
Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

See also Punch Out/Characters until that page is merged with this one.

Characters from Punch-Out!! include:


Little Mac

A scrappy young pugilist from Bronx, New York. Could be considered Ippo Makunouchi's video game counterpart.

Appears in: NES, SNES (as a brown-haired kid instead of black-haired), and Wii

Voiced in the Wii game by: Matt Harty

  • Badass Normal
  • Determinator / Heroic Second Wind: In the Wii version, he can stop himself from being knocked out.
  • Fragile Speedster: Compared to everyone else in the league, at least. Even Glass Joe can deal more damage per punch, if you let him. But who else can land multiple punches in a row such that the opponent cannot defend between them?
  • Heroic Mime: In the Wii version at least.
  • Heroic Resolve: If you end up taking too much damage to where you're knocked out for the third time, you're shown a little cinematic of Little Mac slamming up against the ropes and then finally falling to the mat. But, if you're able to shake the Wii controller hard enough or press the 1 and 2 buttons fast enough, he barely catches himself by slamming a foot against the ground in front of him. He then proceeds to throw his head upwards at his opponent, a thoroughly pissed off look on his face, followed by a inaudible roar with his fists akimbo before resuming the match.
  • Hunk: Once he goes 3D starting with the Nintendo Wii.
  • Improbable Age: Plows through the ranks of the WVBA at the ripe old age of seventeen.
  • Muscles Are Meaningless: When you think about it, it would take a lot of strength to make the likes of King Hippo even flinch. Turns into...
    • Muscles Are Meaningful: Once he goes 3D starting with the Wii, he's updated to look like a bodybuilder reflecting how strong he is.
  • Pint-Sized Powerhouse
  • Real Men Wear Pink: His track suit.
  • Rule of Cool: In real life he would never be allowed to fight people outside his own weight class (which would be junior flyweight if the WVBA's weight classes are analogous to the WBO's; only Glass Joe would be in the same weight class), whom almost all of his opponents are. But no bother: it's awesome to knock the stuffing out of these seeming ten-foot behemoths with your star punches.
  • Shoryuken: He 3-star punch in the Wii version.
  • The Unfavourite: For some reason Referee Mario is harder on him than the other opponents. Indeed, there are some matches he will never rule in Mac's favor, no matter how many points he scores.
  • You Can Barely Stand: During some of the fights if you don't get knocked down or take that many hits, you can see Little Mac between rounds resting with a confident look on his face and eager to get back out to fight. However, if you take enough abuse, you instead see a bruised up Little Mac, one eye almost swollen shut, a band aid on his head as well as other bruises and injuries, hunched over trying to support himself with an arm on his knee while occasionally wiping the sweat off his chin. Just one look at him and you can tell he's really giving it everything he has to try and win this fight.
  • Weak but Skilled: Skilled enough to beat Donkey Kong.

Jerome "Doc" Louis

Mac's portly trainer.

Appears in: NES, Wii

Voiced in the Wii game by: Riley Inge

Opponents introduced in Punch-Out!! (Arcade)

Glass Joe

The guy with the glass jaw and outrageous French accent. Along with Gabby Jay, Joe holds the WVBA record for most career losses.

Appears in: Arcade Punch-Out, NES, Wii

Voiced in the Wii game by: Christian Bernard

  • Adaptation Dye Job: Joe had brown hair in the arcade, blonde on the NES, and reddish-brown on the Wii.
  • Butt Monkey
  • Cheese-Eating Surrender Monkeys: Subverted: while he certainly fits the French=Weak stereotype, he never surrenders. Sure he's a loser, but he's an honest loser.
  • Determinator: For a guy who's main trait is his suckiness he certainly deserves kudos for still being in the ring. Even Doc Louis states that he deserves some respect for how "he can always take a whoopin'".
  • Flip-Flop of God: Some say his one win was a fluke against Nick Bruiser. Some, citing the top time in Super Punch-Out, say it was Rick Bruiser (although that falls apart, given that Rick's only loss was against his brother Nick). Nintendo has not clarified anything yet.
    • Another theory states that his one win was against Gabby Jay, and that Gabby Jay returned the favor, hence why they both have 1-99 records.
  • Jobber: His record is an astounding 1-99.
  • Made of Iron / Made of Plasticine: Both tropes are humorously combined. Although Joe can't take a punch, somehow he's managed to avoid becoming a drooling vegetable from all the punishment he's taken.
  • Meaningful Name: Obviously a play on "glass jaw", a severe and possibly career-killing affliction. Not that it stops Glass Joe.
  • Not So Harmless: The title defense version. He's gonna be even harder to beat with his new headgear, and he knows it.


  • One-Hit Kill: On the NES version, if you hit Joe after he steps back and taunts, there is a chance Joe will be knocked out. Since Joe does nothing before said taunt, it's possible this blow will be the only one in the fight.
  • Patriotic Fervor: Pretty easy to tell that Joe is from France; his entrance tune is the French National Anthem.
  • Punny Name: He has a glass jaw.
  • Riddle for the Ages: Who was the one opponent he managed to defeat? Most fans assume it was Gabby Jay (a similar character in Super Punch Out whose one win is confirmed to be against Glass Joe) but that is only conjecture.
  • Throw the Dog a Bone: One of Glass Joe's challenges in the Wii game? Let him win. Now you might think, "Oh-kay... Shouldn't be that hard, right?" Wrong. You have to let him win by decision. That means the fight has to last at least three rounds and he has to be knocked down three times while you are knocked down at least twice. Not as easy as it seems.
  • Took a Level in Badass: In the Wii version's Title Defense mode, his doctor prescribes him some headgear. He then greets you very smugly. Deservedly so. Know a certain challenge (4 punch KO) and you can easily beat him.
  • Warmup Boss: In every game he's in, he's the first opponent, and the easiest to knock out. With one exception:
    • "Wake-Up Call" Boss: You know Title Defense mode is hardcore when even Glass Joe can kick your ass.

Piston Hurricane

Bald Bull/Mask X

Kid Quick

Pizza Pasta

Mr. Sandman

Opponents introduced in Super Punch-Out!! (Arcade)

Bear Hugger

Dragon Chan

Vodka Drunkenski/Soda Popinski

Great Tiger

Super Macho Man

Opponents introduced in Arm Wrestling (Arcade)

Texas Mac


Alice and Ape III

Frank Jr.

Opponents introduced in Punch-Out!! (NES)

Von Kaiser

Don Flamenco

King Hippo

Piston Honda/Piston Hondo

Mike Tyson/Mr. Dream

Opponents introduced in Super Punch-Out!! (SNES)

Gabby Jay

Bob Charlie

Masked Muscle

Aran Ryan

Heike Kagero

Mad Clown

  • Acrofatic: Mad Clown will retreat by doing a few backflips.

Narcis Prince

Hoy Quarlow

Rick Bruiser

Nick Bruiser

Opponents introduced in Punch-Out!! (Wii)

Disco Kid

Donkey Kong

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