Danny Phantom/Awesome

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  • The end of "The Ultimate Enemy", where Danny performs a My Name Is Inigo Montoya on his evil future self, proceeding to use his new technique to blow away the most powerful ghost he has ever faced. Twice.

 Dan: AHAHAHAHAHAHAAA! Oh, you are such a child! You promised?

Danny: Yes! I! PROMISED!!! (unleashes Ghostly Wail)

Dan: That… power! Ggh! It's not possible! I don't get that power until ten years from now!

Danny: I guess… the future… isn't as set in stone… as you think it is! (unleashes Ghostly Wail again]], slamming Dan through a building)

    • Any time he uses this technique could count.
  • "Secret Weapons" when up against his sister inside a powerful Ecto-Suit that is equal to his power. When it seems she has the clear upper hand, Danny stops her punch with his own palm, then proceeds to lift up the suit over him like a discarded paper towel and bury about ninety percent of it underground. Then he proceeds to talk some sense into her.
  • Samurai Danny or Ninja Danny -- he's been called either one.
  • A rare moment in Danny's life where he battles not in ghost mode, but in his weaker human half by initiating a plan to rescue the town's adults through use of his parents' ghost weapons, tactics, and a team of high schoolers. And succeeding.
  • Outsmarting Vlad in "Maternal Instincts": In order to lure Vlad close enough to put the Specter Deflector on him, Danny lovingly asks Vlad for a hug from his "new dad". Vlad, filled with emotions, obliges, then gets belted. Danny later sicks his own mutant ghost animals on him.
  • "Fright Night": After struggling to hold his own against the all-powerful Fright Knight, he manages to stop his nightmare-riddled sword by performing a Barehanded Blade Block, then chanting the spell to send him back to whence he came. That and throwing a grandfather clock at him at another point. Badass.
  • After sinking deeper and deeper into an Heroic BSOD throughout "My Brother's Keeper" (the ninth episode), he finally finds the confidence and Heroic Resolve to defeat the ghost who's beaten him three times by resisting Spectra's mind games to save his sister. Bertrand attacks Danny as a ninja with a bunch of fancy moves...capped off with a Why Don't Ya Just Shoot Him with his thermos, and shaking the thermos mockingly at Spectra. Then there's this final exchange before Danny tosses Spectra in a dumpster:

 Spectra: You're through!

Danny: And you're done telling me what to do!

  • Danny inside the Ecto-Suit, a Fenton gear that magnifies the user's abilities 100-fold. So Danny vs. army + Ecto Ray = HOLY SHIT BIG DAMN EXPLOSIONS... of Awesome.
    • As well as his ensuing fight with Pariah Dark and when he finally masters the cloning technique. And on that note;

  All four Dannies in unison: Now LEAVE MY TOWN ALONE!

    • The delivery of that line is a Moment of Awesome for David Kaufman, Danny's voice actor. Man, can he yell.
    • A more drawn out moment of awesome: The Ecto-Suit drains Danny's ghost energy at a terrifying rate when he's forced to fight at full power. In the end, when he's well more than 90% dead and straining to hold Pariah Dark in the sarcophagus of forever sleep, he watches his own life readings tick steadily down as he continues to hold it shut. Against a ghost who mopped the floor with Vlad through pure physical strength earlier. Factoring in the fact that he could have phased out of the suit at any time to save his own life, this was definitely a crowning moment of heroism.
  • The last episode where Danny commandeers and pilots the Fenton Jet by himself. Considering he couldn't pilot it prior (despite being able to land a spacecraft), it felt like yet another big leap in Character Development. Plus, it just looked so majestic.
    • Then there's him and the motorcycle. Dang it.
  • "Guess again, cheesehead."
  • One of Danny's most awesome lines comes from "Frightmare" when he's surrounded by an army of Sleepwalkers: "Pay attention, guys! You'll see why I'm not even scared."
  • The Hero Transformation that Dani and Danny did together...yes it was long...but it looked awesome doing it!
  • What? No love for when Danny fights Johnny 13, in his first appearance as a antagonist for Danny? I mean Johnny tried to use Jazz as a vessel for his girlfriend Kitty to take control of the whole episode...not on his watch! Nobody messes around with his big sister!! Danny kicked his butt hard, then sucked him into the Fenton Thermos saying, "But next time...Stay away from my sister."
  • One from that episode with the Amulet of Eragon, which also involves an Incredibly Lame Pun.

 Paulina-As-Dragon: (meaning a fleecy t-shirt) Must have tee!

Danny: (being held in Paulina's claws) Tea? Oh, good thinking. Coffee'll mess with your nerves. Better yet...(goes intangible and slips through her hands, then flies back up and punches her in the jaw) Have some punch!

  • Let's not forget Urban Jungle where Danny used his new ice powers to totally own Undergrowth.

  Danny (glowing blue): Bundle up. It's gonna get chilly. (blasts Undergrowth)

  • From the finale after Danny's powers are restored:

 Danny: You just made a big mistake.

    • Aw. Hell. Yeah.

   Danny: Well gang, there's good news and bad news. The good news? My powers are back. Bad news? My powers are BACK! (unleashes Ghostly Wail)

  • Danny has a realization when Technus infiltrates his video game.

 Danny: Ghost powers? Ugh, I'm such an idiot! Technus used his powers to enter the game, so...why can't I, right?


 Tucker: Dude, don't beat yourself up about this. It 's not your fault.

Danny: ...Maybe not. But it is my responsibility.


Dark Danny

  • His first appearance where he starts tearing down an entire city.
  • This line, delivered after he effortlessly smacks around his Worthy Opponent and has her in his grasp: "I suppose out of respect for our past I should let you live, but that's not how I work."
    • After he invades Valerie and her father's hideout, he quickly greets her, then proceeds to blast them to kingdom come: "Hello, Valerie. And good-bye!"
  • An entire city means squat when you see the destruction outside of Amity Park at the very beginning; it's heavily implied the entire world AND the Ghost Zone has faced his wrath.
  • Verbally tearing down his own parents for their ignorance. It was so satisfying to see some lampshading on the Clark Kent style superhero model, especially in this case as having his own parents after his blood was tearing Danny apart in some episodes.

  Dark Danny: "Hahaha! I am your boy! What kind of parents are you anyway? The world's leading ghost experts and you couldn't figure out your own son was half ghost? Hello, Danny Fenton. Danny Phantom. Ever notice the similarities? Jazz did."

  • The fact that this villain managed to score four Crowning Moments in only one movie/special is enough to constitute another one.
  • Let's make it an even six: Dark Danny gets up again after getting hit with the Ghostly Wail twice in thirty seconds. The same ghostly wail he used to destroy the defenses of an entire city and Danny later uses as his one-hit-KO for pretty much any ghost ever over the course of the series.
    • Partially justified in that Danny was already very drained when he used the attack, but still.
  • And an odd seven: the fact that he was in the middle of an explosion of an entire truck worth of gasoline...and then walked out of it as if it had done absolutely nothing at all to him.
  • Let's make it eight. In the flashback scene where we witness Dark Danny's "birth," the very first thing he does after killing his human half is blow up Vlad's entire mansion and fly away with a horrific grin on his face. Not bad for his first minute of existence.

Vlad Plasmius

  • "Kindred Spirits," when he's thrown back from Danny's extremely powerful ghostly wail. Instead of faltering, he, like the Magnificent Bastard he is manages to get back up and turn ghost without any hint of damage. No doubt he'd have created some serious damage if not for Tucker and Sam's timely rescue.
    • Again, potentially justifiable in the fact that Danny had been through hell that episode and was probably pretty weakened, but agreed.
  • Don't forget the end of "Reign Storm", after his latest Xanatos Gambit comes to fruition:

 Danny: I - I don't understand...

Vlad: What? That I used two fourteen-year-old pawns to turn a knight and topple a king? It's chess, Daniel. Of course you don't understand. But then, you never really did.

  • And the first appearance of his ghost form in "Bitter Reunions", where he spends a good five minutes calmly and eloquently mocking and taunting Danny while beating the ever loving crap out of him.
  • Not to mention how he angrily delivered his badass speech to Danny during "Eye for an Eye": "Even though the apology is a welcome departure from your usual childish arrogance, it belies a greater truth; you had this coming! Trust me when I tell you that your life has just begun to become a relentless nightmare beyond your feeble imagination!" MAGNIFICENT. BASTARD.
  • He gets another one in "Eye for an Eye" when he quickly punches Danny who was on his way to save his father's possession during the election. It's small, but the fact that it came in so damn fast and unexpectedly just crowned another moment of awesome for Vlad.
  • Speaking of "Eye for an Eye" again, how about him overshadowing the entire voter's electorate at once while fighting Danny? I mean each one of those are clones right? So thousands of clones later, he can still hold his own against Danny. Awesome.
  • "Oh, please, Daniel, must I actually defeat you with one hand behind my back?"
  • Driving Danny to ultimately blackmail him in his first episode, achieving his goal of giving the boy a taste of his own darkness -- one that has its own Myth Arc, his entire first appearance is one Crowning Moment of Awesome.
  • Then there's the fact that he [probably] spent oodles and oodles of money to run for mayor just so he can piss off Danny. I think I can safely go on record when I say Vlad just walks this trope.
  • When he sics his little pets on Danny in Maternal Instincts.

 Vlad: I tell you this because I've seen your grades, and know how bad you are at math. I'll give you a five minute head start. The clock is ticking Daniel...and you and your father. Run. * Danny takes off* Get him! * ghost animal mooks go after Danny* 5 minutes, 5 seconds, Oh apparently I'm bad at math too.* cue his Smug Snake grin*

  • After Jazz discovers Vlad's secret lab, she does a victory dance. Cue an angry Vlad Masters who silently crosses his arms until Jazz bumps into him during her moonwalk, knowing full well that Jazz was up to no good no matter how much compliments she throws at him. It was just another crowning moment of magnificent bastardy. Then he brilliantly pits her with her brother, which leads to...


  • ..."Secret Weapons." Three words: "No. Not surprised."
  • Also, in "My Brother's Keeper," giving Spectra a "second opinion" on the Hannibal Lecture she just gave by shooting her in the face with an anti-ghost super weapon.
    • Actually, that whole episode is great. Jazz is a wonderful big sister.
  • Though "Girls' Night Out" didn't represent Jazz well (nor Maddie and Sam), I do give her props that she was the one who created a plan that ultimately beat the baddies, then literally kicked their asses. A perfect combination of brain and brawn.


  • Though usually falling into the role of Bumbling Dad, Jack Fenton got his Crowning Moment of Awesome in the episode "The Million Dollar Ghost" by single-handedly beating up Vlad Plasmius and tossing him into the Ghost Zone

 Vlad: But this can't be! You're an idiot! An idiot!

Jack: That may be-but I'm the idiot who beat you.

    • He later tops that in the series finale after finding that his best friend is a ghost and wants to kill him and steal his wife.

 Vlad: You wouldn't turn your back on an old friend, would you?

Jack: An old friend? No. You? Yes.

  • The episode "Frightmare" not only got Tucker delivering the final blow to the baddie after shutting down his dream-sucking machine, but him diving down to rescue Jazz from falling to her doom; a giant step above what he normally gets on the series.
    • He also has a rescuing moment with Fauxreigner Gregor in "Double Cross My Heart." Not bad for a Techno-Geek.

 Gregor/Elliot: Dude, you saved my life!

Tucker: Yeah, but I despise you now!

  • Maddie Fenton in "Maternal Instincts." Fighting off dozens of ghost animals to protect her son, now that's parenting!
    • With a LIGHTSABER, no less!
    • Maddie gets another one in "Public Enemies," shooting down two ghosts and marking the kills on her absolutely oversized gun with her lipstick while everyone just sorta stares in pure terror.
    • My personal favorite Maddie scene is from the alternate timeline in "Masters Of All Time": "Consider this an annullment!"
  • Sam's Badass Normal moment when she takes down a savage ghost in "Memory Blank" during Danny's momentary power loss.
  • Though she didn't succeed in defeating Dark Danny, the fact that Valerie Gray was the only one in the alternate future to even stand up to him on a daily basis is badass on its own.
  • Orchestrating the entirety of "The Ultimate Enemy" plot could be considered one CMOA for the Dungeon Master Clockwork, but if you have to pick one, one of his most awesome lines has to be telling off the Observants: "Now... care to observe the door?"
    • This quote defines Clockwork's personality to a tee and just makes him all the more awesome:

 "The Observants look at time like they're watching a parade, one thing after another passing by in sequence right in front of them. I see the parade from above; all the twists and turns it might or might not take."

    • Let's face it...Clockwork is a walking...er...floating CMOA. Everything he says and does is awesome! He's not an Ensemble Darkhorse for nothing!
  • All the ghosts in "Reign Storm" gets their crowning moments when they help Danny combat Pariah's army, even Box Ghost! Do not underestimate bubble wraps.
  • Walker also gets one in "Claw of the Wild". When Danny confronts him with a secret plan up his sleeve, it gets temporarily put aside...because Walker whips out the Fenton Thermos unexpectedly and sucks up Danny! I had NO idea that this was coming and the sudden unpredictability and shock made this one of Walker's defining moments of awesome.
    • Lest we forget that he's one of the few of Danny's Rogues Gallery that actually succeeds in his plan against the hero! Through a series of elaborated Xanatos Gambits, Walker by end manages to get Danny to be the most hated ghost in his own hometown. And he already faces that in the Ghost Zone plenty! It takes the rest of the season and the beginning portions of Season Two to get this fixed.
  • The Box Ghost in the future.

 Box Ghost: Beware...

  • I am just watching "Girls' Night Out," and Danny and Jack were also out fishing in it. Skulker brings out a giant lizard ghost which eats Danny. What does Jack do? He uses a fishing rod to swing himself onto the lizard, knocking the hunter off, sprays the sea monster in the eyes with hot cheese, causing it to smash into a rock wall, then Jack takes Danny out of its mouth, and then uses the fishing pole to literally hook the hunter ghost's head by it's chin, taking off his head!
    • As said in the Million Dollar Ghost-episode...NOBODY messes with Jack Fenton's family! Papa Wolf Indeed!
  • Speaking of Ember, her theme song "Remember"--a full three minutes, no less--is awesome itself, and a good aversion of giving musicians informed skill.
  • Ghost Writer: He may have ended the episode in ghost jail (and with an aversion to oranges), but he did manage to teach Danny a lesson. In good, consistant rhyme.
  • Dani's was in D-Stabilized after she came Back From the Dead and owned the Vlad double. First she punched him into the ceiling, them grabbed him by the cape and swung him around into four or five columns and then fired a barrage of ecto blasts from her hands and her feet, a first for the show I may add, and even though Vlad dodged it she came and delivered a knockout punch into the wall.

 Dani: Guess that'll teach him to pick on a defenseless girl!

Valerie: There's no such thing.

  • The purple-backed gorilla gets one in her fights against Skulker in "One of a Kind"
  • Dora the Dragon Ghost Girl has one in "Beauty Marked" where she finally stands up to her Jerkass older brother Prince Aragon.
  • Valerie. Just...Valerie in general. She's single minded and gets led down the wrong path on occasion, but that doesn't change the fact that she's a determined person who sticks to her beliefs -- and is bent on getting revenge on every ghost in existence.
  • Danny and Dani both get a few at the end of Kindred Spirits, in quick succession.

  Dani: YOU are NOT the BOSS OF ME!!!

    • Then Danny destroying the entirety of Vlad's lab and pinning him to the wall ith his Ghostly Wail.
  • Jack and Maddie taking out a circus full of ghosts with lasers all across their jumpsuits by breakdancing. They somehow have perfect aim while doing this. It has zero basis in physics or logic, but it was awesome none the less.