Only Fools and Horses/Characters
Derek Edward "Del Boy" Trotter
- Big Brother Mentor: To Rodney.
- Brawn: To Rodney's Brains.
- Catch Phrase: "He who dares, wins!" and "This time next year, we'll be millionaires."
- Crooked Contractor
- Everything Sounds Sexier in French: Del always tries to wow the crowds with his French, even if he gets it mixed up all the time.
- Guile Hero
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Loveable Rogue
- Never My Fault: Del always blames poor Rodney for his mistakes.
- Nice Hat: His market cap.
- Panicky Expectant Father: In "Three Men, a Woman, and a Baby".
- Papa Wolf: Del is not afraid to protect his family from any incoming jerkasses, as shown in "No Greater Love", "May the Force Be With You", and "Little Problems".
- The Woobie
Rodney Charlton Trotter
- Brains: To Del Boy's Brawn.
- Butt Monkey
- Chew Toy
- Deadpan Snarker
- Dogged Nice Guy
- The Heart
- Embarrassing Middle Name
- Identical Grandson: In the 2003 OFAH Christmas special and final episode "Sleepless in Peckham", Rodney discovers through an old photograph of the 1960 Jolly Boys' Outing that his biological father is not Reg Trotter, but rather gentleman thief Freddie "The Frog" Robdal.
- Straight Man
- The Woobie
Edward Kitchener "Ted / Grandad" Trotter
- Butt Monkey
- Cordon Bleugh Chef
- Nice Hat
- No Name Given: Grandad's first name "Ted" was only revealed in the OFAH book series The Bible of Peckham and the pilot episode of Rock And Chips.
Uncle Albert Gladstone Trotter
- Butt Monkey
- Catch Phrase: "During the war..."
- Dreadful Musician: He certainly isn't the best pianist around, but Mike tolerates his piano playing on the grounds that it prevents people from noticing that the Nag's Head's jukebox has been broken for years.
- Flopsy: In "Hole in One".
- Inflationary Dialogue
- Mike Nelson, Destroyer of Worlds: Albert's sunk every ship he ever sailed on.
- Nice Hat
- Suspiciously Similar Substitute: For Grandad.
Rachel "Raquel" Turner
- Closer to Earth
- Hooker with a Heart of Gold: In the 1988 OFAH Christmas special "Dates", her debut episode. After meeting Del, she gave up this profession after a Stripper Cop Confusion at Albert's birthday party.
- Straw Feminist
- Team Mom
- The Woobie
Cassandra Louise Parry Trotter
- Closer to Earth: To much less of an extent than Raquel, though. She's definitely the more sensible one out of her and Rodney, but Rodney is himself generally more sensible compared to Del Boy, and Cassandra is both insanely career driven and prone to acting like a spoilt brat at times.
- Narm Charm: Though Your Mileage May Vary, so yeah...
- Uptown Girl
Damien Derek Trotter
Joan Trotter, Jr.
Joan Mavis "Joannie" Trotter, Sr.
- Closer to Earth
- Expository Hairstyle Change: Changed her hairstyle four times: the first time was in the pilot episode of Rock And Chips, modelled after Marilyn Monroe; the second time was in the second episode "Five Gold Rings", modelled after Elizabeth Taylor; and the third and fourth times were in the third episode "The Frog and the Pussycat", modelled after Audrey Hepburn and Jane Fonda.
- Informed Attractiveness
- Running Gag: Whenever Del wants Rodney to do something for him, he always brings up what Joannie said to Del on her death bed. This was lampshaded in the fourth season OFAH episode "It's Only Rock and Roll" when Rodney tells Del about a row they had on whose turn it was to go and get the fish and chips, and Del claimed that Joannie said on her death bed, "Send Rodney for the fish."
- Sympathetic Adulterer: Reg is neglectful, crude, abusive, and all too happy to sit at home, watch Joan bring home the bacon and then waste her meagre wages down the pub. Is it any wonder she jumps into bed with Freddie Robdal - debonair and attentive, if somewhat unreliable and immoral - the first chance she gets?
- Too Good for This Sinful Earth: At least, that's what Del claims...
- The Woobie
Reginald "Reg" Trotter
- Domestic Abuse
- Jerkass
- Miles Gloriosus: Del describes him as "a bit of a hard nut" with women and children, but not much bottle when it comes to other men.
Colin "Trigger" Ball
Denzil Tulser
Terrance Aubrey "Boycie" Boyce
Marlene Lane Boyce
- The Ghost: Until "Sleeping Dogs Lie", that is.
- Really Gets Around: Implied: "We all remember Marlene!"
Tyler Boyce
Mike Fisher
Mickey Pearce
- Jerkass: Not to Reg's extreme though.
- Nice Hat
- Small Name, Big Ego
- Smug Snake
- With Friends Like These...
- Cordon Bleugh Chef: Sid himself admits that his food is borderline inedible, and that most of his trade comes from a combination of low prices and a good location next to the Peckham market.
- I Was Quite a Looker: As claimed to have been in the 2003 OFAH Christmas special "Sleepless in Peckham" when looking at himself in the photograph of the 1960 Jolly Boys' Outing.
- Only One Name
DCI Roy "The Slag" Slater
- Butt Monkey: In the first and second episodes of Rock And Chips.
- Dirty Cop
- Smug Snake
- The Unfavourite
Freddie "The Frog" Robdal
- The Charmer
- Explosive Stupidity
- Jerkass Woobie: 99% of the time, the charasmatic-and-knows-it Freddie is aloof, scheming, manipulitive, theiving, bullying and smug. The one or two times he shows genuine emotion can be quite upsetting, however, and his weakness for Joan and Rodney are all the more heart-warming because of it.
- London Gangster
- Meaningful Name
- Smug Snake