Ugly Americans/Characters

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A list of the characters from the Comedy Central series Ugly Americans and the tropes that define them.

From left to right starting with the guy in the blue tie and ending with the guy in the violet tie: Frank Grimes, Callie Maggotbone (with Doug the Koala Man behind her), Mark Lilly, Randall Skeffington, Leonard Powers, and Twayne the Bone-Raper. Not pictured: Aldremach Maggotbone.

Mark Lilly

The main character. A human social worker in New York City, employed by the Department of Integration.

  • Anti Hero: Type I.
  • Badass Normal: He has his moments.
  • Bastard Boyfriend: To his college girlfriend, Jacqueline. The psychological damage he inflicted to her not only lowered her self esteem, but drove her to throw her life away so she'd one day become perfect for him.
  • Beleaguered Bureaucrat
  • Chick Magnet: Subverted. Kind of. We don't see Mark get as many girls as Randall or even Leonard, but the girls he does get are flat out gorgeous (Lilith, Callie, Jacqueline) They also seem to form an obsession with him.
  • Cultured Badass: His craftiness, quick wit and knowledge of how to behave in social situations gets him out of a lot of ugly situations.
  • Designated Victim
  • Dogged Nice Guy
  • Geeky Turn On

 Callie: Uno is like third base to him!

  • Good Is Not Dumb: Some episodes show that he's a lot more on the ball than people think. Particularly the one where he's forced into selling his super-sized soul to Aldremach and gets it back by short-selling futures in the soul market, then spending the rest of the day debauching himself until his soul is the size of a pea. When Aldremach throws it out in disgust, he's able to get it back, along with 10 grand.
  • Loser Protagonist: Mark is sometimes portrayed as this, in-show.
  • Pungeon Master: Apparently, a recreational pastime of his.
  • Sensitive Guy and Manly Man: He is the sensitive foil to both Leonard and Randall.
  • Straight Man and Wise Guy: The straight man to Randall's wise guy.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: Eggs. His obsession with them borders on the creepy.
  • Understanding Boyfriend: Most of the time with his girlfriends, the only exception being his girlfriend in college, who he coldly dumped while she was in the hospital because she was allergic to eggs. Eggs he forced her to eat.
  • Unfazed Everyman
  • Unlucky Everydude
  • Weirdness Magnet
  • Zombie Advocate: His defining characteristic.

Callie Maggotbone

Mark's direct superior and on-again off-again girlfriend. A half-human succubus.

Randall Skeffington

Mark's slovenly zombie roommate.


  Mark: It is literally anything that moves with you, isn't it?


Leonard Powers

The wizard of social services, and Mark's co-worker at the DOI.

Twayne Boneraper

A demon; Mark, Callie, and Leonard's superior at the DOI.

  • Adult Child: When he goes to his family's house for Samhain, he wears goofy pajamas and reads comic books with a flashlight at night.
    • He's also ecstatic over the prospect of going to Summer Camp, to the point of forgetting the reason for being there in favor of carving a (rather ornate) totem pole.
    • He also can't poop away from home due to abandonment issues.
  • Anti Hero: Type V.
  • Black and Nerdy: Twayne fits this to a T, given his voice and some of the stuff that happens to him (e.g. getting a nosebleed while traveling down to Hell due to the change in altitude). One of the few characters to pull this and Scary Black Man off simultaneously.
  • Camp Straight
  • Cannot Tell a Joke:

 Twayne: What's the difference between a demonic council and a room full of chickens with their heads cut off? The chickens have far superior mid- to upper-level management skills! HI-YO!


Frank Grimes

The chief of law enforcement, and a foul-tempered foil to Mark. Prejudiced toward non-humans, he'd rather see them all deported.

  • A Father to His Men: Frank Grimes tries to be this, but given the High Turnover Rate of said men, they're understandably skeptical.
  • The Atoner: He never quite got over having accidentally killed his partner in his rookie days. Turns out he didn't really... and later in life he accidentally shot him again.
  • Character Development: In less than a season, he went from being an angry, frothing-at-the-mouth racist, violent cop to a mildly short-tempered clown who seems to berate the non-humans because he feels he's expected to.
  • Gag Penis: Grimes' wang is big enough to be used as a bludgeon.
  • Noble Bigot With a Badge
  • Why Do You Keep Changing Jobs: After he's fired from the DOI.

Aldremach Maggotbone

The highest ranking demon in Hell and Callie's father.