Shrek the Third

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Shrek the Third is a 2007 animated fantasy comedy film and a sequel to Shrek 2. The film received mixed to negative reviews but did well at the box office.

King Harold dies, leaving the ogre couple as his successors, and Shrek, unable to accept this fate, leaves Far Far Away to search for another heir to the throne, a teenage loser named Arthur Pendragon. Meanwhile, Prince Charming rallies various fairy tale villains and organizes a coup, taking over Far Far Away, and Fiona (pregnant with Shrek's kids) assembles her own team of fairy tale princesses to confront him.

Tropes used in Shrek the Third include:

Cyclops: Who would have thought a monster like me deserved something as special as you?
Shrek: She's got your eye.

Donkey: We went to high school, then the boat crashed, and then we got bippidy-boppity-booped by the magic man!

  • Jerkass/Jerk Jock: Lancelot and his friends.
  • Paper-Thin Disguise
  • Poke the Poodle: When the villains attack Far Far Away, there's a montage of them "rearranging" the place. Cut to the cyclops ripping stamps off unsent letters and then cramming them back into the mailbox.
  • Poor Predictable Rock: A sponsored commercial for Sierra Mist plays off this trope, having Shrek using paper since he claims Donkey's hoof represents rock.
  • The Power of Rock: When Snow White unleashes the power of Led Zeppelin's "Immigrant Song", causing the forest animals to attack the Huorns guarding the city gates.
  • Psychopathic Manchild: Prince Charming.
  • Redemption Demotion: Dragon. While in the first film she is shown to have defeated many knights, and is barely defeated by Shrek, also eating Lord Farquaad at the end, she seems a lot weaker in Shrek the Third, only able to throw one of Prince Charming's mooks away before more of them capture her. They also subdue her easily with spears in the final confrontation.
    • Still... Dragon does end up supplying the coup de grace against Prince Charming.
  • Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony: Shrek, performing one of his duties as stand-in king, attempts to christen a newly made ship via the shattering of a wine bottle. Unfortunately, he accidentally pushes the ship off (by leaning on it awkwardly) before he can finish the ceremony. Desperate, Shrek hurls the champagne bottle at the newly-made ship, blowing a hole in it and causing it to catch fire somehow.
  • Show Some Leg: one of the Ugly Sisters. Still works, though.
  • Sorry I Left the BGM On: two cases in succession. Merlin's porchlight apparently plays the classic "That's What Friends Are For"; and later on, Shrek and company are attacked by treants to background music by Captain Hook on the piano.
  • Sound Effect Bleep: Twice when Fiona is trying to say she's pregnant, when Shrek chucks the horn over the side. A different, much deeper horn is then used to cover up a vulgarity from Puss.
  • Tempting Fate: "Someone better be dying!" Cut to King Harold on his deathbed.
  • Too Many Babies: A nightmare of Shrek's.
  • Totally Radical: "Help! I've been captured by an ogre who's trying to relate to me!!"
  • Wave of Babies: The inevitable extension of the Too Many Babies example.
  • The Worf Effect: Dragon. That weighted chain-net clearly had her name on it.
  • Your Costume Needs Work: Shrek passing for a mascot at Arthur's high school gets spun into a Chekhov's Gun.