Minimonsters/Tear Jerker

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

Even in a comic full of hilarious hijinks, there's some sad moments sprinkled in-between:

El Veneno de Porcelana (Porcelain Poison)

  • There's also a moment that marks Victor as a Jerkass Woobie: He has been trying to get Rattus Sapiens's plan to kill off the entirety of Villa Susto to succeed, which would make him absolutely despicable. However, he does this because he's just that desperate to go back home, and as he himself admits, his estance in Villa Susto has been less than pleasant, which is understandable to an extent why he doesn't give a crap about the town. He even breaks down crying after Frank (unintentionally) sabotages his plan to go back home. Anyone who would go to those lengths just to return to his normal life speaks volumes about how miserable Victor is, and how much he suffers for the whole "moving to a completely different lifestyle" experience.

El Perfeccionator (The Perfeccionator)

  • This album introduces Henrietta, who quickly establishes herself as a Broken Bird in her introductory scene by crying in front of Frank's house. It gets worse once known why she was crying: She has a Super Powered Evil Side obsessed to take permanent control, and has to drive people away in order to get them safe. Add the fact she's an extremely Ill Girl who has been confined in her house most of her life, and you have possibly the greatest woobie of the entire series.
  • Frank's entire Break the Cutie process: he gets teased for his physical appearance, gets rejected by the girl he just fell for (which wasn't even the real her, but her Super Powered Evil Side), suffers a serious emotional breakdown (and gets teased for it), and just when he was recovering by making the titular Perfeccionator to boost his self-confidence, this invention gets used by the Big Bad for her evil plans. At the end of the story, you just want to give him a hug.
    • A particularly heartbreaking part is the reveal of his Inferiority Superiority Complex: He tries to keep his insecurities over his physical appearance under wraps due to him being The Leader of the Frank's Gang and finding solace in his invention skills (which, to make things worse, is a Bungling Inventor). This complex is played completely straight, and this quote shows how low his self-esteem really is:

Frank: *witnessing Henrietta* A girl? Why is she crying?
Henrietta: Is a horrible monster!
Frank: ...for me.

  • In the climatic fight, Frank tries to get Lupo to wake up and rescue them to stop Miss Hit. Unfortunately, Lupo wakes up too late to prevent Miss Hit for using the Perfeccionator, seemingly "killing" Henrietta as a result. Frank's Big No and subsequent sobbing is just hard to watch. As if things couldn't get any worse than they were...
    • Thankfully, it turns out Henrietta is still alive, but still...
  • Miss Hit's Alas, Poor Villain moment at the end. Frank uses the truth mirror, and realizes that, no matter what she does, Henrietta is her true self. She becomes completely unresponsive (a far cry from her usual attitude) before Frank uses Piruja's potion to get Henrietta back. It gets worse when thinking about it: Miss Hit has been obsessed to become her own person instead of a "weakling" like Henrietta, and has been in deep denial about it. When confronted with the truth, Miss Hit is unable to process it properly, leading to the above-mentioned BSOD. And since Miss Hit is Henrietta's negative side, she may be as well the walking personification of Henrietta's self-hate! That's right, folks: Henrietta is such a Woobie, her Super Powered Evil Side is a Jerkass Woobie.

Historias Para No Dormir

  • While the third album is largely comedic, in the "Lupo y sus Hermanos" (Lupo's Siblings) story, we get a peek on Lupo's home life. It shows his family is very poor, with his parents and older siblings (who are teenagers, by the way) busy working. Lupo is stuck taking care of his little siblings and has to reject his BFF Momses' offer to play with him. Keep in mind Lupo is a kid/preteen. Is comparatively minor to other tearjerkers mentioned in this page, but qualifies for people who were/are in a similar situation.
    • Luckily for him, Momses' decides to help him in taking care of them. Aww, how touching.

El Partido de Calabacesto

  • Victor revealing his Face Heel Turn to the Frank's Gang, starting with him rejecting their team's uniform. True, it wasn't a pretty uniform to begin with, but it's still quite the Kick the Dog.

El Cazador de Monstruos & Extras

  • When told about the Snow Mandrake, Henrietta wants to use it to forget Miss Hit. That already is bad enough, but the reason why she wants to forget it? She wants to stop hurting her Love Interest Frank. Just... ouch.
    • Made worse that, in the end, Henrietta not only doesn't forget her, but Miss Hit knocks out Frank, with Henrietta profusely apologizing for it. The kid just can't win, really.
  • An In-Universe example is present in the "Stephanie Queen" story, when Gus explains the plot of his mom's latest novel, "The Curse of the Scarecrow". It follows the typical horror movie plot of "monster who goes haywire scaring humans, with said humans defeating him once and for all", but from the minimonsters' perspective, it's the tragic tale of a friendly monster who got cursed and wanted to play with the humans, only for said humans to capture and ultimately kill him. Piruja, Mienai and Mr. Abra end up in tears.


  • The ¡Dibus! magazine's cancellation, meaning there will be no more Minimonster comics, is this for most people. While Word of God allegedly confirmed he's still working with the series, the fact many years have passed and the comic was Left Hanging when the magazine was cancelled is quite the downer for most fans, at least until the "Todo Minimonsters" collection was released years later.
  • The collection had a lot of interesting characters and planned stories that never came to fruition due to said cancellation. Unless he plans to continue publishing, this truly marks the end of a promising comic series.