• Accidental Aesop: If you're feeling uncertain, jealous, or downright hostile towards someone who's about to marry into your family, you are absolutely right, and it's not simply a matter of you making a poor transition of it.
    • On the other hand, Twilight is shown to be overjoyed about the marriage until Cadence misbehaves. Could be a much more valuable aesop to kids: don't ignore someone's bad behavior that occurs in private just because they make your family member happy.
  • And the Fandom Rejoiced: Luna reappears, and actually appears onscreen together with Celestia!
    • Lyra and Colgate speak for the first time!
    • Believe it or not, some bronies were quite happy to see Senior Storyboard Artist Sibsy's OC Wild Fire make a cameo.
  • Broken Aesop: The lesson of this episode seems to be "don't be too possessive of your family members when they're getting married - you're not losing them forever". The moral is delivered very strongly by the reprise of "B.B.B.F.F.", and Twilight's realization that instead of gaining a sister, she's just lost a brother. She turned out to have been right all along, breaking the aesop... but it still got the message across.
    • Helped by the end of the second part, when Shining Armour tells her that he convinced Cadence by telling her that she wasn't just getting a husband, she was getting a great sister.
  • Broken Base: Even before The Hub's actual premiere, a few fans are calling Executive Meddling on this two-parter, since it concerns a very frilly, girlish wedding (even for this show) of two characters only introduced this episode that no one has ever heard of before and no character ever mentioned, for the sake of Hasbro's intense marketing, while other bronies are simply calling it a fitting way to end of the second season and will watch it on TV anyway.
    • Yes, Twilight turned out to be right about the Cadance we saw and had anyone listened to her, a disaster would have been prevented, but were the rest of the Mane 6 and Celestia really just being Jerkasses who forgot the aesop of "Lesson Zero" or were their reactions justified by how Twilight had been acting lately? Fans can't decide.
    • Even among those that enjoyed the episode, a common adjective used to describe it is "fanfiction-y".
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: B.B.B.F.F., officially named by the writer of the song himself.
  • Does This Remind You of Anything?: Cadence ´s Impostor trying to dictate what Shining Armor can or cannot wear and hurting him when he disagreed with her made their relationship creepily abusive.
  • Genius Bonus: Up to Eleven with this. And Word of God says yes, that was intentional.
  • Getting Smilies Painted on Your Soul: One of Cadence's powers is the ability to spread love -- she uses it on an arguing couple, making them instantly drop what they were fighting about.
    • This might be justified due to the fact that what they were fighting about was something really stupid (basically, Wildfire wanted to get a hooficure and her boyfriend didn't want her to).
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: The Mane 6 are bridesmaids? Now this picture makes sense.
    • Also, Cadence is ironic because of Hasbro's pink Celestia's toys.
    • Awhile back, there was a "Smug Cadence" meme which had a picture of the bride to be with smug face making snarky comments about her being another alicorn, her being pink, and her marrying Twilight's brother among other things. First episode airs and Cadance is shown to be very smug and snarky. Well, at least the imposter was.
  • Incest Yay Shipping: Twilight is very, very, close to her brother. Very.
  • Mary Sue: Cadence in some people's eyes. Her being an alicorn is the major argument for it, but this ignores many other factors, all of which are common in "Pony Sues": a gradient color scheme, being royalty, being looked up to and admired by main characters (Twilight Sparkle has admired her since childhood), getting along swimmingly with everypony and becoming adored by them without any effort which she does once released and able to actually take part in her wedding preparations, having powers not previously indicated by the show (not a major offender but it is common to such characters), and having the big day-saving scene center around her actions. On the other hand, the following episode showed that she was soundly defeated by the Hive Queen and is now nigh-powerless, and also decidedly NOT any more perfect than any other character.
    • In-universe, Imposter Cadence is a Grade-A Jerk Sue.
  • Padding: This story was an extremely slow start. However, this is only because nothing was known about the two new characters, which had to established first.
  • Rescued From the Scrappy Heap: Cadence for some people.
  • Stealth Pun: Celestia takes care of the day, Luna takes care of the night, and Cadance takes care of the twilight.
  • Strawmare Has a Point: Really, if you want a mature and dignified royal wedding reception, Pinkie makes as much sense as the arranger as Pee Wee Herman for any of the recent British royal weddings.
  • Tastes Like Diabetes: Little Twilight and Cadence friendship dance.
  • The Woobie: Twilight. Dear Celestia, Twilight.