Mobile Fighter G Gundam/YMMV

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

  • Broken Base: Everything about G Gundam is just polarizing in itself. Gundam Purists denounce it as a "super-cheesy fantasy that was inspired by Street Fighter and doesn't deserve to be called a proper Gundam series" while the more open-minded casual fans consider it "creative, hilarious, and widely innovative in may ways."
  • Crazy Awesome: Everything in the whole show can count as this.
  • Crosses the Line Twice: All the ethnic and national stereotypes probably would've been more offensive if the series wasn't so over-the-top and silly.
  • Die for Our Ship:
  • Ensemble Darkhorse:
    • Hans Holgar from Neo Denmark. He's got a fish-shaped Gundam, but his smarts and and VERY good looks have given him a special place in the fans's hearts
    • Master Asia's horse and gloating platform Fuunsaiki.
    • Neo Holland's Nether Gundam a.k.a. Windmill Gundam shows up a lot when people are describing the series.
    • And Kyral Mekirel, Handicapped Badass Grandpa.
    • In Japan, Mandala Gundam is fairly popular... evidently due to its especially bizarre design (this backfired when G Gundam toys were released stateside: Mandala Gundam action figures were always the ones left hanging on the shelves).
  • Esoteric Happy Ending: While on the personal level it's happy, on the global scale it may not be as happy as it seems. There's another Gundam Fight coming, though the pilots' resolve to preserve the Earth means that it might not be as ecologically-devastating this time round. Basically, depends whether you think they learned their lesson well enough.
    • The tone of the series and the conversation between Chairman Karato and Dr. Kasshu in the finale seems to strongly imply that they will devise a way to make the system less destructive, especially since Dr. Kasshu himself is now free to have another try at creating something that can restore Earth. And that won't decide to Kill All Humans if it gets a little dinged up on landing.
  • Fashion Victim Villain: Michelo, replete with dark colors and Spikes of Villainy.
  • Fountain of Memes: Goes hand-in-hand with being an Oddball in the Series that runs on Narm Charm.
  • Ham and Cheese: My God, this anime is a mile-high ham and cheese sandwich with the works. And it's glorious. Perhaps even more so with the English dub.
  • Harsher in Hindsight:
    • Blink and you miss it, but the Twin Towers are visible in some of the establishing shots for Manhattan.
    • Andrew's accusation that the report Neo Russia compiled on the accident that killed his wife was a cover-up is a bit painful to hear after the Russian annexation of Crimea and the subsequent information war between it and the West.
  • Magnificent Bastard:
    • Both Prime Minister Wong and Master Asia.
    • Major Ulube Ishikawa is either this or a VERY highly-efficient Smug Snake.
  • Memetic Badass: Master Asia, who could solo the Gundam multiverse. On foot armed only with a sash.
    • Also Domon and Rain as a "Memetic Sweet Couple", only Garrod and Tiffa edge them out slightly in that regard.
  • Memetic Mutation: Pretty much any variation of Domon's Shining/Erupting God Finger attack, due to the ridiculous levels of Narm Charm it exudes.
  • Mexicans Love Speedy Gonzales: Americans Love Chibodee Crocket. He's a Boisterous Bruiser who manages to fit every Eagle Land stereotype imaginable, and his Gundam is a six-shooting cowboy quarterback boxer with a surfboard. He's enormously popular in the United States because he's so damn Crazy Awesome.
    • And Mexicans also love how ridiculous the Tequila Gundam and the Neo Mexico space colony look like.
  • Narm: It's Gundam, there's bound to be a lot of it... but in this case...
  • Narm Charm: ...this show wouldn't be HALF the awesome it is if it was NOT corny and narmy. The narmiest moment was Master Asia declaring he would become: Super Asia.
  • Newer Than They Think: Robot Jox predates this anime by four years and has a similar plot.
  • One-Scene Wonder: Some feel this way about the previous generation of the Shuffle Alliance.
  • Signature Scene: Trapped in flooding ruins, Domon and Master Asia gather up their chi, and proceed to launch a skyscraper into orbit with nothing except sheer Charles Atlas Superpower. It's to the point where it used to be the page picture for Charles Atlas Superpower.
  • So Bad, It's Good: For several fans of the whole Gundam franchise, seeing as how this show is an Oddball in the Series. While there's a sizeable amount of people who enjoyed G Gundam for exactly what it is, there's also quite a few who thought the show was completely ridiculous, and yet love it just as much.
  • Superlative Dubbing: The English dub hams it up so well that many swear up and down it's far more entertaining than the Japanese audio. On top of that, they kept all of the songs intact.
  • Villain Decay: Prime Minister Wong, in rather anvilicious fashion to make way for Urube's last-minute Starscream Gambit
  • Vindicated by History: It was the first alternate universe Gundam series, and to this day is the biggest departure from the usual Gundam fare (barring SD Gundam works), and at the time of its release was very divisive for those reasons. As time went on, it has become one of the most unilaterally beloved Gundam series.
  • What Do You Mean It Wasn't Made on Drugs?: Some of the Gundam designs are freaking surreal. The director himself said that he was giggling while giving a few of them to the animators (at least the Skull and Ashura Gundams have a legitimate excuse: they were sent in by kids in a viewer contest).
  • What Measure Is a Non-Badass?: Rain had the misfortune of falling in love with Domon at the end of the series. Cue the cries of "Rain lost coolness because of that" from the Fan Dumb. Let's not forget that the Fan Dumb consider Rain "inferior" to Allenby due to being more traditionally feminine than she is and for being the Ms. Fanservice, ignoring her multifaceted personality. Not to mention, Rain fully demonstrated that just because she doesn't like to fight doesn't mean she's not good at it, especially after piloting the Rising Gundam to rescue Allenby from DG Cell takeover.