DepraviA (D Pravia) is a action-platformer eroge released in 2014 and created by Blue Mad Diode, a doujin group well-know for their games filled with guro.

Angelica and Bones in what is probably the most clean image you can get from the game.

"DepraviA is a very atmospheric, guro-centered action platformer focused on rape, gruesome death, and gruesome rape while being killed."

Aries Buonarroti, in his review of the game at Lewd Gamer (Warning: Link is NSFW)

The plot follows Angelica, an angel tasked by her boss, Archangel Sariel, to fight the The Legions of Hell who have invaded Earth. The demons are killing humans and stealing their souls, who are concentrated in the forms of orbs held by the respective demon of each cardinal sin. Since Archangel Sariel happens to be the angel of death, she can revive Angelica in case she happens to die and/or suffer a even worse fate. Before Angelica leaves, she also gives her a present: A bunch of "chaos orbs", that allows her to drawn upon demonic energies to grow stronger. She also receives a warning to not overuse them, or she might turn into a fallen angel. With that in mind, Angelica sets off to kill the demons holding the soul orbs and save humanity.

The gameplay itself is like the bastard child of Ghosts 'n Goblins with the atmosphere of Diablo and the bloody deaths of Euphoria. Angelica can get a variety of weapons to help her, and collecting an armor item with full health will give her an special armor that will allow her to use charged attacks. Dying to an enemy will either result in a horrible death, rape or both. Needless to say, it's EXTREMELY NSFW and should not be played by anyone who can't handle gory deaths, disturbing imagery and the eye-poking scene from Dead Space 2. You Have been Warned.

Has a sequel in the works named DepraviA Egrigori

Tropes used in DepraviA include:
  • A Dog Named "Dog": Or in this case, an angel named Angelica.
  • And I Must Scream: Some of the "death" animations will have Angelica suffer some of these, like getting turned into stoned or encased into ice. The girls you find in the background of the "Greed" stage are suffering from both of them.
  • Archangel Michael: The true indentity of Bones.
  • Badass Adorable: Angelica might be a cute angel, but that doesn't stop her from going agains the Legions of Hell and WIN.
  • Battle in the Rain: The Envy stage has a rain going on all the time. Strangely, it stops raining once you get to the boss.
  • Break the Badass: Angelica is a powerful and serious angel that can easily kill demons with her powers. Fall against an enemy though, and her stoic attitude will be swaped with fear very quickly. Taken Up to Eleven in one of the bad endings in which she is burned at a pyre.
  • Break The Cutie: Alongside Break the Badass above. Poor Angelica is so cute many players feel horrible for the deaths she can suffer.
  • BFS: The Aptly named "Bastard Sword" that you can collect is this. It's also the only melee weapon in the game.
  • Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: Sariel betrayed the angels by letting the demons invade the human world before the game started, and she also plans on betraying Satan after getting the orbs from Angelica
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: Oh Yes. Amongst all of them, notable ones include:
    • Eaten Alive by Blood Suckers
    • Burned inside a Brazen Bull
    • Have her body torned to pieces by sawblade demons
    • Impaled by Iron Maidens
    • Punched to a blood pulp by giant demons.
    • Cut in half by demonic sharks
  • Dark Is Evil: The demons of course! Almost all of them have an Obviously Evil design. Archangel Sariel included
  • Death Trap: Many, but the "Pride" level is the one which this is the main focus.
  • Demon Lords and Archdevils: The demons holding the soul orbs, each named after biblical demons. The only exception is Satan, the big guy himself at the end
  • Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: Besides the many demons you kill through your adventure, Angelica kills SATAN on the end of the game.
  • Earn Your Happy Ending: Assuming you don't screw up and net yourself one of the bad endings, after going literally through hell and back Angelica is either promoted to Seraphim or becomes a normal human by her own choice. Either way, the demon invasion is stopped and humanity is slowly recovering. Of course, with a sequel coming up, it's unknow how long this peace will last...
  • Evil Tower of Ominousness: The Pride Level.
  • Eye Scream: To open the hellgate, Angelica needs to pass a test which involves a tentacle shoving a siringe-like appendage inside her eye. Do it correctly, and she receives a gentle poke and can go on. Fail, and well...
  • Face Heel Turn: Sariel did one before the game started after receiving an ofer from Satan. She was envious of the other angels higher positions and their bigger chests
  • Fan Disservice: Unless you like this kind of hentai.
  • Fallen Angel: What Sariel says that Angelica will turn into if she uses too much power from the orbs. She herself happens to be one, and Angelica will indeed become one in bad ending C
  • Fire and Brimstone Hell: Zig-zagged. Each one of hell's circles is themed after a different sin, so while the map may look fairly generic every level has a quite unique look for hell. Played Straight with the Final level, The Wrath, which is a burning, lava-filled demon castle.
  • Gender Flip: Archangel Michael is a woman here
  • The Goomba: The Fool enemy is the weakest demon you face. He can only run left and right, dies in one hit from every weapon and their only advantage is that they come in groups.
  • Gorn: You bet.
  • Hell on Earth: The demons invasion in a nutshell. You get to see it first-hand on the Lost Village introduction level.
  • Horror Hunger: The Gluttony level, natch.
  • Implacable Man: Bones. Even after defeating her 2 times, she comes better no worse than before. Justified in that she teleports before Angelica can finish her off.
  • It's Up to You: Apparently, Angelica is the only Angel that can actually fight against the demons and save humanity. You actually see other angels during the levels, but they are all either dead, tortured or raped. Even after Michael joins you all she does is the same thing as Sariel: Sell you stuff and give you tips, though in her case it's justified because SOMEONE needs to defend Arcadia.
  • Knife Nut: One of the weapon choices for angelica. They are very fast and deal low damage, but once her abilities are upgraded she can spam these with impunity, turning it into the most versatile weapon in the game
  • Load-Bearing Boss: After you beat Satan, his castle will start to colapse. While the time is generous, there are plenty of enemies on your way.
  • Light Is Good: Angelica, being an angel and having a white motif to her armour. Michael is an even bigger one, with gold armour and helmet and status as Big Good after Sariel is defeated
  • The Many Deaths of You: Emphasis on MANY. It's easier to count the ways Angelica CAN'T be killed in the game.
  • Multiple Endings: 5 of them, divided into two paths. Which one you get depends on your score on the levels themselves:
    • Ending D: Get very low grades in the levels. You defeate Bones, and Angelica beats Satan offscreen. Sariel sends Angelica to repopulate humanity, but after they discover her past of using the Chaos Orbs they burn her at a pyre
    • Ending C: Get low grades in the levels. You defeat Bones, and Sariel talks about how Angelica likes using the power of the ors. Angelica ends up correupted and they rule hell together
    • Ending B: Angelica discovers the truth about about Sariel, kills her and them Satan. She gets promoted to Seraphim, and goes to a hot spring with Michael
    • Ending A: Angelica discovers the truth about Sariel, kills her and them Satan. She tells Michael that she wants to become human. Michael is surprised, but she grants her wish
    • Ending S: Same as above, except Angelica also fights agains her inner demons before turning into a human. You also get a cutscene at the end of the credits showing Sariel, now amputated and tortured by some demons
  • Obviously Evil: Really, with black robes, mismatched eyes, a death glare every time you enter the shop, is it any surprise Sariel is a bad guy?
  • Orifice Invasion: And it's often deadly.
  • Resurrective Immortality: The explanation to just HOW Angelica can die so many brutal deaths and come back just fine, courtesy of Sariel. Michael also has this ability after she reavels herself and joins you
  • Ryona: The biggest "meat" of the game, of course, this being of the most famous ryona games in the japanese fandom.
  • Satan: The final boss
  • Seven Deadly Sins: Every level is named and themed after them, with the exception being the lost village and the hell gate.
  • Sinister Scythe: Bones wields one.
  • Shout Out: One creature from the Wrath level is named The World, is yellow, and his main attack is punching Angelica to death. The only thing he lacks to be expy from the stand from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is the ability to stop time!
  • Slippy-Slidey Ice World: The Greed Level
  • Taken for Granite: Mammon and The Tower enemy can both do this with their lazers.
  • Tarot Motifs: All of the enemies besides the bosses are named after Tarot cards. You can only see their names in the CG gallery though.
  • There Is No Kill Like Overkill: If her death doesn't vaporize or destroy her body completely, most enemies will keep using their kill animations even after Angelica is clearly dead.
  • To Hell and Back: Given that Angelica can come back to Arcadia any time to buy things and talk to her superior, this is going to happen MULTIPLE times during her journey.
  • We Can Rule Together: Sariel and Satan both make this offer to Angelica. She only aceepts the one from Sariel, and that only happens in the bad ending