Infinite Stratos/YMMV

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

  • Crazy Awesome: Tabane Shinonono
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Honne Nohotoke, a side-character that appeared in the anime in Pikachu-esque pajamas, appears to have gained quite a following for someone with a less than a minute of screentime.
  • Fan Nickname: Some people call this series as "Country Wars" because it reminds them of Color Wars.
    • A large number of people simply like to refer to the girls by the country they represent. Cecilia and Bri-tan is the most original it can get.
    • A lesser but still well-known nickname coined by /a/ would be Ichika And The Jelly Factory. [1]
  • Fan-Preferred Couple: Charlotte/Ichika. Many fans argue that it would be refreshing for a harem hero to end up with a sweet, gentle and kind girl rather than yet ANOTHER violent, domineering, inconsiderate, selfish and emotionally insincere tyrant (which is unfortunately EVERY other girl in the harem) for a change.
    • Oddly, Laura is also sweet, gentle, and kind. That girl didn't get defrosted so much as transmuted into hot lava.
  • Follow The Leader: The popularity of Infinite Stratos spawned the "harem mecha musume" genre. Undefeated Bahamut Chronicle and Hundred are very similar while Hybrid x Heart Magias Academia Ataraxia is a much spicier example that many describe as "Infinite Stratos but done right" when it comes to the fanservice.
  • Ho Yay: Ichika and Charles seem close, and a lot of the Academy girls love it. No one minds however when Charlotte reveals her gender.
    • Les Yay: Laura comes in sounding really gay for Orihime-sensei.
    • Rin gives Cecilia a lower-body massage, complete with much laughter and squealing from the latter. (Actually, she's trying to "save" Ichika from having to do the same.)
  • It Was His Sled: How many places actually still spoiler-mark Charles/Charlotte's true gender and name?
  • Karma Houdini: Tabane, arguably. Though we're supposed to think of her as a Crazy Awesome Hot Scientist, it doesn't change the fact she may have been the one to have threatened to make Japan disappear off the map, and drove an IS berserk (in the novels, it had a live pilot trapped inside), for some fairly petty reasons. It's only by the fact that everyone involved escaped these incidents without harm that no one has yet called her out on the amount of potential damage she could have done.
    • And by petty she revolutionized warfare, made women the dominant gender somehow all for her pride ... as far as we know so far.
  • Memetic Mutation: PLOTS as coined by /a/, possibly derived from "I WATCH xxx FOR THE PLOT"
    • Also, post anything about Charles/Charlotte and windows. Guaranteed replies complete with White Knighting with pictures.
    • "France-tan is best-tan!" and "Char is special..."
    • Houki Pouki thanks to Houki launching Ichika in the air with a kick.
    • /a/ is now Infinite Str/a/tos after moot allegedly confessed to liking Infinite Stratos on the boards.
  • Moe: Charles and Laura after her meltdown. Also, Sensei-chan Maya.
  • Offscreen Moment of Awesome: Byakkushiki upgrading to Setsura. No Transformation Sequence, no nothing. It's pretty jarring to say the least.
  • One True Threesome: The fact that Charlotte and Laura are extremely friendly to each other has led to some portions of their fanbases proposing this solution.
  • Ship-to-Ship Combat: It's an Unwanted Harem with Powered Armor, it's to be expected.
  • Shout-Out: Some of the I.S. suits including their weapons, coloration, and names are a shout out to Gundam and Super Robot Wars.
  • So Okay It's Average: YMMV of course, but the show really doesn't break any ground with the Harem tropes.
  • What an Idiot!: Probably in the name of Fan Service, but episode seven has one jarring moment. Ichika and Charlotte need to change their clothes.
    • You'd Expect: One can just change in the bathroom inside their own room, and the other can just change in the bedroom.
      • Not to mention the partition Houki used to change behind when they were roomies mere episodes before.
    • Instead: Ichika then suggests that they change while facing the other way. Cue Charlotte tripping on the floor and Ichika turning around to see Charlotte's backside, and a kick in the face.
  1. Jelly in this case would mean jealous.