Terminator (franchise)/Trivia

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The Terminator

  • Author Phobia: Cameron originally based the movie on a nightmare he had of a robot skeleton emerging from a fiery explosion and coming after him.
  • Billing Displacement: Kyle and Sarah are the main characters in the first film - The Terminator isn't seen that often, making it more effective.
  • Breakthrough Hit: James Cameron became one of the most successful filmmakers of all time after The Terminator was released.
  • Dawson Casting: 28-year-old Linda Hamilton playing 19-year-old Sarah Connor.
    • Also, 27-year-old Michael Biehn playing 21-year-old Kyle Reese.
  • Deleted Scene:
    • Sarah's introduction was originally longer with an extra scene of Sarah trying to get herself psyched up for work by rehearsing her waitress greeting in the mirror, and remarking "I'm so wholesome I could puke."
    • The scene where the Terminator kills the first "wrong Sarah" ended with the Terminator walking away after the kill, getting into his car and driving away. Cameron wanted the audience to be surprised at how calm and unworried he was, before the reveal of what was actually going on.
    • One of Reese, who only knows the world as a ruined wasteland, breaking down over being unable to handle simply standing in some grass once he gets the chance to slow down and notice all the normal things he was never meant to see. This was part of a scene where he and Sarah, who is now trying to be more proactive and forward thinking, got into an argument over trying to destroy Cyberdyne, the company that would create the Terminators, thus completely averting the war (which of course was revisited in Terminator 2), where he refused to go along with her idea simply because, in his words, "That's not my mission." Sarah angrily tries to run away from Reese, Reese chases her down and she hits him, which causes him to reflexively pull the gun on her; when Sarah points out to him what he's doing - and goes on a rant about how she doesn't want to spend the rest of her life living in fear of the Terminator and the big bad future - Reese completely falls apart and has a No Place for Me There monologue where he quite literally says "I don't belong here" before he laments how painful it is for him to see the world as it once was, which causes Sarah to feel more sympathy for him before he points out that Sarah doesn't understand what it feels like to know that "it's all gone." The scene ends with Sarah reminding Reese that together they have the chance to save the future by changing the past.
    • Several short deleted scenes show a subplot where Lt. Traxler, realizing that something is off about the entire situation, gradually comes to believe that Reese is telling the truth. In the final scene, now fully convinced after seeing the Terminator's unstoppable rampage at the police station, he survives his bullet wounds long enough to give Reese and Sarah his gun as they leave.
    • The scene where Reese shows Sarah how to make home made bombs was originally longer, with Sarah trying to cheer Reese up by telling him about all the amazing things she would show him once they had survived their ordeal and saved the world, and then the scene gets progressively more dramatic as she laments the situation and how utterly cut off they are from help, as it really is just them and the Terminator.
    • A post-love making scene where Sarah tickled Reese.
    • Adding even more bitterness to the already Bitter Sweet Ending, as Sarah was taken away by paramedics we would learn that the factory where Sarah and Reese had their final fight with the Terminator was actually Cyberdyne in its earlier, more humble years, with two employees managing to hide the remains of the Terminator to show to their bosses, adding another layer to the pre-destination paradox. This of course was later revisited in Terminator 2: Judgment Day.
  • Dueling Movies: Runaway, a film also about robots and starring Tom Selleck and Gene Simmons (and written/directed by Michael Crichton), was projected to be the big sci-fi film of 1984. Who would have thought that it would be overshadowed by a low-budget film, with B-list actors, written and directed by an unknown who got the idea while having a fever? Not to mention one actor was mostly a theater actor (Biehn), the other one was a body builder with a thick accent who had more bad movies than good ones by that point (Arnold), and Cameron only had one directorial credit to boot before doing Terminator - Piranha 2.
  • Hey, It's That Guy!: Private Hudson and the Alien Bounty Hunter are two of the punks the Terminator kills in the film's opening.
  • Playing Against Type: Arnold Schwarzenegger as the ruthless, terrifying villain of the title.
  • Unintentional Period Piece: The entire sequence at Tech Noir, a nightclub that could not be more '80s if it tried. Most of the movie, actually. The Honda scooter. Oh, the technology, including the old answering machine and gigantic video tape recorder in the police station...Plus, of course, the hairstyles and clothes on all of the actors.
  • What Could Have Been / Hilarious in Hindsight: OJ Simpson was originally considered for the role of the Terminator. The studio did not go with this casting choice because they could not see a nice guy like OJ playing a killer.
    • German actor Jürgen Prochnow, known for his role as the Captain in Das Boot, was also considered for the part. Hilarious in Hindsight, as he ended up playing Arnold in See Arnold Run (a film about Arnold's run for governor of California).

Terminator 2: Judgment Day

  • Actor Allusion: The T-800 hefting a minigun. "That's DEFINITELY you."
  • Billing Displacement: Sarah and John are the main characters in the second film, though not to the same extent as the first - The Terminator gets only a bit less screentime, but nowhere near as much dialogue.
  • Dyeing for Your Art: Linda Hamilton is a much more physical presence in this movie than in the previous film.
  • Enforced Method Acting: When Sarah is bludgeoning the nurse who assaulted her with a broomstick, that's Linda Hamilton really whacking the actor. Apparently, he was pretty hesitant to hit Hamilton with a nightstick in a prior scene, which caused a lot of takes of a physically demanding sequence for Hamilton (one that didn't even make the theatrical cut), and she took out some frustration in return.
  • Hey, It's That Girl!: Lt. Van Buren! aka Reba the Mail Lady!
    • Budnick/Montana Max is John Connor's friend in the beginning.
    • Big Mike is a lot less big, but he's one of the guards at the mental hospital.
    • Miles Dyson is Henry.
  • Throw It In: The T-800 inexplicably saying "I need a vacation...", but James Cameron found it so funny he left it in.
    • In addition, Sarah Connor knocking out the orderly with a broom, as well as the resulting injury, was indeed real. She, or rather, the actress, did it out of revenge because in an earlier scene the orderly went a bit too easy on her during the acting. They kept it in for the final cut (no pun intended).
  • What Could Have Been: WASP singer Blackie Lawless was considered for the role of T-1000.
    • Shaquille O'Neal reportedly asked for a role as a black Terminator.
    • Michael Biehn was originally supposed to be the T-1000, but the studio thought this would be too confusing.

Terminator 2 3-D: Battle Across Time

Terminator Salvation

  • Fake American: All three leads.
    • Let's see, Welsh, Marcus Wright's Aussie right? And Russian...yeah.
      • Though it's worth mentioning that Russian-born Anton Yelchin has lived in the United States since he was six months old.
    • General Ashdown is played by Michael Ironside who's Canadian.
  • Hey, It's That Guy!: Batman (who is married to Gwen Stacy) is trying to save Chekhov from an army of machines led by Bellatrix Lestrange who are using Macbeth as an unknowing pawn in their grand scheme. And let's not forget the Resistance is being led by Revok! Daryl Revok! See you at the party, Ashdown.
  • What Could Have Been: Another portion of the fanbase would have prefered the original ending, with John Connor dying, and Marcus taking over his place, over the implausibility of the one that ended up being filmed.
    • Definitely more plausible though than John's skin being successfully grafted onto Marcus without looking weird, considering how Marcus' skeleton is shaped COMPLETELY DIFFERENT than John's. Think of the alien Big Bad's disguise in the first MIB movie.
      • Not to mention that John Connor was supposed to "trick" Kyle Reese into falling for Sarah Connor and fathering him. He told him stories about her. How is Marcus supposed to fulfill that role?
    • Also, the original cut of the film includes a topless scene when Blair and Marcus are warming themselves by the fire. Director McG said that it was meant as a Shout-Out to Kelly [=Mc Gillis]' topless scene in Witness, but that it ultimately felt exploitative and would have flouted a PG-13 rating. The scene is reinstated in the director's cut Blu-ray.

The film series in general