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Birth By Sleep page here.

358 Days Over 2 page here.

Dream Drop Distance page here.

 Marluxia: So you only eliminated Vexen to gain proof of our plan...

Axel: THAT I didn't want to do, but it WAS your order. *summons weapons*

Marluxia: Oh... *says this while smiling in confidence*

Axel: Remember the order... "You must eliminate the traitor..." I always follow orders, Marluxia.

      • Remember during their fight?

 Axel: The Organization's betrayed, in that name I will annihilate YOU.

Marluxia: Er... That line's not you.

Axel: Heh-heh. Well, had to try it once, you know.

    • "You really do remember me this time? I'M SO FLATTERED."
    • The way he offs Vexen in Re: Chain of Memories.

 Axel: "I came to stop you from talking too much, by eliminating your existence."

Vexen: "No! Don't do it!"

Axel: "We are just Nobodies who have no-one to be, yet we still are. But now you can be nothing, instead of just being a Nobody. You're off the hook."

Vexen: "No! Please don't! *whimper* I don't want to-"

Axel: "Goodbye." *Immolates Vexen with snap of his fingers*

Sora: *winces*

      • The Japanese version of this scene contains, more or less, the same dialogue, but the feel of it is pure win. And the GBA script...

 Axel: "NOW you can tell me I don't respect my elders." as mentioned above and

Axel: "I'd rather not fight you... but I do have a reputation to think of!"

    • And then there's 358/2.

 Xion: "Don't hold back, Axel. Promise?"

Axel: "...WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM?! You both... think you can do whatever you want... well, I'm sick of it. Go on, you just keep running! But I'll always be there to bring you BACK!"

    • Once again, Quinton Flynn shows how awesome he is. Do Disney and Square Enix get a Moment of Awesome for picking Flynn as Axel's voice actor?
  • Roxas in the intro of Kingdom Hearts II. The entire intro, he's been having enough trouble using the Keyblade as it is, and is using the same three-hit combos Sora did in the first game. Doesn't help we have no idea who the guy is at this point. Then he duels Axel, who gives the "I'm SO FLATTERED" Moment of Awesome above. Roxas responds by pulling out two Keyblades, becoming the first person in the series to use two at once, and becomes a spinning maelstrom of destruction with long, powerful multi-hit combos that can drain a third of a health bar.
  • Mickey Mouse, of all people/rodents, took a page out of Yoda's book in Kingdom Hearts II. This troper was actually hoping he was in Super Smash Bros Brawl.
    • When Goofy "dies" and Mickey says "They'll pay for this," the way he throws off his cloak and gets his keyblade is so epically awesome it's hard to describe.
  • As discussed below, Auron of Final Fantasy X fame is awesome in the game he first appeared in, and continues this streak in KHII. Perhaps the best moment is, right after being brought to life by Hades, he proceeds to tell the big guy off:

 Auron: This is my story -- and you're not a part of it!

    • Made even more poignant for Final Fantasy X fans, who remember that one of Auron's mantras was "This is your story," speaking of Tidus and Yuna.
    • It doesn't end there. Hades, understandably torqued, tells Auron "Do you know who you're talking to? I am the LORD OF THE DEAD!" Auron just smirks and says "No wonder nobody wants to die." Truly, Auron is more Badass in death than most are in life.
  • At Hollow Bastion, when fighting the gigantic army of Heartless, the interaction between Cloud and Leon shows just how awesome they both are:

 Leon: Think you can handle this many?

Cloud: Well... Might be tough if one more shows up.

Leon: Then that'll have to be the one I take care of.

Cloud: What, you're fighting too?

  • The whole Battle of Hollow Bastion in KHII is pretty good, but Sora charging an entire army of Heartless, Keyblade ready, gives its name to The War Sequence and is full of absolute win.
    • This troper maintains that it would have been cooler and that much more awesome if they had kept the original idea, even if it would be Nintendo Hard with the two Behemoth-like Heartless.
      • It'd still probably be less frustrating than Demyx, especially if you had Donald and Goofy's help. And oh, hell yes, it would have been awesome.
      • One must also consider the limitations of the hardware. Having one thousand enemies on screen at once was an impressive feat, but having to run 10 different AI's would likely have been too much for the system to handle.
      • Actually, there weren't really one thousand Heartless on the screen at one time. The way it worked was that if an enemy gets out of a particular range, it would go into some sort of moving "background" to make it look like there were that many there. In reality, there'd be, oh, maybe a hundred or so at a time around you. Doesn't mean it reduces the awesome, though.
      • The full picture actually had flying aviator heartless at the top, too. That's even more awesome.
      • Actually, the whole thing is one Moment of Awesome for popular demand. The game's creators intended that whole scene to be a cutscene, but there was such excitement at the idea of playing that fight when the trailer was unveiled that they HAD to make it playable.
  • Riku's declaration of "walking the Road to Dawn" at the end of Reverse/Rebirth. All the preceding tediousness of that story mode, not to mention the biggest That One Boss of the game (Riku Replica in Twilight Town) was almost made up for with that moment.
  • Kairi jumps off a balcony to help Sora and is completely unharmed by it! To hell with getting her own keyblade afterwards, THAT was her Moment of Awesome.
    • Well, that keyblade event was pretty nifty though....
      • Kairi restoring Sora to human form by hugging him when he's a Heartless. You can say it's cheesy if you want, but had that not happened, the story would be over, with Ansem[1] victorious and the universe screwed. With that considered, it's one of the most awesome hugs this troper's seen. Doubles as a Heartwarming Moments.
      • Heartless Sora in general, once you think about it. His heart was so powerful even the power of absolute darkness couldn't suppress him. This is an achievement only the Big Bad was ever willing to previously make, showcasing just how well-suited Sora is as The Hero.
      • Oh come on now, no listing of Kairi examples on this page would be complete without mentioning that she wrote the "One Sky, One Destiny" poem. If that wasn't awesome enough as it were, the poem actually saves Sora and Riku from death by darkness at the end of Kingdom Hearts II, as it restores the hope in Sora's heart, which opens a doorway out of the realm of darkness into the realm of light. Cue Happy Ending.
      • This troper considers that poem a Moment of Awesome for Disney/Square Enix, for referencing it in the FIRST Kingdom Hearts. Seriously, bust out your PS 2, stick in KH, and wait a while on the title screen. A cutscene starts playing, featuring the poem at the beginning and an orchestral version of Simple And Clean/Hikari. Same thing happens in Kingdom Hearts II.
  • The last and second-to-last battles really are Riku and Sora's Moments of Awesome, especially the part where Sora beat Xemnas senseless dual-wielding his and Riku's keyblades..
    • Not to mention a level of physics-defying action that, even in Square Enix games, is usually only seen in cutscenes.
    • Sora and Riku reflecting the seven zillion lasers that Xemnas threw at them right before that.
      • And before that, cutting buildings in half and throwing them at Xemnas. Really, the whole multi-fight sequence was just one Crowning Moment after another.
  • Before that boss fight, there was Sora in his solo fight against Xemnas, where he pulls a Roxas and RUNS UP A SKYSCRAPER (and depending on the proper use of action commands) proceeds to KICK ASS.
  • The Beast gets one in the second game, after Sora talks him out of having a pity-party for himself:

 Beast: I know one thing... This is my castle! Xaldin will never be welcome here!

    • And then Belle proves her awesomeness by elbowing Xaldin in the solar plexus, taking the rose, and running.
    • Beast's entire script in Chain of Memories is one big Moment of Awesome.
      • Hell, Beast's entire presence in the original Kingdom Hearts was a huge Moment of Awesome. With your party members temporarily leaving and you stuck without your weapon, the Beast is truly a lifesaver. Which only adds to the fact that he was only there to help in the first place because he ripped his way through the dimensions through sheer force of will.
  • In the first game, Sora's speech, just before getting his keyblade back from Riku, was pretty awesome. He knows that the guy could kill him with a single hit of this baby, but he keeps standing there, saying something along the lines of: "I know now I don't need the Keyblade. I've got a better weapon. My heart." Probably, the keyblade thinks the same as him, since that speech actually "persuades" it to ditch Riku and return to Sora.
    • I found that to be possibly the worst scene in all of Hollow Bastion, but Sora stabbing himself with the Dark Keyblade to get Kairi's heart back was awesome.
      • And he gives Donald and Goofy a reassuring grin. He stabs himself in the chest and his biggest concern is his buddies worrying.
  • Let's not forget that, moments before Sora's speech, Goofy and Donald Duck who had been ordered by King Mickey to follow the Key Bearer, which was Riku at that time, wholeheartedly turned against Riku to protect Sora. The high point of the moment is when Riku throws a Dark Firaga against an unarmed Sora, and Goofy immediately jumps in from of him, blocking the fire with his shield.
    • Goofy's shield, by the way, is barely the size of Riku's fireball.
    • The Goofster's lines net him some bonus points.

 Goofy: Sora ain't gonna go anywhere!

Riku: You'd betray your king?

Goofy: Not on your life! But I'm not gonna betray Sora, either, 'cause he's become one of my best buddies after all we've been through together.

  • "There's no way you're taking Kairi's Heart!" This moment, for me, was the most awesome moment in the first KH game.
  • A tad meta, but the FMVs at the start of Sora's story and at the end of Reverse/Rebirth in Chain of Memories could be considered a Moment of Awesome for the Game Boy Advance. These are full-blown FMVs, at least PS 1 quality, with character models that could almost have been taken directly from the other Kingdom Hearts games. All this from the equivalent of a slightly more powerful hand-held SNES with poorer sound quality.
    • Videos do require far less rendering than 3D graphics (this is why Myst was created.)
      • Still, it's something other games at the time couldn't boast.
  • Most people think Naminé's a wussy little girl. They tend to forget that despite threats, isolation, and manipulation, she managed to stand her ground in the face of Larxene and Marluxia. Then in the second game, she slips under the radar and helps Roxas regain his memories while piecing together Sora's, eludes capture and extermination from two separate parties throughout most of the course of the game, busts Kairi (and Pluto) out of prison, and did all of the above while being the only character lacking the advanced skills of her fellow nobodies OR a keyblade.
  • Most Reaction Commands in Kingdom Hearts II are basically designed to make you go wow, that was awesome.
    • Here, see some for yourself.
    • The "Slicer" reaction command in the first part of the 4-part final battle, it makes Sora cut through a rising wall of skyscrapers, cutting each one into SIX PIECES!
  • Demyx, of all people, gets one in his second encounter with Sora, Donald, and Goofy. At first, he acts like The Ditz that he has been while the heroes treat him more like an annoyance than an actual threat. It is then when they resolve to rub salt in the wound by telling him that he has no heart, that Demyx snaps, telling Sora to shut the hell up and summoning his sitar in a incredibly epic fashion. Cue one of the hardest boss fights in the game. This moment was the only one in the whole game in which This Troper was grinning all the while getting his ass handed over to him. Wow, Demyx.
    • Why the f**k do they continue to say he's weak in the journals and stuff? I beat frickin' SAIX more easily than that guy!
      • I beat fricking XEMNAS more easily than that guy!
      • I beat frickin SEPHIROTH more easily than that guy! Okay... I didn't... but you get the idea.
      • That interactive scene during the fight where Sora is behind Demyx... if you screw up, Demyx smacks you out of the spotlight with his sitar.
      • Awesome in another way to this troper who when he first saw Demyx thought 'Why am I fighting David Bowie?'
  • Larxene never really impressed this troper while he played "Chain of Memories." Then came the 3D remake, in which Larxene kicks Sora to the ground martial-arts style, in both of her encounters with Sora. Sure, it's a nigh-literal example of Kick the Dog, but damn it, she LOOKS so good doing it!
  • Jack Skellington in the first game certainly qualifies. Most other worlds live in fear from the Heartless. When they start to appear in Halloween Town, Jack tries to find a way to control them to use them in his Halloween celebration! Some people run and hide from the Heartless - Jack wants to dance with them!
    • And when he got the message that the Heartless are in an alliance with his death enemy Oogie Boogie, he proceeded to rip them apart with his bare, boney hands alone.
    • Don't forget that technically, he, along with most of Halloween Town's residents, are not "living" and don't have the literal heart that the heartless are looking for. The only people in the town who were under any threat by them were Lock, Shock, and Barrel, and this troper isn't entirely convinced they're human either. The heartless probably thought that Jack was one of them and went along with his antics for fun. Which makes him even more awesome for controlling heartless by entertaining them.
  • Might not count for just being Hi-Res cutscenes, but the Another Side, Another Story: Deep Dive and Birth By Sleep secret endings were just awesome. The first showcases Roxas the Dual-Wielding One-Man Army tearing through an army of Heartless, with Oathkeeper and Oblivion in glorious Hi-Res. The second is a pretty cool swordfight, but is truly awesome because it's basically a glorified magic-fest with both sides firing spells flashier than Sora could ever hope to pull off without his Drive forms (directed Keyblade tornado anyone?) The magic spells are made that much cooler by being in Hi-Res. Both are extreme cases of Cutscene Power to The Max.
  • Though most of what she did in the first game was behind the scenes, for this troper, Queen Minnie had a crowning moment in the second game with her "Faith" attack. That attack was so useful! It looks epic, too.
  • Maleficent letting the Nobodies attack her to give Sora, Donald, and Goofy some time to run away. And promising that We Will Meet Again. She'd been going against them the whole time, and then that. Makes up for hanging around with Pete quite nicely.
    • Hey now, Pete himself gets to be Badass along with her when they pull a "Bad Guys Do the Dirty Work" moment in the final world. A huge swarm of Heartless is headed their way, and Pete yells "Bring 'em on!" before he and Maleficent rush into battle.
    • Also, Riku, er Ansem, er Xehanort may have initiated it, but Maleficent becoming a dragon and That One Boss is both a crowning moment for her, and for Sora and co. when they finally defeat her.
    • She also turns into a dragon of her own will in Birth By Sleep, complete with her "All the powers of HELL!" line from the original movie.
      • And then there's Maleficent breaking the digital Sora's keyblade in Coded.
    • No mention of how she apparently possessed Terra?
    • She was this troper's favorite boss in the first game.

  "Meteors of heaven, unleash thine fury!"

  • In coded, Donald and Goofy turn Sora's speech from the first game back around in reference to data Sora, declaring that he is their power and they're his. Data Sora follows this up with his own crowner, when he manifests a real keyblade from nothing but sheer will and The Power of Friendship.
  • Also in Coded, Mickey proving that he hasn't lost any of his edge by wiping the floor with Sora's Heartless's minions. Yes, it's somewhat mitigated by him, Donald, Goofy, and Jiminy getting trapped in Mickey's office immediately afterwards, but still.
  • Pumbaa gets a quick one in the second game. On the second visit to Pride Lands, the ghost of Scar is haunting the land. While Timon is off getting Simba, Sora, and the others, Pumbaa is seen standing defiantly in front of Nala and staring down Scar's ghost alone in an attempt to protect her. Granted, he's shaking like a leaf and likely wouldn't have been able to do much, but it's still a pretty awesome moment.
  • Tifa willingly taking on Sephiroth. One woman. Bare-handed. Against a guy who habitually carries a ten-foot-long katana.
  • Riku Replica gets an incredibly awesome Big Damn Heroes moment towards the end of the game.

 Marluxia: "Once Namine breaks your heart, you can be remade more to my liking. You will become an empty shell... just like... Vexen's pathetic imitation of your Riku."

Riku Replica: "TAKE ANOTHER GUESS!!" *burst out of a Corridor of Darkness and nearly hits Marluxia*

  1. actually Xehanort's Heartless