Harry Potter and the Invincible Technomage

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Revision as of 02:43, 5 February 2018 by Looney Toons (talk | contribs) (added trope)

Harry Potter and The Invincible TechnoMage is a Harry Potter/Iron Man Crossover Fanfic written by Clell65619. The plot involves a 5 year old Harry and the Dursleys visiting Stark Enterprises. Dudley accidentally causes a chain reaction that kills the Dursleys but Harry is saved by accidental magic. Tony Stark at first shocked that someone survived the explosion eventually decides to adopt Harry giving him the name he is known by throughout the fic: Harry Stark.

At its heart the story is a crossover between Harry Potter and the Marvel Universe with increasing cameos from Marvel outside of Iron Man. Eventually Harry is found by Dumbledore and invited to Hogwarts on his eleventh birthday. Harry is reluctant, but having been told of the dire consequences should he not go eventually convinces him that he is needed at Hogwarts.

Tropes used in Harry Potter and the Invincible Technomage include:
  • Brick Joke: When Sirius is waiting to meet Tony he has a slinky and a yo-yo to keep himself occupied. Later on Snape mentions that these two toys were fads during his school days and that he tried to set a school record for most steps descended by a slinky.
  • The Cameo: Tons and tons of Marvel Universe characters are referenced, both well known and obscure.
  • Children Raise You: Tony is noticeably more mature and self-controlled than he is in Marvel canon due entirely to having raised Harry.
  • Chivalrous Pervert: Harry seems like a budding example of one in this story with the way he talks to Hermione and Padma Patil.
  • Curb Stomp Battle: The Marvel Universe outclasses the Potter Verse in almost every way in this story. Not only can a Muggle like Iron Man breach the security wards of Hogwarts (finding it with the help of Captain Britain and Meggan, two magical Marvel Universe heroes), Harry was trained by Doctor Strange of all people, effectively eliminating his need for a magical education. Also, magical culture is shown to be stagnant and backwards, filled with ridiculous amounts of Fantastic Racism and corrupt to high heaven. The two reasons the Potterverse shows up at all is because Harry can't avoid the prophecy, and because (per Word of God) even though there exist god-like beings (as well as actual gods) in the Marvel Universe, many of them focus more on the Galactuses and the Doctor Dooms, while leaving lesser heroes to take care of lesser villains, which Voldemort counts as in this world.
  • Friendly Enemy: Harry manages to turn Draco, Crabbe and Goyle into these, and Draco in this story on some level seems to see Harry as a Worthy Opponent.
  • Kid Fic: The premise of the story is Tony Stark raising Harry Potter.
  • Magitech: After Reed Richards from the Fantastic Four discovers how Potter Verse magic works, Tony uses this knowledge to design Iron Man armours that can work within Hogwarts' anti-technology field (such as the exo-skeleton he gives Harry). Later on, Muggle electronics such as cell phones and CD players are introduced to Hogwarts, causing much frustration to Dumbledore. Finally, Harry's senior project is to design a magical computer that involves replacing electronic circuitry with runic pathways.
  • Muggles Do It Better: Reed Richards utterly defies his own trope (while playing another one dead straight) and makes technology functional around Harry-Potter magic, and Tony manages to make a cheap energy source out of it.
  • My Card: Siricu Black's business card. The text on it is reproduced in its entirety on the Crowning Moments of Funny page.
  • Oh Crap: Tony gives a joking version of this when he hears that Sirius Black has a Slinky. It Makes Sense in Context.
    • Another one given as a reaction to Sirius, a group of terrorists show up at a charity dinner to do general terrorist/robber things. Sirius, trying to play himself off as a costumed hero, decides to call himself "The Wizard," inadvertently taking the name of a fairly notorious Marvel Supervillain. The reaction subsides when the terrorists/robbers realize that it isn't the same Wizard that they were thinking of, but comes back when Sirius beats them all.
    • Harry's usual reaction to Steve Rogers's Training from Hell.
  • One-Scene Wonder: Thor, in all his hamtastic, scenery-chewing glory.
  • Papa Wolf: Tony Stark becomes this to Harry.
  • Power Limiter: Harry has one for his Chaos magic.
  • Shout-Out: There's a brief reference to Gotham City from the DC Universe put in as an in-joke. Also, Harry is reading a Garfield book while on trial by the Ministry as they attempt to declare Tony Stark's adoption illegal.
  • Take That: In addition to the discussion of "Who would play the cast of an Iron Man Movie" mentioned above, Tony scoffs at the idea that Jarvis would be played by an A.I and not a human being like the real Jarvis (who in the comics is the Battle Butler of The Avengers).
  • Too Dumb to Live: The Dursleys. Dudley causes an accident that causes not only their deaths but those of others that were trying to stop him.
    • Dudley is almost excusable. Worse is the fact Vernon actually hindered attempts to get Dudley to stop.
  • What Does This Button Do?: Dudley takes this Up to Eleven. Leading to explosive results, and kickstarting the story.