and serves as primary antagonist to more supernatural oriented characters. His outside appearances vary by the timeline from his initial Classical Movie Vampire to a "modern" long-haired Walking Shirtless Scene to an armor-clad warrior.

Quincy Harker


Eric Brooks was born to a London whore in the mid-twenties. After his mother was killed by a vampire he was taken in by his mother's coworkers. He learned the skills needed to hunt vampires from an old trumpet playing jazzman, Afari. Soon he set off around the world, eventually making an enemy out of Dracula himself.

Harold H. Harold

A clumsy freelance writer from Boston.

Doctor Sun

Chinese doctor who was turned into a brain in a case to ensure his loyalty to the Chinese governemnt. The project ended up Gone Horribly Right, as they hooked him into computers which in turn gave him "absolute power".

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