Final Fantasy IX: Scars of Terra/Characters: Difference between revisions

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== Active Player Characters ==
=== Annelise Steiner ===
{{quote| Created by Noblesse Oblige}}
The Sixteen year old Daughter of Adalbert and Beatrix Steiner. A Lieutenant of the Alexandrian Army's Blue Winged Knights Regiment, she is a Loyal and Proud individual, but feels insecure of her abilities, and tries to fight harder than everyone else so people would not see her as the same as her parents.
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* [[The Hero]]
* [[Hot Amazon]]
* [[Hot Chick Withwith a Sword]]
* [[Knight in Shining Armor]]
* [[Lady of War]]
* [[Mix and Match]]: Of the [[Magic Knight]] and [[The Paladin]] variety.
* [[Spell My Name Withwith an "S"]]: Annelise or Anneliese? you decide!
=== Robert Crescent ===
{{quote| Created by Sir Fratley}}
The Sixteen Year Old Son of Freya and Fratley Crescent, Robert is a Burmecian Dragon Knight who is proud and dutiful to his family and his country. Strong-willed, yet humble. Fratley is known for his quick wit and even quicker bladework.
* [[Badass]]
** [[Badass Furry]]
* [[Blade Onon a Stick]]
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]
* [[In a Single Bound]]: Noted that he, as a Dragon Knight, is capable of jumping in and out of battle.
* [[My Country, Right or Wrong]]
* [[Petting Zoo People]]
* [[Rodents of Unusual Size]]
=== Ricard Fiarne ===
{{quote| Created by Rorolina Frixell}}
A Seventeen Year Old Samurai who is a member of the Knights of Pluto. A Level-headed and duty-bound individual, he became a Pluto Knight after taking a part in a duel with then Pluto Knight leader Adelbert Steiner. Despite his duties, he is shown to have an authoritative and sometimes intolerant side to him towards other races.
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* [[Chaste Hero]]
* [[Childhood Friend Romance]]: Moreso Twin Sword than himself, Ricard just seeing her as a fellow student in their childhood.
* [[Jerk Withwith a Heart of Gold]]: While he can occasionally be nice to people when things get serious, and particularly involve saving lives he prioritises those who are more important, oftentimes royalty and authority. if they aren't involved turning to how saving civilians will only get them killed, masking his concern for the party's safety.
* [[Katanas Are Just Better]]
* [[My Country, Right or Wrong]]
* [[Ronin]]
* [[Samurai]]
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=== Lan Ester ===
{{quote| Created by Bathoin}}
A Fifteen Year Old Genome born in Gaia. He is also known as Lan Ester Tribal. Self proclaimed the "Third Angel of Death" Lan is a down-to-earth individual who is also a very calculating individual. He is the adopted son of Mikoto Tribal.
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=== Aaron Sohm ===
{{quote| Created by xAaronx}}
A Twenty-Seven Year Old Genome Dark Knight trained by legendary mercenary Gafgarion. Calm and Quiet, He is a mercenary seeking to fulfill his dead masters wishes.
=== Lucia ===
{{quote| Created by Rorolina Frixell}}
A Nineteen Year Old Genome who is also a skilled airship pilot, Lucia is loud, boisterous and flirty. She was an old friend of Gisale during the closing years of the Oeilvert Civil War, and as such holds her in high regard.
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=== Remilia Ovelia ===
{{quote| Created by Bathoin}}
A Seventeen Year Old Summoner from Dali, Remilia grew to know of her summoner heritage. A Lover of adventure, she loves to travel and see the world, but is intolerant towards flirtatious individuals.
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=== Atalanta Palaiologos ===
{{quote| Created by Noblesse Oblige}}
A Twenty-Seven Year Old mercenary and a veteran of the Oeilvert Civil War, Atalanta is a boisterous individual and a berserker, trained in combat from the understanding of how Behemoth's fight. Despite her somewhat boisterous and sometimes flirty nature, she comes to know many things from her travels.
=== Vanessa Palaiologos ===
{{quote| Created by Rorolina Frixell}}
A shy Fifteen Year Old Girl and the adoptive daughter of Atalanta Palaiologos. She was a slave to the King Family until Atalanta purchased and subsequently released her from slavery.
* [[A -Cup Angst]]: Despite little interest in her figure she feels left out between Atalanta and Twin Sword.
* [[Black Magician Girl]]
* [[Made a Slave]]
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=== Garnet Til Alexandros XVII ===
{{quote| Played by Ravness Loxaerion}}
The Thirty-Three Year Old Queen of Alexandria, Garnet, while not as naieve as she was when she started her adventure seventeen years ago, lacks some of the understanding of politics outside the Mist Continent, but despite this, is a quick thinker and a superb strategist.
=== Freya Crescent ===
{{quote| Played by Sir Fratley}}
The Thirty-Eight Year Old Burmecian Dragon Knight, Freya has become the mother five children, yet maintains her sharp-wit from her younger days. She is now a General and top adviser to King Puck of Burmecia.
=== Fratley Crescent ===
{{quote| Played by Sir Fratley}}
The Fourty Year Old Burmecian General and adviser to puck. Although he had lost his memories as a result of a prior battle with General Beatrix, he was able to slowly regain a few of them, and through it all, rekindled his relationship to Freya, who became his wife.
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== Inactive PC's ==
=== Stephen Hownam ===
{{quote| Created By Deadpool}}
A Twenty-One Year Old Assassin and Mercenary, Stephen is best described as a Loner. Little is known about him otherwise.
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[[Category:Final Fantasy IX: Scars Ofof Terra]]

Latest revision as of 14:20, 7 November 2015

As this RP progresses, this will remain a work in progress as new characters are introduced.


Active Player Characters

Annelise Steiner


Created by Noblesse Oblige


The Sixteen year old Daughter of Adalbert and Beatrix Steiner. A Lieutenant of the Alexandrian Army's Blue Winged Knights Regiment, she is a Loyal and Proud individual, but feels insecure of her abilities, and tries to fight harder than everyone else so people would not see her as the same as her parents.

Robert Crescent


Created by Sir Fratley


The Sixteen Year Old Son of Freya and Fratley Crescent, Robert is a Burmecian Dragon Knight who is proud and dutiful to his family and his country. Strong-willed, yet humble. Fratley is known for his quick wit and even quicker bladework.

Ricard Fiarne


Created by Rorolina Frixell


A Seventeen Year Old Samurai who is a member of the Knights of Pluto. A Level-headed and duty-bound individual, he became a Pluto Knight after taking a part in a duel with then Pluto Knight leader Adelbert Steiner. Despite his duties, he is shown to have an authoritative and sometimes intolerant side to him towards other races.

  • Big Brother Instinct: Ricard's relationship as he sees it with Annelise and Twin Sword
  • Chaste Hero
  • Childhood Friend Romance: Moreso Twin Sword than himself, Ricard just seeing her as a fellow student in their childhood.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: While he can occasionally be nice to people when things get serious, and particularly involve saving lives he prioritises those who are more important, oftentimes royalty and authority. if they aren't involved turning to how saving civilians will only get them killed, masking his concern for the party's safety.
  • Katanas Are Just Better
  • My Country, Right or Wrong
  • Ronin
  • Samurai
  • Unwanted Harem: Between a half-hearted rivalry over him by Twinsword and Annelise, not to mention Eiko, and many of the female members of the Blue Winged Knights showing interest in him, sometimes it's good to be Ricard.

Lan Ester


Created by Bathoin


A Fifteen Year Old Genome born in Gaia. He is also known as Lan Ester Tribal. Self proclaimed the "Third Angel of Death" Lan is a down-to-earth individual who is also a very calculating individual. He is the adopted son of Mikoto Tribal.

Aaron Sohm


Created by xAaronx


A Twenty-Seven Year Old Genome Dark Knight trained by legendary mercenary Gafgarion. Calm and Quiet, He is a mercenary seeking to fulfill his dead masters wishes.



Created by Rorolina Frixell


A Nineteen Year Old Genome who is also a skilled airship pilot, Lucia is loud, boisterous and flirty. She was an old friend of Gisale during the closing years of the Oeilvert Civil War, and as such holds her in high regard.

Remilia Ovelia


Created by Bathoin


A Seventeen Year Old Summoner from Dali, Remilia grew to know of her summoner heritage. A Lover of adventure, she loves to travel and see the world, but is intolerant towards flirtatious individuals.

Atalanta Palaiologos


Created by Noblesse Oblige


A Twenty-Seven Year Old mercenary and a veteran of the Oeilvert Civil War, Atalanta is a boisterous individual and a berserker, trained in combat from the understanding of how Behemoth's fight. Despite her somewhat boisterous and sometimes flirty nature, she comes to know many things from her travels.

Vanessa Palaiologos


Created by Rorolina Frixell


A shy Fifteen Year Old Girl and the adoptive daughter of Atalanta Palaiologos. She was a slave to the King Family until Atalanta purchased and subsequently released her from slavery.

Returning Characters

All Tropes from FFIX still apply to the canon characters.

Zidane Tribal-Alexandros

The Protagonist of Final Fantasy IX, now the King-Consort of Alexandria at 33. While he isn't as flirtatious as he was in his youth, Zidane is still some a cheerful and caring individual.

Garnet Til Alexandros XVII


Played by Ravness Loxaerion


The Thirty-Three Year Old Queen of Alexandria, Garnet, while not as naieve as she was when she started her adventure seventeen years ago, lacks some of the understanding of politics outside the Mist Continent, but despite this, is a quick thinker and a superb strategist.

Freya Crescent


Played by Sir Fratley


The Thirty-Eight Year Old Burmecian Dragon Knight, Freya has become the mother five children, yet maintains her sharp-wit from her younger days. She is now a General and top adviser to King Puck of Burmecia.

Fratley Crescent


Played by Sir Fratley


The Fourty Year Old Burmecian General and adviser to puck. Although he had lost his memories as a result of a prior battle with General Beatrix, he was able to slowly regain a few of them, and through it all, rekindled his relationship to Freya, who became his wife.


The King of Burmecia, Puck assumed the role after his father's death in the Great War. Although he is an autocratic ruler, he has learned and is advised in affairs by the Crescent family.

Cid Fabul IX

The Regent of Lindblum, Cid is a peaceful, proactive ruler who rules one of the few nations capable of holding its own against Oeilvert.

NPC Original Characters

Oeilvert and The Six Lord Generals

Lord Cyril

Full name Cyril Gesalios, he is the current Absolute Monarch of the Kingdom of Oeilvert. Cold and calculating. He is an enigmatic figure, even to his own people and even to people close to him.

The Lord Generals

A group of six military officers who helped bring Cyril to power in Oeilvert. They are the military and political leaders of Oeilvert. While most of them have differing views on why they fight, they all believe in some degree of cohesion and support to their nation.

The Bishop

A merciless female summoner, The Bishop is remarkably skilled in magic techniques and is capable of summoning exotic eidolons not before seen in centuries.

The Brandish/Gisale Wettin-Gesalios

The leader of the Lord Generals and Annelise Steiner's old apprentice. Gisale is also the Queen-consort of Oeilvert. Stern and serious to a fault. She hesitates when dealing with morally wrong scenarios, and is often reluctant to engage in battle unless it is necessary.

The Twinsword

The Youngest of the Lord Generals, defected to the Allied Forces so she could be closer to her childhood friend, Ricard. Carefree, she is an idealist compared to the cynical characters of the other Lord Generals

The Magic Knight

The Pirate

The Ninja

Inactive PC's

Stephen Hownam


Created By Deadpool


A Twenty-One Year Old Assassin and Mercenary, Stephen is best described as a Loner. Little is known about him otherwise.