My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic/Recap/S2/E10 Secret of My Excess/Trivia: Difference between revisions

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  • Blooper: When Pinkie assaults Spike with cake, her Cutie Mark fails to render, leaving her with a blank flank.
  • Jossed:
    • For the most part Averted; numerous fanfic/fanart has been created to suggest what happens when Spike grows up (eg: "It Takes a Village"). For the most part, this episode just coincidentally does little to break the fanon treatment of this matter, and if anything, helps to serve it. There's probably a handful of fic and art that are broken, but the creators have said they avoid these elements to prevent them from influencing the show.
    • On the other hand, the Wonderbolts' presence within easy flying distance of Ponyville is going to wreak havoc on a number of Rainbow Dash fics.