Kyonyuu Fantasy/Heartwarming

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.
Revision as of 03:01, 28 September 2016 by GethN7 (talk | contribs)

  • Shamshiel gets multiple moments:
    • In Roxanne's route, she foils multiple attempts by the Prefect to screw Lute over And even leaves when Lute choose to live out his life with Roxanne despite her own feelings for him.
    • In Isis' route, she does what she does in Roxanne's route but to a greater degree, even helping Isis and Lute escape the entire country so they can be happy together.
    • Her own route is ironically more one for him. Not only does he elect to stay with her for the rest of his days he does so knowing he will be unable to live amongst humans in the process.
  • Roxanne's arc is just heartwarming from start to finish, with her clearly over the moon Lute actually treats her like a woman and while he admits he's into her body, he also regards her with actual affection. She repays him showing her more love in a few days than her husband ever did for their entire marriage by helping Lute take control after her husband's treason comes to light. Her ending is filled with even more tooth rottingly level sweetness from the two of them.
  • Generals Zant, Schlamm, and Felzen come off at total Jerkasses when we first meet them, and little has changed when they meet again, with all three trying to undermine Lute every step of the way in the commander arc. However, Lute wins their reluctant respect when he's given a golden opportunity to have them executed for trying to have him assassinated and instead tells them he assumed it was a test of his competence, leaving them with the responsibility of taking over should the worst happen. Felzen later sees Lute privately, having realized he may have been blinded by hubris when he first considered Lute's competence, and when Lute confides in him about the traitor the King warned him about, Felzen is stunned, admitting he could be the traitor himself, and is further surprised Lute is still willing to trust him, especially after Lute admits he's aware of the possibility but still believes Felzen is loyal to what really matters. Felzen is so moved by this he later speaks with his fellow generals and makes them admit they underestimated Lute based on assumption and possibly rigged evaluations from the Knight's Academy, and when Lute manages to win the duel against the enemy commander the following day, Felzen's former arrogance disappears completely, to the point when Motaire acts out, he personally pulls rank on him and orders Motaire to give Lute the respect his rank deserves.
    • General Zant later joins Felzen in showing Lute proper respect, and when Motaire tries to strangle Lute at a royal banquet in Lute's honor out of jealously, Zant pulls rank, orders the guards to toss Motaire out on his ass, and even gives Lute a warning about his next possibly assassination attempt, and Felzen later joins him in foiling another one.
    • Later, Motaire is so pissed you are so far above him it's not even funny anymore {and have basically taken everything from him, including the adoration of his airheaded bimbos) that he tries to attack in broad daylight, and not only does General Felzen see this and order the guards to give Motaire a No-Holds-Barred Beatdown, he decides to prove why he earned his own reputation as a brawler and joins in! Later, as what's left of Motaire is dragged off, he compliments Lute on winning over Gladys to his side and warns him directly the Prime Minister has knives out and to watch his back.
      • Later, when the King wants to fill the position of Commander of the Guards, he calls Lute and the Prime Minister in to discuss the options. Felzen is Lute's pick, and the King agrees, while the Prime Minister does everything he can to disqualify the man, with Lute managing to outwit him, with the King agreeing to Lute's logic and sending the minister away to get Felzen to inform him of his promotion. Felzen is so happily shocked Lute was the one to not only suggest his promotion but also to free him from being assigned to rural postings for the rest of his career he leaves the room having to wipe his face on his sleeve.
  • The Harem Route is full of awesome for everyone in the cast save the villains. The various harem members do their parts to save Lute with Roxanne even serving as a decoy for the Princess so she can help Shamshiel get into places she cannot. General Schlamm and even Motaire Heel Face Turn. Gladys pulls a Big Damn Heroes and saves Lute from execution, while Emeralia calls out the Prime Minister for his crimes and confesses to being his accomplice, Felzen cuts off the escape of Bonbon and executes him, but not before revealing King Hagel had confided in him he always assumed his own son was a Devil In Plain Sight. The Prime Minister makes it back to his own room, where tries to use an actual gun to kill Gladys, who cornered him. Shamshiel shows up to screw that plan up by tricking the panicked Prime Minister into wasting all his ammo on her, so he jumps into a magic portal to escape to the audience chamber. Around this time, Lute finds the portal and gives chase, only for the Prime Minister to attempt to kill him, only to be stopped by Motaire, who finally decided he'd rather follow his conscience than the Prime Minister and deflects the blow. The Prime Minister then, finally out of options, tries to appeal to Lute's sense of mercy to spare him, but Gladys and Felzen kill him before he can get the chance to try, and Lute doesn't even give a shit about his life regardless.