Fridge Horror/Real Life: Difference between revisions

philosophy of computer simulations, from innocuous to Class Z apocalypse
(sorry, found some errors while proof-reading the last changes)
(philosophy of computer simulations, from innocuous to Class Z apocalypse)
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* Instead of No Afterlife or Eternal bliss, imagine this: Consider that reincarnation is real. That means that we were all possibly someone else in a past life. What if Reincarnation doesn't obey the laws of time? That means we could very well reincarnate as a past historical figure, or that schmuck who got tortured and killed because he angered the king. Not horrifying enough for you? Then consider this final bit: If there is no limit on reincarnation, and we could all have been someone else, then it's possible that there really is only one "soul" (i.e: we're all the same person, just in different lifetimes). All of those horrible things you hear, they happened to you at one point or another, and will likely happen again. Still not terrified? Whoever this soul is, he is probably completely alone in existence, and all of these lifetimes are just a really tragic way of escaping that loneliness, by creating duplicates of himself to talk to, to interact with, to love and to be loved. And that sad being...[[Tomato in the Mirror|is you]].
** Think for a minute. You can reincarnate as a different species. A dog. A paramecium. A plant. A shark. That had his fins cut off. You are both the person being cruel to animals and the animals being abused.
** Because if you consider the universal ancestor theory, every single living thing on our planet came from the same thing, which then proceeded to clone itself continuously. Our whole world is populated by a single thing that has gone through and is going through billions of horrible mutations. Think of the most hideous disgusting creature in existence.Billions Millions of years ago you and that thing where essentially the same thing.
** Can you be reincarnated as a plant? All those flowers picked. Your limbs are being ripped off in another life.
** You are every single bug you've stepped on or purposely squished. Also, you are every single child or pet who's ever been abused or neglected. And they were treated that way by you. And you're everyone you've ever been mean to. You're everyone who's ever died of cancer. You're the victim and perpetrator of every form of bigotry or injustice possible.
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* When you were a child, one of the adult people you liked the most might have been a ''pedophile''. And worse, that may have been the reason why (s)he was so nice all the time and always liked being around you.
* That [[Paranoia Fuel|strange noise]] you heard last night when you were awake briefly before falling asleep again? May be totally insignificant. Or the desperate cry for help of a person who was dying a [[Cruel and Unusual Death]] at that moment, possibly to the hands of somebody else. Now the victim's corpse has [[Never Found the Body|vanished without a trace]], and you were the only witness of his/her grisly fate.
** Come on, it was probably just an ordinary burglar coming ''this close'' to breakbreaking into your house.
* Computer simulations. There are people trying to simulate the evolution of life or even our universe on a supercomputer. Of course, their models are ''much'' simpler than the reality around us, otherwise the calculation would take forever. But still creepy when you think about the [[Unfortunate Implications|possible implications]] of such experiments.
** What if some actual form of life developed in a simulation? Even a very simple one? The person who started the program is essentially playing God. No, they [[Humans Are Cthulhu|are God]] in some way.
** Later, they might decide to delete the simulation and all its files (except a few ones they consider most important), in order to free space for the next simulation. That would ''wipe out'' any life they created irreversibly.
*** And they might not even notice this. They might be focused on something entirely different than the green little thing that is wiggling right now.
** If humans can "create" a universe in a computer, what if ''that very universe'' we live in is also a simulation of something ''even bigger'', started by some superintelligent creatures in another, yet more complex universe?
** And now combine this with the possibility of deletion. Cue [[Cosmic Horror]].