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War Fic

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A genre of Fan Fiction in which we find our plucky young heroes fighting in large military conflict, whether they want to or not. These fics almost always involve the main characters joining the military in some way, and almost always involve a focus on the weapons, tactics, and politics involved in war and how the characters react to them—as opposed to the characters themselves. Of course, this is helped a long quite a bit if said characters are already in the military.

This comes up a lot in series involving immortals (where this often expands on said immortal character's Backstory) and/or Time Travel combined with Historical Fics.

Gun Porn is entirely optional.

Examples of War Fic include:

Anime and Manga


Films - Animated


Live Action TV

  • Firefly fanfic does this quite a bit, with the Miranda wave being the catalyst for a second major war between the Alliance and the Independents.
  • The Gateworld Virtual Fleet: Exactly What It Says on the Tin, focusing mostly on the galactic and intergalactic conflicts in the future of the Stargate Verse.
  • In Doctor Who, the Last Great Time War has never been reviewed in canon, save as a Noodle Incident (for cost measures, the Time War lies according to Russell T. Davies above the budget of the whole BBC in a year). Needless to say, this means the Eighth Doctor has some fanfiction about this occasion.

Video Games

  • CombatEvolution is a Halo fanfic that attempts to rewrite a well known event in the Halo canon . . . with really, really, REALLY expensive weapons systems. If you like Gun Porn, you will love this fic.
  • Exoria is a distant, modern-day sequel to The Legend of Zelda series. Despite managing to stay true to the usual Zelda formula, such as item acquisitions, dungeon grinds, and boss fights, the author never fails to remind you that the story is set in the midst of a continental war, and things can get brutal.
  • Played with in the Zelda fanfic Liberty Rock. Link goes off to help hold a fort in a neighboring country's civil war, but rather than focusing on the tactics, politics, or weaponry, the main focus of the story is on the characters' days besieged in the fort dealing with monotony, stress, and dwindling hope.
  • Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater fanfic The Joy of Battle is set during World War II, which fits with MGS canon. Unlike the majority of MGS fics, especially those taking place during World War II, The Joy of Battle averts most War Fic tropes in that the story is about the characters with war as a backdrop and a complication.
  • Tiberium Wars is one of the better known examples. A full-blown novelization of one of the most popular RTS franchises out there.
  • The Armored Core fanfic Armored Core: From the Ashes is set very closely after the events of Armored Core for Answer, and with the reformed ORCA winning.

Western Animation

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