TITAL and Organization XIV

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

A set of roleplays originally hosted on GameFAQs. After a few rough moves and the loss of several members, the two RPs have moved to tital.bigforumpro.com, where they coincide. TITAL is Lighter and Softer, while Org.XIV is Darker and Edgier.

The two RPs are based in alternate universes where a very different storyline has affected each of them. Org.XIV is when the main characters are replaced by new heroes and fight for their future in a very different plotline. TITAL is everything-goes, as not-so-canon characters and OCs are thrown together in one house, causing chaos. Hilarity Ensues. This is, in fact, where the Fun with Acronyms name comes from: Together If They All Lived.

Tropes used in TITAL and Organization XIV include:

Tropes Appearing in TITAL

  • Author Avatar: Each member of the roleplay has one. Often times, they step in to stop or add to the hilarity of the chaos.
  • Back-to-Back Badasses: Minato and Rexial had a moment of this in Magatsu Inaba
  • Badass Normal: Xavier is this. Capable of withstanding five times his body weight with only natural abilities.
  • Berserk Button: Minato, threaten Yukari and see how long you keep breathing. Odds are not more than a few seconds.
  • Big Damn Heroes: Athez then Admin himself preform such a stunt to save Dokuja and Cyrus from a demon king.
  • Blue Oni,Red Oni: Alice and Naomi a.k.a. the Sisters of Death, Alice is blue and takes things in stride while Naomi is red and tends to light things and people on fire
  • Broken Ace: Minato He seems calm and collected possibly the most powerful resident of the house... but on the inside? He's a mess.
  • Cerebus Syndrome: The roleplay has recently been falling into this with more drama and intensity between characters
  • Cloudcuckoolander: Athez is to a certain extent. Jack Skellington is to the point that reality doesn't effect him in any logical way.
    • Jack Skellington: *is hit with a bottle of holy water* Delicious! Holy Water! Do you have that in raspberry?
  • Dead Little Sister:Alice
  • Fantastic Drug: The infamous fandom created paopou leaves are made frequent use of.
  • My Name Is Inigo Montoya: Xavier uses this before his fight with Malice coupled with a Badass Boast
  • Rule of Funny: The TITAL universe runs on this trope where things happen only when they want to and the fourth walls lies in peices on the floor.
  • Tranquil Fury: Xavier tears through an entire military compound when Lia is kidnapped by his former superior Renzo.
  • Tsundere: Diryax, who heavily swings between both sides of the scale at random.
  • Zero Effort Boss: Due to the ridiculous power of most of the cast, most villains come off like this.

Tropes Appearing in Org.XIV

  • Badass Baritone: Roland has as said by Word of God, a very low voice.
  • Badass Long Hair: Aleri, sometimes at least. Othertimes, he's more of The Fool.
  • Berserk Button: For Maya, Enixo's mere presence is the only thing that makes her angry enough to drop her Pollyanna level cheeriness.
  • Blue Oni Red Oni: Zane and Sally, Zane is blue, Sally is red.
  • Born in the Wrong Century: Roland born LONG before the current era, is a bit out of place.
  • The Chosen Many: Being a fan made roleplay about Kingdom Hearts, keyblades become this.
  • Cute and Psycho: Maya, look to her example as the Pollyanna below for why.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: Rexial, Lance, Koroyuki Kokoro, Ryuketsu Kokoro to name a few.
  • Energy Beings: Rexial and Nathan, to an extent.
  • Elemental Powers: Just about any character has them. It's rare to see someone WITHOUT control of something
  • Heroes-R-Us:The titular Organization XIV started out as an Oddly Small Organization to now hold over thirty extremely powerful members far exceeding the number in the group's name.
  • The Medic: Medix of the Division specializes in White Magic.
  • Pirate Girl: Sylvia hailing from the world of Treasure Planet fits this trope well.
  • Precursor Heroes: The Observers, Roland and Gunamnex to be specific
  • The Pollyanna: Maya, the resident crazy girl hardly ever loses her sunny dispostion with battle cries like, "Let's be friends!"
  • The Power of Friendship: Many examples, particularly the D-Links and Lance and Soren's DMWs which give them LimitBreaks based on thier friends skill as well as Xancel's battle with Chaos.
  • Royals Who Actually Do Something: Lance, the young king of Synthisle, is one of Org.XIVs most active members actually being one of the few to actually complete a mission which are often assigned but rarely accomplished.
  • The Stoic:Gunamnex is very calm and collected regardless of situation.
  • Time Abyss: Gunamnex and Roland, the only two surviving combatants of the Keyblade War. They're possibly the wisest and strongest characters in the RP.
  • Tsundere: Sally who often time sits happily on the Tsun side of the scale except when around Zane... Even then she still can swing back and forth.
    • Archer is also a Tsundere with a rather vicious Tsun side.