Five-Man Band/Video Games/T-Z


Tales of Destiny

The Hero Stahn
The Lancer Leon, Rutee ( After Leon dies)
The Big Guy Woodrow/Garr
The Smart Guy and The Chick Philia

Tales of Eternia

The Hero Farah
The Lancer Reid
The Big Guy Max
The Smart Guy(s) Keele and Chat
The Chick Meredy
Sixth Ranger Traitor Ras
The Mentor Galenos
Team Pet Quickie

Tales of Graces

The Hero Asbel
The Lancer Malik
The Big Guy Sophie
The Smart Guy Pascal
The Chick Cheria
The Sixth Ranger Hubert

Tales of Hearts

The Hero Shing
The Lancer Hisui
The Big Guy(s) Innes, Kunzite
The Smart Guy(s) Kunzite, Innes
The Chick(s) Kohak, Beryl
Mysterious Waif Richea
Sixth Ranger Chalcedny Squad

Tales of Innocence

The Hero Ruca
The Lancer Spada
The Big Guy Hermana
The Smart Guy Ricardo
The Chick(s) Iria, Ange
Team Pet Kouda

Tales of Phantasia

The Hero Cless
The Lancer Chester
The Smart Guy Klarth
The Big Guy Arche (magic type)
The Chick Mint
Sixth Ranger Suzu (only available in re-releases of the game)

Tales of Symphonia - Initial Guard

The Hero Lloyd
The Lancer Genis
The Smart Guy Raine
The Big Guy Kratos
The Chick Colette
Sixth Ranger(s) Sheena, Zelos, Presea and Regal

Tales of Vesperia

The Hero Yuri
The Lancer Judith
The Big Guy Karol (who incidentally happens to be a 12-year-old kid.)
The Smart Guy Rita
The Chick Estelle
Sixth Ranger Raven
Team Pet Repede

Throne of Darkness has seven men, of whom the player can control four at a time, while the others are resting. The ideal combination looks something like this:

The Hero The Leader
The Lancer The Swordsman or The Archer
The Big Guy(s) The Brick and The Berserker
The Smart Guy The Vizard or The Ninja

Tomb Raider: Legend

The Hero Lara
The Lancer Winston
The Big Guy Zip
The Smart Guy Alister
The Chick Anaya

Touch Detective

The Hero Mackenzie
The Lancer Chloe
The Smart Guy Cromwell
The Chick Penelope
Team Pet Fungi

Touhou (as of Subterranean Animism)

The Hero Reimu
The Lancer Marisa
The Smart Guy Nitori and Patchouli
The Big Guy Suika
The Chick Alice
Sixth Ranger Aya and Sanae
The Mentor Yukari
Team Pet Rinnosuke

The semi-canonical Touhou Team 9 is as follows:

The Hero Cirno (Idiot Hero)
The Lancer Wriggle
The Smart Guy Mystia
The Big Guy Daiyousei
The Chick and Token Evil Teammate Rumia

* Note: See also Five-Bad Band for some of the boss teams in Touhou Project, who can technically fit here due to the games' White and Grey Morality.

Trauma Team

The Hero CR-S01
The Lancer Maria Torres
The Big Guy Hank Freebird (literally - his intro mission is called "The Big Guy")
The Smart Guy Gabriel Cunningham
The Chick Tomoe Tachibana
Sixth Ranger Naomi Kimishima



Valkyria Chronicles

The Hero Welkin
The Lancer Alicia
The Big Guy Largo
The Smart Guy Isara
The Chick Rosie

Valkyrie Profile 2 (at first)

The Hero Silmeria
The Lancer Rufus
The Big Guy Dylan
The Smart Guy Lezard
The Chick Alicia
Sixth Ranger Leone (real identity Hrist) and Arngrim

Watch Dogs 2

The Hero Marcus Holloway
The Lancer Josh Sauchak
The Big Guy Horatio Carlin, later T-Bone
The Smart Guy Wrench
The Chick Sitara Dhawan

Wild ARMs

The Hero Rudy (also the closest the group has to The Big Guy)
The Lancer Jack
The Chick Cecilia
The Smart Guy Hanpan

The remake expands upon this to make it a full on 6 man with pet:

Wild ARMS Alter Code F

The Hero Rudy
The Lancer Jack
The Smart Guy Emma
Action Girl Jane
The Chick Cecilia
The Sixth Ranger Zed
Team Pet Hanpan

Wild ARMs 2

The Hero Ashley Winchest
The Big Guy Brad Evans
The Lancer Kanon
The Chick Lilka Eleniak
Kid Appeal Character Tim Rhymeless
The Sixth Ranger Marivel Armitage

Wild ARMs 3

The Hero / The Chick Virginia
The Lancer Jet
The Big Guy Gallows
The Smart Guy Clive

Wild ARMs 4

The Hero Jude Maverick
The Lancer and The Smart Guy Arnaud G. Vasquez
The Big Guy Raquel Applegate
The Chick Yulie Ahtreide
Sixth Ranger Kresnik Ahtreide

Wild ARMs 5

The Hero Dean
The Lancer Rebecca
The Big Guy Greg
The Smart Guy Avril
The Chick by virtue of process of elimination... Chuck
Tagalong Kid Carol

* In this case, I'm fully aware that the choices for The Smart Guy and The Chick are in YMMV territory, please feel free to suggest changes.

The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings

The Hero Geralt of Rivia
The Lancer Vernon Roche or Iorveth
The Big Guy Zoltan Chivay
The Smart Guy Dandelion
The Chick Triss Merigold

The World Ends With You

The Hero Neku
The Lancer Shiki
The Smart Guy Joshua
The Big Guy Beat
The Chick Rhyme

And, in the Alternate Universe bonus chapter:

The Hero Shooter
The Lancer Neku
The Smart Guy Joshua
The Big Guy Beat
The Chick Shiki
Sixth Ranger Traitor Rhyme

World of Warcraft

Character Classes

The Hero The Tank, leader and protector of the group.
The Lancer The Rogue, cat Druid and Hunter. Their methods are basically the opposite of the tank's, yet they're on the same side.
The Big Guy The Warrior, Paladin, balance Druid and Shaman. Whether it's because of heavy weapons and armor or hard hitting primal magic, these guys are anything but subtle.
The Smart Guy The Mage, Warlock, and Priest. They're Squishy Wizards with unique and varied magic.
The Chick The Healer, who deals little to no damage but instead keeps the group in a fit state to continue.
The Sixth Ranger The Death Knight, who joins the fight later in the timeline than the others. The Monk as of Mists of Pandaria.


The Hero Varian Wrynn
The Lancer Magni Bronzebeard Muradin Bronzebeard in Cataclysm
The Smart Guy Gelbin Mekkatorque
The Big Guy Tyrande Whisperwind
The Chick Velen or Jaina Proudmoore
Sixth Ranger Genn Greymane
Tagalong Kid Anduin Wrynn

Alliance Expedition

The Hero Turalyon
The Lancer Danath Trollbane
The Smart Guy Khadgar
The Big Guy Kurdran Wildhammer
The Chick Alleria Windrunner


The Hero Thrall
The Lancer Vol'jin
The Smart Guy Lor'themar Theron
The Big Guy Cairne Bloodhoof ( later replaced by Baine after Cairne dies)
The Dark Chick Sylvanas Windrunner
Sixth Ranger Trade Prince Gallywix (temporarily appointed by Thrall)

The Artists Formerly Known as Level 80 Elite Tauren Chieftain

The Hero Samuro
The Lancer Bergrisst
The Big Guy Chief Thunder-Skins
The Smart Guy Mai'Kyl
The Chick Sig Nicious

Syphon Filter: The Omega Strain

The Hero Cobra
The Lancer Gabe Logan
The Big Guy Gary Stoneman
The Smart Guy Teresa Lipan
The Chick Lian Xing
The Mentor Imani Gray
The Sixth Ranger Lawrence Mujari


The Hero Jean-Luc Cougar
The Lancer Jake Hudson
The Smart Guy Tom Smith
The Big Guy Law Bruford
The Chick Lisa Roberts
The Sixth Ranger Mike Hawkins
Tagalong Kid Keith Birdy
The Mentor Steven Legal


Xenosaga - Main party

The Hero Shion Uzuki
The Lancer Jr.
The Big Guy Ziggy and KOS-MOS
The Smart Guy Chaos
The Chick MOMO
The Sixth Ranger Jin Uzuki


Ys Book I and II: Ancient Ys Vanished

The Hero Adol
The Lancer Goban
The Big Guy Dogi
The Smart Guy Luta
The Chick Lilia
The Mysterious Waif(s) Feena and Lair
The Sixth Ranger Traitor Keith

Ys: The Ark of Napishtim

The Hero Adol
The Lancer Dogi
The Big Guy Chief Ord
The Smart Guy Ur
The Chick Olha
The Cute Bruiser Terra
The Tagalong Kid Isha
The Rival Geis
The Obi-Wan Raba


zOMG! features a number of ring classes that may fit the trope.

The Hero Melee - Single Target
The Lancer Buffs
The Big Guy Melee - Area of Effect
The Smart Guy(s) Crowd Control, Healing (sometimes The Chick)
The Chick Ranged

Zork: Grand Inquisitor

The Lancer Dalboz of Gurth
The Big Guy Brog
The Smart Guy Griff
The Chick Lucy Flathead
The Sixth Ranger Antharia Jack