Dimensions (Fanfic)

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From the demented mind of Blazing Chaos comes a rather entertaining series. Dimensions follows on from the end of Digimon Tamers and later Digimon Adventure and covers the lives of our heroes as they grow up, going through terrible tragedy, destructive battles and the foibles of maturity, all the while trying to find the truth about this world they inhabit, the true nature of Digimon, and the true nature of those in their group who are not entirely as they seem. Can they trust newcomers? Is it right to kill? And what does the future hold in store for them, a future which has a strange way of getting in contact with them? And what on earth is up with the pebbles?

The series begins with Book One: Links (this is the rewrite) set shortly after the end of Season 3. Takato and the other tamers decide to take advantage of the portal shown at the end of the Season Finale to bring back their partners. Of course, things are never that simple. Especially when odd things begin to happen around Takato and Rika...

The series is well-known for the extensive and elaborate mythology that is crafted and integrated into the normal Digimon series. While some might be discouraged by the inclusion of some of the more unusual plot elements, most find them very entertaining and actually make the story better.

Dimensions is planned to have fourteen books and a number of spin-offs with six stories already completed and the seventh currently being written. In addition to Links, the main stories of the series includes so far Book Two: Powers, Book Three: Evils, Book Four: Gods, Book Five: Demons, Book Six: Tricks, and Books Seven: Escapes. Extra Dimensions is a collection of short stories that fills in the gaps and Dimensions: Strategems is a side-story set during the currently-unwritten Book Twelve.

Tropes used in Dimensions (Fanfic) include:
  • Ascended Fanboy: Takato was already this in the show, but so is the new character, Ryder.
  • Arc Number: 29 seems to crop up everywhere
  • Author Appeal: Blazing Chaos is a fan of Doctor Who, so there are plenty of references to it. Especially by OC Ryder.
  • Badass: Most of the cast.
    • Badass Abnormal: The Angels. And the Demons.
    • Badass Family: Tai and Kari, Matt and Takeru
      • Later, Takato, Rika, and their daughter Rey/Rei. Seiko might qualify for this one too since she gains a partner.
      • In Book Seven, Jun gains a partner, so she'll likely be joining her brother, Davis, in this.
    • Pregnant Badass: Rika, even Biomerging while pregnant and attacking Takato
  • Bonus Material: "Extra Dimensions"
  • Darker and Edgier: Just as Digimon Tamers was darker than Digimon Adventure, Dimensions is even darker than Tamers. Especially in the later books.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: Regardless of how he might act at times, Chaos.
    • Also, DarkRenamon and DarkBiyomon once they join the tamers.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Several, including Impmon, Terriermon, and especially Chaos.
  • Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: Did you just kill Yggsdrasil?
  • Expy: Chaos is an Expy of.. well Chaos
  • Family-Unfriendly Death: Taiki and Chiyo so far are the least pleasant.
    • Ryder also suffers a few of them.
  • Family-Unfriendly Violence: Chiyo is shot by one of the heroes of the story.
  • Follow the Leader: Dimensions is heavily inspired by the Tamers Forever Series
  • Glowing Eyes: Takato and Rika whenever Chaos and Harmony use their powers.
  • Goggles Do Nothing: Except serve as a symbol of the Goggle-heads: Takato, Davis, Tai, and Ryder later.
    • Except Ryder's get broken and he never wears them again.
  • Hearing Voices: Takato and Rika They're the current incarnations of Chaos and Harmony. Thus, they can hear them in their heads. More unusual, the voices can take over and speak to other people.
  • It Got Worse: This is pretty much the complete summary of Book Seven, though there is plenty of this throughout the series.
  • Kid with the Leash: Takato has to act this way towards Chaos most of the time.
  • Light Is Not Good: Just like her counterpart, Harmony is not straight forward. Some pretty bad things have been connected to her name, including the kidnapping of young girls by a village of Renamon and DarkRenamon in order to reach the mega level.
  • Loads and Loads of Characters: When you add the tamers, their digimon, the Digidestined, their partners, the new OC tamers and partners, assorted parents, Monster Makers, and other important reoccuring humans and digimon, there is quite a population running around.
  • Multinational Team: While most of the kids are from Japan, they later gain some members from Great Britain and America.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Many of their problems can be traced back to an earlier action by the heroes.
  • OC: Ryder, Mari, Rey/Rei, Donmon, DarkRenamon, Realmon, Taiki, Chiyo, DarkBiyomon, Chaos, Harmony, etc.
  • Oh My Goddramon
  • Opposites Attract: You have no idea...
  • Order Versus Chaos: Harmony vs Chaos
  • Our Angels Are Different
  • Our Demons Are Different
  • Personality Powers: Subverted. Takato, the nice guy and least aggressive of all the goggle-heads is the incarnation of Chaos. Rika, the Defrosting Ice Queen of the show with some temper issues is the incarnation of Harmony.
  • Physical God: Takato and Rika, due to be the current incarnations of Chaos and Harmony respectively.
  • Retcon: The events of "Locomon Runaway" did not happened. Nor did the epilogue of Digimon Adventure 02
  • Running Gag: No, Chaos, the pebble is not the awesome.
  • Seven Deadly Sins: One of the Books revolves around the heroes facing the Seven Demon Lords.
  • Shipper on Deck: Takato and Rika strongly approve, and take active steps to promote, Guilmon and Renamon as a couple.
  • Sociopathic Hero: Chaos. Murder is always his first solution for a problem (including making himself "invisible), morality is never his biggest concern, and he claims that the only reason he hasn't destroyed all of existence yet is because that would destroy the pebble, his greatest creation.
  • Tear Jerker: Poor Chiyo and DarkBiyomon... One dies and the other is left to mourn the loss of a partner. The funeral for the Demon was particular heart-wrenching.
  • Tokyo Is the Center of the Universe: Partially averted. While most of the action takes place in Japan or the Digital World, they do take a trip to the Big Applesauce for a few interesting events.
  • Values Dissonance: The Kabuki Village. And Digimon as a whole in the series, pretty often.
  • Weirdness Censor: Very few people remember the fact that the tamer universe and Digidestined universe ended up combining together. Anything that doesn't quite fit together properly is essentially forgotten or ignored by the general population.
    • Except for the Gods, Angels and Demons and anyone who happened to be in contact with one of them or in an alternate universe at the time...
  • Wham! Episode: The end of Book One. And Book Three. And Book Four. And Book Five. Actually, most books have some form of big twist near the end. Blazing Chaos seems to like these surprises.
    • Chapter Thirty of Book Seven. The Kabuki Village would've been wiped out without being able to digivolve (due to the light of digivolution being stored in Calumon) - the previous Priestess Sakuyamon would've died with no mega level heir to create the village's magical shield/invisibility cloak. The solution? Kidnap girls from the real world and force a biomerge. Oh dear. When the Tamers find out, Harmony isn't quite so complimentary of The Priestess' 'amazing plan'...