Lost Girls (comics)

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Lost Girls, begun in 1991 and finished in 2006, is Alan Moore's Rule 34 Graphic Novel Crack Fic about characters from Peter Pan, Alice in Wonderland, and The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, drawn by Melinda Gebbie. Set in 1913 to 1914, it concerns the meeting of three women in an Austrian hotel: Lady Alice Fairchild, Dorothy Gale, and Wendy Potter. They quickly become lovers, relating to each other their adolescent sexual awakenings and histories of abuse. They cocoon themselves inside the hotel with the other patrons, engaging in drug-fueled orgies as the outside world erupts into war.

The series contains many references to events and culture of the era. Critical reception upon its release was largely positive, though many were concerned about the portrayal of teenagers and very small children engaged in sexual activity. There was also a copyright dispute in the UK over the character of Wendy.

If you are looking for the novella by Jane Yolen, see Lost Girls. If you are looking for the television series, see Lost Girl.

Tropes used in Lost Girls (comics) include:
  • Adaptational Villainy: Some characters are much darker than in their original stories:
    • The Red Queen from Alice in Wonderland is a sadistic schoolmistress who grooms young girls and succumbs them to a life of drug-induced orgies and even encourages The White Queen to initiate her own daughter in her sordid activities. Meanwhile, the White Rabbit is a child molester.
    • Peter Pan's nemesis Captain Hook is a predatory paedophile who rapes Tinkerbell (possibly to death, as we never see her again). Meanwhile, Peter himself is a sexual deviant who is in an incestuous relationship with his sister and entices young boys into sex games.
    • In this version of The Wizard of Oz, Dorothy's Uncle Henry is her biological father and engages in a sexual relationship with his own daughter.
  • Adapted Out:
    • This re-telling of Alice in Wonderland contains no equivalent for the March Hare, the Cheshire Cat, the Dodo.
    • This version of Peter Pan leaves out Tiger-Lily and her tribe, although Peter does dress Wendy as a Native-American at one point.
  • Anything That Moves: Everybody!
  • Art Shift: Melinda Gebbie draws each of the three protagonists' backstories in a different style. Alice's story is framed with mirror-shaped ovals, Wendy's in tall stained glass window-like apertures and Dorothy's in wide "landscape" oblongs.
  • Ass Shove: Alice describes an occasion where her governess Mrs. Redmond taught her how to play Chess. This led to a sexual encounter where the older woman inserted an ivory pawn into Alice's ass. This left her unable to play Chess.
  • At the Opera Tonight: The final scene of part one is a visit to the opera, which is mostly an excuse for a bizarre, drug-addled initiation of Wendy into the pleasures of homo-eroticism.
  • Author Appeal: Porn and Victorian literature.
  • The Beard: It's implied that Wendy is this to Harold, as their sex life is pretty much dead and the only person that Harold has sex with in the story is Rolf.
  • Big Brother Instinct: Peter's reaction to his sister Annabelle being raped by The Captain is to set a trap for him and murder him with knives in revenge. His enthusiasm for this scares Wendy enough to leave him.
  • Bittersweet Ending: The ladies have opened up to each other and come to terms with their pasts. They part ways at the end, with Alice heading to Switzerland to seek out Monsieur Rouget, Wendy returning to her husband with the implication of spicing up their sex life and Dorothy planning to start a family. Alice says goodbye to her precious childhood mirror as a way of letting go of the past. That said, World War I has broken out and the now-abandoned hotel is ransacked by German soldiers, one of whom breaks the mirror. Plus, Wendy's husband will make ships for the war and Rolf will most likely be called up to fight and possibly die. The story ends with a dead soldier in No-Man's-Land.
  • Black and Gray Morality: Mostly gray but Mrs. Redman and the Captain are definitely portrayed as bad.
  • Blonde, Brunette, Redhead: Alice is the blonde (well, white, but she was blonde as a girl), Wendy the brunette, and Dorothy the redhead.
  • Brainless Beauty: Dorothy loses her virginity to a farmhand whom she describes as attractive, but not very bright. He's the equivalant of the Scarecrow from The Wizard of Oz.
  • Break Them by Talking: Wendy is attacked and almost sexually assaulted by Captain Hook. She reduces him to a crying wreck by confronting him over his fears of ageing - "Children won't realise you're inadequate. You can pretend you're still young, like them, like them, like the clock isn't ticking. That's why you fuck children, why you dye your hair. You're afraid of women. And you're afraid of getting old".
  • Brother-Sister Incest: Wendy and her brothers John and Michael experimented with each other when they were young. Plus, Peter Pan had a sexual relationship with his sister Anabell.
  • Comic Book Fantasy Casting: Melinda Gebbie based the grown-up version of Alice Fairchild on two of her female heroes - Maggie Smith and Germaine Greer. The grown-up version of Dorothy Gale was based not on Judy Garland but on Clara Bow.
  • Composite Character: In the re-telling of The Wizard of Oz, Dorothy's father takes the role of Uncle Henry and the Wizard, while her stepmother takes the roles of Auntie Em and the Wicked Witch of the West.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: Alice's story sees her molested by a friend of her father's at fourteen, taken advantage of by teacher, thrust into sex with strangers, addicted to opium and placed in an asylum.
  • A Date with Rosie Palms: Given that this is a porno comic, people masturbate a lot.
    • After hearing Alice and Dorothy having sex in the next room and being frustrated by her non-existent sex life with Harold, Wendy masturbates in the bath.
    • Dorothy masturbates for the first time while a tornado is passing through her farm and dangerously close to her house. According to her, she didn't know what she was doing, but thought she was going to die, so why not?
    • Alice masturbates in her hotel room before having a conversation with her mirror.
    • In Wendy's flashback, Peter Pan masturbates as he watched her initiate The Lost Boys in sex. She later confessed to masturbating four times later that night before going to sleep.
    • "The Captain" masturbates while watching Peter and Wendy have sex, spreading semen all over her back.
    • During Alice's boarding school days, she would share a bath with her netball team captain and play with herself while soaking the other girl's back.
    • Dorothy implies that Alice masturbated while Dorothy was telling her story on the boat to the island.
    • On the island, Wendy takes opium and masturbates while Alice and Dorothy play sex games.
    • While her husband talks about the situation with Germany, Wendy masturbates to his erotica, later pleasuring herself with a banana.
  • Dead Sparks: Wendy and Harold's marriage is out of convience. Their sex life is dead, there's a twenty-year age gap between them and they have little in common. As a result, Wendy is bored, sexually repressed and frustrated. Her frivolities with Alice and Dorothy make her come out of her shell and the last panel implies that she's going to re-ignite her and Harold's sex life.
  • Deconstruction Crossover: The deconstructive part comes where instead of fantasy tales, they're all converted into similar stories of sexual awakening, often taking place when the girls are quite young and sometimes with family members.
  • Diary: Two chapters are told from Alice's journal. One recounts the premier of Rite of Spring which degenerates into chaos and the other details the trio visiting an island where they have sex and consume opium during Archduke Ferdinand's assassination.
  • Freudian Trio: Alice is the Id (adventurous sexual deviant), Dorothy is the Ego (easy-going and laid-back) and Wendy is the Superego (neurotic and repressed).
  • Get Thee to a Nunnery: Alice recalls that when she revealed the truth of Mrs. Redmond's lesbian activities, Lily, one of her playmates, got sent to a nunnery. She questions how exactly that was supposed to remify lesbianism.
  • Grimmification: The girls' stories are re-told as allegories for the extremely sexual (sometimes abusive) experiences of their main characters. Captain Hook, for instance, is a pedophile who nearly rapes Tinkerbell to death, and Peter grows up to be a prostitute.
  • The Hecate Sisters: Alice is the Crone (the oldest and most experienced of the three), Wendy is the Mother (a literal wife and mother) and Dorothy is the Maiden (the youngest of the three and a naive traveller).
  • Human Chess: The chess game from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is retained, only in this version, once a player has taken a piece, they have sex with them.
  • The Immodest Orgasm: During the premiere of The Rite of Spring.
  • Interrupted Intimacy: The first two occasions Alice and Dorothy have sex are interrupted. The first time they're on opium and Alice is freaked out to see an image of the Caterpiller in Dorothy's vagina. The second time they do it outdoors, only to discover Wendy watching them, much to Alice's irritation. Wendy recalls an occasion where she and Peter Pan had sex, only for The Captain to ejaculate all over her back.
  • It's Not Porn, It's Art: Inverted. Moore describes this as pornography, while critics hailed it for its artistic vision.
  • Lolicon: Alan Moore mentioned in an interview that he doesn't know why people got so worked up about the teen sex. He mentions that when he had his first time, he was seventeen... and was embarrassed because he thought he was late in the game. He also pointed out that teen sex is hardly uncommon in Real Life.
  • May-December Romance: Dorothy is in her twenties, Wendy her thirties, Alice her sixties. Harold even assumed Dorothy is Alice's granddaughter.
  • Naughty Under the Table: At a party, Mrs. Redmond instructed Lilly to sexually please Alice under the table with her foot. This causes Alice to spill the beans on her entire operation.
  • Near-Rape Experience: Wendy returned to the spinney after Annabelle is raped and finds the Captain who chases after her with the attention of molesting her. Wendy fends him off by throwing his fear of ageing in his face.
  • Paedo Hunt: "The Captain" is a paedophile who solicits sex with the underage youths of the Kensington Spinney. When he rapes Annabelle, Peter proposes killing him in revenge. He attacks Wendy, who repels him by calling him out for his actions being a result of his fear of aging.
  • Parental Incest:
    • Dorothy reveals that her uncle is actually her father who takes her to New York under the pretense of seeking psychological help, but he has sex with her repeatedly while they're in the city. Feeling guilty for the pain the affair caused her stepmother, she leaves home to travel the world.
    • Alice attends drug-fuelled lesbian orgies, including Mrs. White and her daughter.
    • Monsieur Rouget's erotica contains incest porn.
  • The Peeping Tom: Wendy is caught watching Alice and Dorothy having sex outdoors. An earlier scene implies that Alice watches Dorothy having sex with Rolf outdoors. In Wendy's flashback, "The Captain" watched her and Peter Pan having sex while masturbating.
  • Porn with Plot: What's interesting is that despite the critical prestige the graphic novel received, Moore not only had no compunctions with it being porn, he insisted that it was porn (not "highbrow erotica") and that the whole intent was to elevate pornography into something that could be artistically and intellectually challenging.
  • Rape and Switch: It's implied that Alice's molestation by her father's friend resulted in her becoming either a lesbian because it made he uneasy around men, a nymphomaniac, or both. She then spent her teen years in an all-girl's school, where the students all had (consensual) sex with one another. And possibly averted, because Alice at the end of the series never stops loving women, she just decides to be open to men as well.
  • Rape as Backstory:
    • Alice's backstory starts with her being molested by a friend of her father's at fourteen. This gives her a lifelong dislike of men and she becomes a lesbian. She later recounts orgies where multiple people have sex with her while she's stoned on opium. She's later raped by the orderlies at an asylum.
    • This almost happens to Wendy when she's caught by the Captain, until she confronts him over his fears of ageing.
  • Remittance Man: Alice is a female example. Her family sent her to run their diamond mine in Africa in order to prevent her from causing any more sex scandals. Given that she managed to have a lesbian affair with her cook, it clearly didn't take. At the start of the story, she sells the mine before heading off to Austria.
  • Right Through the Wall: When Wendy's husband Harold goes to tell Alice and Dorothy to keep quiet, he sees that they're both women and loses his nerve.
  • Screw the War, We're Partying: Alice, Wendy and Dorothy cocoon themselves inside the hotel with the other patrons, engaging in drug-fueled orgies as the outside world erupts into war.
  • Sex Slave: Alice pretty much was this during her time with Mrs. Redmond, being generally treated as a sexual plaything and taken to various drug-fuelled orgies. Alice watches Lily, among many others, abused just as she was.
  • Skinny Dipping: Dorothy does this in a lake while conversing with Alice. Later, Alice and Wendy swim naked in a hotel swimming pool after being in a sauna.
  • Teacher-Student Romance: Alice recounts her time at boarding school and reveal's that she was infatuated with her P.E. teacher Mrs. Redman, who later hired her as a personal assistant and sexual plaything. This leads to drug-fuelled lesbian orgies, until Alice spills the beans and her family has her committed.
  • The Three Faces of Eve: Alice is the Seductress (the one who initiates the sex games), Wendy is the Wife (a literal housewife) and Dorothy is the Child (the youngest and most good-natured).
  • Wicked Stepmother: Dorothy reveals that her aunt was actually her stepmother, who she didn't get on with, even referring to her as a Wicked Witch.