The Electric Company/Characters
The (NEW) Electric Company
Hector Ruiz
- Almighty Janitor: He remains useful to the Electric Company, even after he starts running the diner at the beginning of Season 3.
- The Hero
- One Head Taller
- Sibling Rivalry: Among the greatest aversions of all time. Jessica and Hector are not just friends, they are on Bash Brothers level.
- Improbable Use Of A Wordball: In one episode, Hector is chasing Sigmund Scrambler around the neighborhood. He creates a detour sign using a wordball which Sigmund follows, leading him into a dead end.
- Will Not Tell a Lie: Mentioned on the show's page
- Dark and Troubled Past: In one episode, he explains to the rest of the company that he used to be the champion of an annual limerick contest, but was (unfairly) defeated by Manny on one year. He has never entered said contest since.
Jessica Ruiz
- The Lancer
- Series Mascot: She is the favorite Character of the fandom. She also has preformed live with Hector, Manny and Shock, sings the end-of-show rap 90 percent of the time and even interviewed an actor from the original version.
- Shout-Out: Was seen wearing a "Zoom" T-shirt at the beginning of Season 2.
Lisa Heffenbacher
- The Chick
- Cute Clumsy Girl
- Good Is Not Dumb: She is probably the smartest member of the Electric Company.
- Put on a Bus: In season three.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: The blue to Annie's red.
Keith Watson
- Audience Surrogate: We learn the premise of the show along with him.
- The Smart Guy
- Token Black: To the Electric Company, before Marcus showed up.
Marcus Barnes
- Cousin Oliver: The Electric Company is meant for gradeschoolers. Because the original Audience Surrogate hit puberty, the show needed a new one.
- Fourth Ranger
- How Do I Shot Web?: A nice way to sum up his debut. He spends the episode learning to aim word balls properly.
- Jumped At the Call
- My Name is not Marty Farms: Francine calls him this name quite a bit.
- Promotion to Opening Titles
- Spotlight-Stealing Squad
- The Quiet One: He rarely speaks, only beatboxes.
The Pranksters
Francine Carruthers
- Alpha Bitch
- Big Bad: Appears to be the leader of the Pranksters.
- Rich Bitch
Annie Scrambler
- Evil Counterpart: Annie is supposedly this in comparison to Lisa.
- The Napoleon
- Pet the Dog: Sometimes is genuinely helpful ("Bananas"), and quite literally likes dogs ("Pies For Puppies").
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: The red to Lisa's blue.
- Tsundere
Manny Spamboni
- Acrofatic: Averted so very much.
- Evil Is Hammy
- Large Ham
- Mad Scientist
- Robot Buddy: Has one that assists him.
- Mecha-Mooks: The robots he builds for small tasks. Most notably, Count Vacula
- Gadgeteer Genius
Danny Rebus
- Art Shift: A number of animated shorts from Season 3 depict him as a cartoon character.
- Berserk Button: Never break a promise to Danny Rebus; It's just not a good idea.
- Criminal Mind Games: The main use for his powers.
- Hair-Trigger Temper
- Large Ham
- Nice Hat
- Pet the Dog: Sometimes is genuinely helpful ("Oh, Danny Boy"), and quite literally likes dogs ("Pies For Puppies").
- Rebus Bubble: His superpower.
Gilda Flip
- The Dragon: And how!
- Paper-Thin Disguise: Is quite fond of them.
- The Stool Pigeon: This kid tells Francine everything.
- Ascended Fangirl: Towards Francine.