Don't Name It is a Homestuck Fan Adventure by CalamityCons, aka User:Calamity Jane. Like Red Dead Virgo, the series is an Alternate Universe where all the trolls have different blood colors.

The main protagonists, but not as you know them.

The story begins focused on Red Vriska, on the morning of her sixth Wriggling Day -- and the day where she is supposed to begin playing a game coded by her yellow-blooded friend. While Kanaya wants her to be the first one in, Vriska is wary -- she's seen these sort of cliches before. Doesn't help that these annoying humans keep pestering her, insisting she must ensure she enters the game before anyone else...

Meanwhile, Teal Eridan learns he needs to be at his hive (or at least the remains of it) before anyone can enter the game. Maroon Gamzee starts having visions out of nowhere, which appears to be his game-related power -- so why did it kick in before he even entered? And Magenta Aradia awakens and learns that the game will give her the chance to have the adventures she always dreamed of...

Can be read at the following places:

Character profiles and doodles can be found on the author's blog here [dead link].

Has officially been discontinued by the author.

Tropes used in Don't Name It include:

Awww! That's so sweet! It's a waste of valuable time, but IT'S SO SWEET!

  • Cryptic Conversation: The kids are quite good at this.
    • Purple Karkat and Magenta Aradia also manage this regularly, thanks to using the horrorterror lingo frequently. Aradia mentions in the narration that they do this delibarately to keep outsiders from understanding.
  • Dark Magical Girl(s): The Midday Crew.
  • Determinator: Eridan may not be a jadeblood, but that doesn't mean he's not going to push on through the blinding, burning sunlight to reach his goal.
  • Dogged Nice Guy: In a complete flip from Canon, Karkat desperately wants to impress Nepeta, who isn't interested.
  • Duct Tape for Everything: Purple Karkat breaks out the duct tape after breaking his game grub.
  • Emoticons: Jade Equius prefaces all his messages with various weaponry. A bow and arrow indicate he's casual, a smoking gun indicates he's serious, swords are for threatening tones and pickaxes are for manipulation.
  • Fan Nickname: Suitquius.
  • Figure It Out Yourself: While the kids are trying to ensure everything turns out right in the game by contacting the trolls before anything happens, they don't offer much in the way of explanations. John Lalonde is particularly bad about this.
  • The Fourth Wall Will Not Protect You: Equius is not okay with you trying to control his actions, so he grabs you by the neck and tells you to knock it off.
  • Gender Flip: The Midnight Crew's genders are flipped in the Kid's Session, with different abilities, mannerisms, and behaviors.
  • Gosh Dang It to Heck: Perhaps most evident when one Homestuck catchphrase gets bowdlerized to "Heck flipping yes."
  • Gray and Grey Morality: The war between Prospit and Derse. Prospit fights for the creation of new universes; Derse fights to prevent Sburb from destroying any more planets.
  • Hired Guns: Azure Nepeta works for Jade Equius as a mercenary and his right hand woman.
  • Homemade Sweater From Hell: Dr. Scratch gives a truly horrendous one to Dave. Dave loves it.
  • Hopeless Suitor: Karkat towards Nepeta. She even calls him 'the Suitor', with the implication that she's not interested.
  • How Do I Shot Web?: Despite having the kids around to 'help', most of the trolls enter Sgrub with absolutely no idea what's going on or how to accomplish anything.
  • Improvised Weapon: Teal Eridan specializes in this thanks to knowing Improvkind. He also knows Panickind.
  • In-Series Nickname: When trolling, Nepeta goes by 'Athena', from her trolltag athenasCircumstance.
  • Lazy Artist: HEAVILY averted. Calamity updates an average of ten times a day, all the images are drawn entirely from scratch, sprites are never used, hives are constantly redrawn consistently, backgrounds are used often, and the only time this actually feels like someone's hobby instead of someone's job is the occasions where she forgets someone's fins or makes a coloring error.
  • Mundane Luxury: Having lived as a hobo since the destruction of his hive, Eridan regularly marvels at things like a bar of soap or his dreamself having clothes that aren't riddled with holes.
  • The Nicknamer: Nepeta. Vriska is 'the Coward', Karkat 'the Suitor', Terezi 'the Soldier' and so on.
  • Noodle Incident: The last time someone tried to change Spade Regnant's mind about something ended in tragedy. And Cheetos. So many Cheetos.
  • Number Two: Nepeta to Equius.
  • Official Couple: Brown Terezi/Maroon Gamzee.
  • Passive-Aggressive Kombat: Between Kanaya and Vriska.
  • Properly Paranoid: Vriska is very, very paranoid about having any of her secrets discovered, especially her blood color and what lies under her Eyepatch of Power. She's even convinced that there are hidden cameras in her hive, watching her every move.
  • Psychic Link: It's mentioned in passing that Karkat and Aradia engage in "chakra semi-makeouts"; Calamity has clarified that this involves touching their foreheads together like so [dead link] and then merging their souls.
  • Real Trolls Carry Pink Parasols
  • Revenge by Proxy: After being enraged by some slight, Blue Tavros wrecked the offender's hive and killed their lusus.
  • Rhymes on a Dime: Tavros.
  • Seer: Not only has Maroon Gamzee always been able to see dead wigglers, his title in the game gives him visions of the future before he even enters it!
  • Shrinking Violet: Aradia.
  • Soft Glass: Nepeta's a big fan of throwing things through windows. Up to and including the physical manifestation of any potential flushed feelings she might have for Indigo Sollux.
  • Theme Naming: The subtitles of both threads are memorable quotes by Mike Wazowski.
  • Third Person Person: Azure Nepeta retains this quirk, but is terse and matter-of-fact.
  • Timey-Wimey Ball: All the kids are able to contact the trolls and speak with them before they even enter the game.
  • Tsundere: Nepeta has a big flushcrush on Sollux, but is afraid that showing these feelings would be a sign of weakness.
  • Wham! Line: You once again try to be the Jade Blood. And fail spectacularly.
  • What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?: The Earth's technical advancements are used by the kids for things like inter-continental snowball fights and punching someone through the Internet.
  • Woolseyism: Kanaya wanted to add to Sgrub in this fashion, but her boss vetoed that, insisting she recreate the game exactly as it was.
  • Writing by the Seat of Your Pants: What's going to happen next? "I have NO IDEA!"