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* [[Evil Counterpart]]: To Ryugen, which is quite a feat at this point. Both are primarily green, have a Chinese armor theme, and are insanely (as in ''literally'' insanely) manipulative. {{spoiler|Her brutal murder of Roshuo eerily resembles that of Micchy apparently murdering Takatora. Only difference is that Micchy grew to regret his actions whereas Redyue never did.}}
** She's also one to Ryoma (well, technically eviler counterpart). Both are sadistic backstabbers who enjoy manipulating others for their own gain and heavily desire the Forbidden Fruit. {{spoiler|Their ultimate fates both involved being killed by a main character using their newfound Overlord powers to inflict a sound [[Curb Stomp Battle]] to them, and ending their lives.}}
* [{[Evil Feels Good]]
* [[Evil Sounds Deep]]

Revision as of 01:51, 22 October 2014

A mysterious forest entered through cracks in space, home to the Inves and physical manifestation of DJ Sagara.

General Tropes

  • Alien Kudzu: Played for horro - more than usual anyway. Most uses of this trope have it as a symptom of an alien threat; Helheim is the threat. It's an unfeeling force of nature, and Nature Is Not Nice.
  • Arc Villain: Subverted. It only played the role of antagonist once in the short four episode span of the arc while Yggdrasil's Riders continue to play the role.
  • Assimilation Plot: Adds entire worlds to itself, converting all animal life in them into its Inves hordes.
  • Big Bad: Well, the closest we have to an official one, as it is the root of all the problems in the series.
  • Blue and Orange Morality: According to its avatar, Sagara, it only wants to bring about the next stage of evolution.
  • Grey and Gray Morality: Itself (as it only wants to evolve humanity and other species, while using morally negative acts) towards the Rider Alliance (who are not composed entirely of good people, but are still against the more antagonistic cast).
  • Planetary Parasite: Overgrows entire worlds.


The Monsters of the Week summoned to fight in the Inves Game that dwell in the Helheim Forest. While the Inves Game is in action, they'll obey the one holding their Lock Seed and fight until ordered to retreat. However, they will enter a rampage if their Lock Seed were to be dropped. Some also emerge from dimensional tears to their dimension.

  • Airborne Mook: Eating unripe Lockseeds cause the Mook Inves to sprout wings in #3. Also the Komori Inves, by default.
  • Alas, Poor Villain: Turns out that all of them, yes all of them are just innocent people and animals transformed because of the Helheim Forest.
  • Animal Motifs: All of them notably seem to have animal themes to them.
  • Black Blood: They seem to possess this. Strangely, the only times you see it are when Marika strikes one in #22 and when Baron pierces Deemushu with a Lemon Energy Arrow in #26.
  • Breath Weapon: The Seiryu Inves breathes blue fire, and the Komori and Bixie Inves' can shoot fireballs from their mouths.
  • Broken Streak: Up until the debut of the Lion Inves, all of them have japanese versions of their names.
  • Dark Is Evil: The Komori Inves.
  • Degraded Boss: The stronger Inves' are reduced to a group of Elite Mooks by the Forbidden Fruit Saga.
  • Home Field Advantage: They are all stronger in the Helheim Forest than they are when summoned by Lockseeds. This is evident to the simple book Inves are enough to give Gaim, Ryugen, and Baron trouble. In #41, Roshuo summoning a small group of them was enough to overwhelm Gaim Kachidoki Arms.
  • Lightning Bruiser: The Evolved Shika Inves, both Seiryu Inves', Lion Inves, and the Inoshishi Inves.
  • Made Of Iron: The Seiryu Inves, due to its powerful scales.
  • No Sell: The Seiryu Inves, until the heroes switch to blunt force weapons.
  • Technicolor Flame: The Seiryu Inves breathes blue fire as a sign of its power.
  • Whip It Good: How the Kamakiri Inves uses its antenna in battle.


Remains of true alien civilization known as the Femushinmu. They are an elite category of Inves that managed to retain their intelligence and receive great power form their transformation, capable of controlling lesser Inves and the Helheim Forest itself.

General Tropes

  • Aliens Are Bastards: All of them except Roshuo and his queen.
  • Aliens Speaking English: Subverted, they speak an alien language (though a cipher of Japanese). They have to learn Japanese, and even then they aren't Instant Experts except for Roshuo.
  • The Beast Master: They can control Inves at well, except for each other.
  • Colorful Theme Naming: When translated form their Cypher Language.
  • Disc One Final Boss: They act as the main antagonists for the mid point of the show, but are defeated before the final act leaving the Kamen Riders themselves as the final villains.
  • Foil: As noted by Redyue, to the Armored Riders as a whole. The Overlords survived Helheim by using its power to permanently mutate into Inves, while the Armored Riders safely channel Helheim's power while retaining their humanity. Basically, the Overlords gave into Helheim while humanity conquered the forest.
  • Green Thumb: They control the plants of Helheim the same way they control other Inves.
  • Monster Knight: They wear armor and carry weapons, setting them apart from their brethren.
  • The Sociopath: All of the them, except for Roshuo.


The first Overlord introduced. Bellicose and armed with a formidable array of powers.

  • Animal Motifs: Hard to tell at first, but one good look at the guy[1] hints that he's based on a horse, which too holds ties to European knights. Fitting as he's on high horse over anything that makes him upset.
  • Annoying Arrows: Shrugs off Baron's Lemon Energy arrow, though it leaves a scar.
  • Arc Villain: Can be seen as this for the Overlord Saga, as his arrival kick starts it and his demise ends it.
  • Authority Equals Asskicking: Deemushu is the Overlord that shows us why they are on the top of the food chain in Helheim.
  • Ax Crazy: He's short tempered, violent, and when he loses his cool, bad things happen.
  • Badass: Neither Marika or Baron Mango Arms can touch him despite their best blows. Even when Kouta uses Kachidoki Arms on him, the best Kouta accomplished was being on par with him.
    • When Takatora struggles with you, you know you're this. Even he and Gaim together couldn't so much as slow him down.
    • Badass Baritone: Speaks with a very low tone of voice, even while hamming it up.
    • Badass Cape: A rather regal one, on contrast to his thuggish demeanor.
  • BFS: Fights with one.
  • Blood Knight: Seems to be all he lives for.
  • The Brute: War and death are all he thinks about.
  • The Bully: His demeanor and philosophy of strength gives off this image.
  • Colorful Theme Naming: "Deemushu" translates to "Shinku", or "crimson".
  • Evil Counterpart: To Baron. Both are red, have a European armor design, and are characterized by their drive for power. Deemushu embodies the kind of reckless individuals who abuse their power over the weak, the kind Kaito wises to rid the world of. Lampshaded by Kouta, who compares the two outright in #31, when he asked Kaito whether or not he's going to become the same as Deemushu after hearing him ramble about the weak deserving to be crushed underfoot by the strong, very similar to how Kaito sees strength.
  • Evil Laugh: Usually does this when he's hurting someone. He unleashes his most biggest one to Kouta in #31.
  • Evil Sounds Deep: The first Overlord to be shown and starts the tradition of them having deep, powerful voices.
  • Expy: A red Kaijin that becomes stronger after each consecutive fights with the heroes, serves as an arch rival towards one of them, and has an omnicidal need to fight. Nope, definitely not Phoenix casting for another show in a row.
  • For the Evulz: On top of his envy, Deemushu freely admits he enjoys hurting people for the sake of hurting them.
  • Green-Eyed Monster: When asked why he begins destroying the city with no provocation, he replies he hates humanity for having what his species had lost.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: He's the most violent and badmouth of the Overlords.
  • Jerkass: Deemushu is a rude, vicious, violent thug, and that's all there is to him.
    • Jerkass Has a Point: When Kouta scolds him for not doing anything his species being consumed by Helheim, Deemushu back talks by telling him that his own species are hardly better people themselves. The only response Kouta has is that at least he isn't the same.
    • Jerk with a Heart of Jerk: His rant to Kouta proved that there is nothing to convince this guy from destroying something, so Kouta offs him.
  • Lightning Bruiser: Not only being physically strong enough to clobber a New Generation Rider, his teleportation and Super Smoke powers give him an edge in the speed department and enable him to blitz his opponents.
  • Large Ham: He's like a Japanese Lord Zedd.
  • Magic Knight
  • Person of Mass Destruction: His penultimate episode appearance has him destroy the city without an issue and causing mass hysteria throughout all of Zawame City.
  • Playing with Fire: His main offensive power.
  • Pride: His ego seems to trump even Kaito's.
  • Sadist: It becomes obvious that Deemushu likes the "hurting people" part of combat much, much more than the "fighting people" part.
  • Shoulders of Doom: Gains these after his One-Winged Angel form. Combined with Spikes of Villainy.
  • Super Smoke: Turns into this to quickly move around and attack.
  • Social Darwinist: To omnicidal extremes.
  • Took a Level In Badass: Originally, he was equals at best with Gaim Kachidoki Arms head on and Baron Lemon Energy Arms paired with Knuckle. After becoming his One-Winged Angel form, he was able to curb stomp almost all of the other Armored and New Generation Riders at once without a scratch.
  • Wall Crawl: One of his powers. He can run on walls and even ceilings.


The second Overlord Inves, a greenish jade one. Eerily similar to Ryugen in both color and design. Redyue is calmer and much more intelligent than Deemushu, but is no less malevolent, wanting a "toy" to alleviate the boredom of existing in Helheim for so long.

  • All Your Base Are Belong to Us: In #32, Redyue has Helheim infect Yggdrasil tower, turning it into the Overlord's main base of operations on Earth.
  • Alpha Bitch: One of highest ranked villains in the series, and a true monster at that.
  • Admiring the Abomination: Inverted; the childish, sadistic Redyue reacts in glee when she see humans being ruthless enough to attempt to nuke Zawame City just to have a change to kill her.
    • Also inverted with Micchy. She finds his madness to be the most interesting thing in the world, which the reason she keeps him.
  • Ax Crazy: She hides it better than Deemushu, but it's clear she's fucked up in the head.
  • Badass: Perfectly capable of fighting Ryoma and Kouta at once.
  • Big Bad: While Roshuo is the true leader of the Overlords, Redyue is ultimate the one who is true, ultimate villain in the fraction and was an evil monster long before Roshuo ruined their world. It took Kaito becoming an Overlord himself, one strong enough to almost defeat (and kill) Gaim Kiwami Arms to outdo Redyue.
  • The Chessmaster: "Everything is moving as I desired."
  • Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: And proud of it.
  • Evil Counterpart: To Ryugen, which is quite a feat at this point. Both are primarily green, have a Chinese armor theme, and are insanely (as in literally insanely) manipulative. Her brutal murder of Roshuo eerily resembles that of Micchy apparently murdering Takatora. Only difference is that Micchy grew to regret his actions whereas Redyue never did.
    • She's also one to Ryoma (well, technically eviler counterpart). Both are sadistic backstabbers who enjoy manipulating others for their own gain and heavily desire the Forbidden Fruit. Their ultimate fates both involved being killed by a main character using their newfound Overlord powers to inflict a sound Curb Stomp Battle to them, and ending their lives.
  • Evil Feels Good
  • Evil Sounds Deep
  1. Especially the head and legs.