Jumper (video game)

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Yellow hurts. Red (electricity) hurts not. The yellow arrows give extra Double Jumps. To unlock the exit to the right, you must push the crate onto the button.

Jumper is a series of Nintendo Hard Freeware Game platform games by Matt Thorson. This would introduce his style of ultra challenging platforming that would be seen in most other games that he could make.

Jumper tells the story of an escaped experiment named Ogmo. In the year 1888, scientists began a project to create the ultimate soldier, Ogmo being one of those experiments. But he was unfinished as the labs were abandoned during World War I. Now, in the year 2004, Ogmo awakens and must escape the lab. It was later re-released as Jumper Redux, which feature both the original levels and an entirely new (and harder) set of levels with improved graphics.

In the second game, Ogmo is being hunted by an unknown businessman that wants to use him to Take Over the World. This game also introduced inertia and friction, allowing for new cool tricks like wall jumping or skid-jumping. The third game has Ogmo searching for a new home on a planet millions of miles away after leaving Earth in a rocket ship. Currently, there are plans for a fourth game in the series, but as of now it's in Development Hell.

There's also Matt's favourite fangame: Jumper: The Opposing Forces, about two other experiments being sent to kill Ogmo, as well as a fan-made Jumper 2 Redux which was going to be an Adaptation Expansion to Jumper Two, but now remains incompleted.

Ogmo recently appeared in Super Meat Boy, as a playable character. There's even a friendly jab at him if you select his player icon, which, due to his similar design to Meat Boy, ironically puts him as a "Rip-off". (Jumper was released before Meat Boy...)

Has no relation to the book/movie Jumper.

The Jumper series provides examples of:

  • AI Is a Crapshoot: The Ogmobots in Jumper 2. They suck at world conquest, but they easily take down the more advanced Evilbots that the boss built. At least in cutscenes.
  • Abandoned Laboratory: Near entirety of the first Jumper.
  • All There in the Manual: The only piece of information about that boss from the first game can only be found in Matt's later colaboration, Dim.
  • Alternate History: Experiments on creating artificial life-forms have begun in 1888, and there are also (somewhat) functional robots in 2004.
  • Art Evolution: Look at Jumper Three and compare it to the first two games in the series.
  • Benevolent Architecture: If anything, Mt. Hap-Hazard isn't as Malevolent Architecture as it seem, as it has a lot of stuff designed to let Ogmo get through easier.
  • Big Damn Fire Exit: The last sector in Jumper Two.
  • Boss Battle: The last level of Jumper. It can be surprising, considering it's also the only boss in the game.
    • The second game had four of them.
  • Bottomless Pits: That's assuming there's nothing else lethal for Ogmo to land on.
  • Captain Obvious: The default help-block message in Jumper Two Editor:

 Tip: Don't die.

 The Boss: "Did you fill the hallways with nonsensical, lethal yet vaguely passable obstables?"

Lackey: Yes, and we have all the standard electricity, Spikes of Doom and fireballs in position."

  • Difficulty Spike: Can start as early as Sector 2 for the first two games, and it gets worse.
  • Directionally Solid Platforms: Variants of them appear in the Jumper 2 Editor. They're invisible until Ogmo passes through them. There are also platforms which can be passed from below in Jumper 3.
  • The Dragon: Gostbot in Jumper Two.
  • Dream Land: Sector 4 in Jumper Two.
  • Double Jump: Ogmo's primary ability.
  • Easy Mode Mockery: In Jumper Two, selecting the easy difficulty will add checkpoints, but the gems and fastest times will be disabled, both of which unlock content necessary for One Hundred Percent Completion.
  • Eternal Engine: Sector 6 in Jumper Two.
  • Escape Sequence: Stage 5-5 in Jumper Two.
  • Escort Mission: 10-2 in Jumper Two, sort of. You and Gostbot will need to work together to escape the room. However, it's not really Gostbot that's the concern, it's you, since you have to do most of the work.
  • Exactly What It Says On the Tin
  • Excuse Plot: In the first game, escape the lab and the National Science Institute when you're captured by them. In Jumper Three, it's searching for a new home on a new planet. Averted in Jumper Two.
  • Fake Difficulty: Some, only some gems in Jumper Two are cheaply hidden behind hidden passages. Otherwise, it's inverted. Hard.
  • Fake Trap: One stage in Jumper Two has one.
  • Final Exam Stage: 7-3 is basically 3-4 (an earlier That One Level) made even more difficult.
  • Floating Platforms
  • Free-Fall Fight: Stage 9-5 of Jumper Two.
  • Gainax Ending: Jumper Two. After Ogmo and Gostbot defeat The Boss, Ogmo will land on the ground, and the last thing you'll see is him next to an Ogmobot that's impaled on a stalagmite. An eariler version of Jumper 3 was supposed to continue from that point and explain things, but Matt went in a different direction.
  • Gambit Pileup: In Jumper Two, the Conductor's kidnapping of Ogmo clashes with the Boss'.
  • Giant Space Flea From Nowhere: the Final Boss of Jumper; it's a green airplane. It's status as this is further cemented by it being the only boss to appear in the game.
  • Goomba Stomp: Ogmo can bounce from cannonballs, and he will depend on it.
    • It's also how you defeat the Evilbots and other enemies in Jumper: Opposing Forces.
  • Green Hill Zone: The first sector in Jumper Three.
  • Gusty Glade: Sector 7 in Jumper Two.
  • Hand Blast: The Boss from Jumper Two attacks by shooting red (which you must avoid) and blue (which you must reflect) energy balls from his hands.
  • Have a Nice Death: Unlocking and enabling "Taunt Mode" in Jumper 2 will cause the game to insult you every time you let Ogmo die.
  • Heel Face Turn: Gostbot in Jumper Two.
  • Heroic Mime: Ogmo. When the boss tries to talk to him, he says nothing.
  • High Altitude Battle: the Boss Battle of Sector 7 in Jumper, though every stage in 7 take place in the clouds.
  • An Ice Ogmo: Blue Ogmo in Jumper Three. He slips around like hell, but he can create platforms to cross pits.
  • Interface Spoiler: Jumper Two's unlockables menu blatantly spoils the existence of "secret" levels. Chances are that you will see said menu long before finishing the last sector (one requirement for secret stage 1. The other is getting total record time below certain threshold.)
  • It's All Upstairs From Here: The last two sectors in Jumper Two.
  • Joke Character: The Grey Ogmo in Jumper Three.
  • Jump Physics: Adding inertia and friction, you can now do Wall Jumps and Skid Jumps since Jumper Two.
  • Kaizo Trap:
    • 6-3 in Jumper Two. If you don't trigger that falling spike before climbing up to the exit, you're doomed as you won't hit the switch and escape in time.
    • Also, during the Final Boss Even after you hit Gostbot with three blue balls, you need to wait a few more seconds for him to get into position while having to dodge Princess and Upside and the red energy balls. Woe to you if you die before the cutscene triggers...
  • Lava Pit: Found in...
  • Lethal Lava Land: Sector 4 in Jumper Three.
  • Level Editor: The first two games and Jumper: Opposing Forces came bundled with one.
  • Levels Take Flight: The final sector of Jumper One takes place on a plane (if you can call it a plane at all) from which Ogmo must escape, as usual.
  • Locomotive Level: Sector 3 in Jumper Two.
  • Malevolent Architecture
  • Meanwhile Scene
  • The Mole: Princess and Upside in Jumper Two. They turn out to be spies sent by the Boss to catch Ogmo, but the Conductor screws up the plan.
  • Musical Spoiler: 7-5's theme is much different than Sector 7's usual theme; that's because it's the Final Boss.
  • Nice Hat: You can buy these in Jumper Three's sector 2-5, alongside Cool Shades and a Bedsheet Ghost.
  • Nintendo Hard: on so many levels.
    • While it is hard, it's not an example of Platform Hell as some might call it. It is quite hard, but fair.
  • Noob Cave: Sector 1 in the first game.
  • Nostalgia Level: In Jumper Two, Sector 8 has 5 annoying difficult levels from the first Jumper game, slightly altered with the new Jump Physics in mind.
  • Numbered Sequels
  • One-Hit-Point Wonder
  • Playing Tennis With the Boss: Played straight and subverted in Jumper Two. When you first face The Boss, you'll need to dodge spikes and his red energy balls while hitting the blue energy balls at him. When you face him for the second time, it's now on a platform with Princess and Upside, and when you hit a blue ball, it hits Gostbot instead so you can encourage him to attack the final boss.
  • Platform Battle: Jumper, 7-5.
  • Retraux: Jumper Three
  • Sequel Difficulty Spike: Jumper Two. The third game is a Sequel Difficulty Drop.
  • Shock and Awe: The Conductor in Jumper Two. He also controls a train.
  • Spike Balls of Doom
  • Spikes of Doom
  • Slippy-Slidey Ice World: Sector 7 in Jumper Two and Sector 3 in Jumper Three.
  • Super Soldier: Ogmo was made with this in mind, but was abandoned halfway through developement during World War I. Even then, he's very good at jumping and is The Ageless, which the Boss wants to exploit to make his own army of Ogmo-bots.
  • Temple of Doom: First sector in Jumper Two. Sector 2 in Jumper Three.
  • Temporary Platform: The blue ones fall shortly after Ogmo lands on top; jumping from one while it's dropping uses your Double Jump. Jumper Two Editor also includes red ones that break right under your feet.
  • Updated Rerelease: Jumper Redux, a remake of the first Jumper, released 1 year later.
  • Violation of Common Sense: Some gems in Jumper Two require you to have close brushes with death. For example, in 3-4, you need to collect a blue gem that's near the train tracks, and falling off the train kills you.
  • What Could Have Been: Jumper Three was going to be the last game in the series, taking place at an amusement park. There where going to be more bosses, a lives system, and 20 different forms Ogmo could transform into by collecting vials.
  • When All Else Fails Go Right
  • A Winner Is You: Jumper and Jumper Three rewards you with a screen counting all your deaths throughout the game... and nothing else.
  • Yellow Lightning, Blue Lightning: Yellow one is present.
  • Your Princess Is in Another Castle: In Jumper, after you escape the lab, the National Science Institute captures you to administer tests and puts you onboard a plane.