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Arby 'n' the Chief/YMMV

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

  • And the Fandom Rejoiced: Jon's return to writing the show in the fourth season.
  • Anticlimax Boss: Clyde goes down in 2 seconds. Compared to Adam and Kylie, who put up a fight, and even earlier antagonists in the series.
    • Subverted, as he reappears in the finale.
  • Anvilicious: It really is, especially against videogame's Fan Dumb and Hate Dumb, which is necessary.
  • Canon Discontinuity: Arby and The Chief didn't move to LA. It totally didn't happen. And the fans were relieved.
  • Complete Monster: Adam is by far the worst character in the entire show. And he isn't played for laughs. (See Moral Event Horizon for more details.)
  • Crowning Moment of Awesome:
    • The Chief's speech to get the Arbiter out of his depression and to help get rid of Scott in Endgame Part 5.
    • "Wedding" (S3E2), which is also a CMOF.
    • Chief pulling a Big Damn Heroes for Arbiter, then teabagging a guy with a helicopter.
    • The opening of Season 5. WE R GUYZ, WHO GON T33CH U LESSON!
      • Same goes for the finale. Made of win in its entirety.
    • Arby saving Chief Cameron and Cody from two members of Chaos Theosis
    • Adam's defeat and being taken away to juvie in Cradle to Grave is so awesome it needs to be seen to be believed.
  • Cliché Storm: The entirety of "Endgame"
  • Crowning Moment of Funny: The scenes featuring XxXsM0k3w33d4Lyph3420XxX in Episode 11, and all of Episode 3.
    • In Endgame Part Four, when Chief suggests a way to get money from killing Scott.
    • ANYTIME Chief bests Arbiter at something. Usually doubles as a Crowning Moment of Awesome.
    • This whole show is one big one really. There's not a single episode that will NOT make you laugh at least once. Not to mention the good episodes where you'll be out of air by the end.
    • The aforementioned wedding episode.
    • Skylar Loveheart chasing Chief with a gun.
      • The tank that spawns behind Arby, Chief, Cameron and Cody without them noticing for a bit
  • Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: Arbiter speaking with Claire after the wedding crash.
    • The beginning of part 5 of Endgame.
    • I found it nice that as much as Chief hates Arbiter and claims that they aren't friends, he refuses to take Kylie's request to frag Arbiter in exchange for her "ASL", stating that Arbiter is "acshuly sort of" his friend. Never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever. Though he quickly changes his mind when Kylie "promises" to send nudes.
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: The main theme of Season 5.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Greg the spider has quite a few fans, to the point where they hope he returns for the next season. A completely different reception to what happened when Todd, Travis and Cortana were introduced.
    • On the comments of pretty much all the new videos, there is at least a few people who really want Greg to come back after disappearing in "Cheaters".
    • Kevin from Season 6 also seems to have quite a few fans.
  • Fan Dumb: Many fans didn't seem to realize that Jon did not write the script for most of the episodes in Arby 'n' The Chief in LA. Though he did some writing.
  • Hate Dumb: In universe, Chief is a Bungie and Microsoft fanboy, so obviously he hates every game not made by them.
  • Hell Is That Noise: The very last part of Cradle to Grave, just before the credits roll.
    • A couple of other examples are:
      • The end of "Cold", where the Arbiter notes that something strange is going on after the disappearance of Todd and Travis, and the deletion of Cold Storage off of Jon's Xbox. After that, some unsettling music plays.
      • The music at the end of "Blackout" while Chaos Theosis are walking towards the TOSER's HQ.
  • Memetic Mutation: Chief uses LOTS.
  • Misaimed Fandom: A recent episode revolved around Chief criticising the Arbiter for wanting to play a Play Station 3 game. Many fans thought it was supposed to be a Take That at the Play Station 3 when it was supposed to be a Take That at the elitist 360 fanboys.
  • Moral Event Horizon: Adam in season 6 refuses to stop playing Halo to see his dying grandmother in the room next to his. The other members of Chaos Theosis are visibly appalled.
    • And if that wasn't enough, he fragged Claire just for the sake of being a Complete Monster.
    • If you thought that was bad, he insulted a fellow racer for having a dead mother and said that her death just requires him to have extra lube when screwing her.
    • And if that REALLY wasn't enough, he declares that he has lost all respect for his mother - after she tries to make a last, desperate plea for him to start treating her like a human being - saying "No wonder Dad left you, you spineless fucking bitch". GOD.
  • Nightmare Fuel: The end of "Cold".
    • The fact Chaos Theosis can ban you by killing you once only, or even if you quit or turn your Xbox off. Their rampage at the end of Remission is just chilling.
  • Reverse Funny Aneurysm: The original theme for the series was the intro for the Family Guy "Road To" episodes, and over time, the Arbiter became Digitalph33r's megaphone for delivering Author Filibusters the same way Brian did for Seth Macfarlane.
  • Take That, Scrappy!: The fates of Cortana, Todd and Travis.
  • The Scrappy - Cortana, Travis and Todd were all scrappies but Cortana seems to get the most hate due to the fact she did nothing notable other than bitch about Chief being an idiot/sexist and bottom to Todd.
    • The new characters introduced in Arby 'n' the Chief in L.A. got quite a lot of hate at the time as well. Especially Sonic when he was first introduced.
  • Scrub: Arbiter believes that only cheap players use Martydom in Call of Duty, as well as pick Rocket Fight in Halo 3.
  • Tear Jerker:
    • In Endgame, whenever Chief and the Arbiter have to confront the fact that they are falling apart.
    • Greg leaving in "Cheaters" (S5E12).
    • Some viewers have remarked how utterly sad they feel for Adam's mother.
    • Arbiter's last goodbye to Claire, and him being driven in to another brief depression, even to the point of crying.
  • Ugly Cute: Greg. Sure, he's a spider, but just look at him and the way he communicates. Cue the collective "Awwwww".
  • Uncanny Valley: Greg.
  • The Woobie:
    • Greg. In his first appearance, he gets told by Arbiter that him and his species are repulsive, when he just wanted to hang out. Though thankfully Arbiter decides to befriend him afterwards. Chief constantly treats him like crap, which eventually ends up with Chief trying to kill Greg with a knife after Arbiter got Greg to lock him away so that he wouldn't crash the wedding, despite the fact that Greg felt horrible about it. He becomes self aware of his appearance when Arbiter decides not to play Scrabble with him one time, and then he hears what Arbiter said to Claire about how much Greg scares him. So he decides to leave.
    • Mrs. Mcintyre. Her husband left her some time before Season 6. She also has to put up with Adam, her son.
    • From season 5 and onwards, Arbiter himself becomes a pretty big woobie. His realisation that being a living toy means he will spend his entire life confined within a small apartment with only Chief to keep him company and that his life doesn't have any meaning or purpose slowly drives him into a depression.

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